OMG, is Marie DEAD?! (note: not actually dead)

Oct 28, 2011 19:12

Hello friends and dear denizens of the internets~ <3

It's time for a status update from Marie! You've probably been wondering... where the heck has that girl been? Well, here's your answer: busy.
That and, um, having issues.

You see, I have severe shin splints, with the possibility of one or multiple stress fractures, in both my legs. :/
First I was ( Read more... )

marie : i hurted myself, marie : it's marie's life wheeeeee~

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Comments 5

tetsuowl October 29 2011, 02:14:04 UTC
I've discovered my own miraculous ability to limp on both legs at once. ^^

wow! that's quite impressive!!

Please do take it EASY! NO running!!! rest those legs. you need them to carry you everywhere & hopefully to a L'Arc live as well^^



marieciel October 29 2011, 17:52:34 UTC
Yup... I have some serious skill there. ^^ I just sorta hobble everywhere now, hahaha!

Definitely no more running for a while- I'm not even allowed to use the stairs if I have an alternative, nor to walk too quickly. Basically I've been ordered to not move for a while, which in this case I am more than happy to do! ^^
I will make it to a L'Arc live someday!! Even if they have to wheel me there in a cart or something, I don't care! I'm determined, I'll make it, one of these days >:3


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marieciel October 29 2011, 17:55:31 UTC
Trying hard to! I should feel better in no time! As long as I don't have any fractures, I'll be better in a couple of weeks. I'm just going to... not move for a while. ^^

VIRTUAL COOKIES?! *eats* Makes me feel better~ :D

I've missed your capslocky comments, my dear twinnie! <3


plalligator October 29 2011, 21:39:34 UTC
You, uh, already know my extremely coherent thoughts on this, but I'd just like to add that I cringe every time I hear/read this story. It's not good for my nerves, it's really not. As a runner, I know that shin splints are a big deal and, jesus, I don't even want to think about you getting stress fractures because of this. Urrggh. D:

Please feel better and please please please ice it


marieciel October 29 2011, 22:11:48 UTC
Yup, I understand. ^^
They're not very fun... in any way. ^^U I'm trying my best to feel better! And I'm icing it pretty much constantly. That helps a lot. Plus it's supposed to help the swelling and stuff.

Come on now, at least you must have enjoyed the macro~ :D lol
Got to keep thinking positive or else things will just suck more!


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