OMG, is Marie DEAD?! (note: not actually dead)

Oct 28, 2011 19:12

Hello friends and dear denizens of the internets~ <3

It's time for a status update from Marie! You've probably been wondering... where the heck has that girl been? Well, here's your answer: busy.
That and, um, having issues.

You see, I have severe shin splints, with the possibility of one or multiple stress fractures, in both my legs. :/
First I was sick... then I got better. Then I was worse sick... then I got better. And now I'm injured.

So right now, as I did, you're probably thinking

Seriously? What is with my luck these days?!
I think it must be karma- I'm paying for all of those years I never got seriously ill or injured. I've never even broken a bone before- yeah, twisted/sprained things once or twice, but I've never actually done serious damage. And then I never get sick for more than three days... until this year! It's a year of new discoveries for me! ^^U

Want to know the story? Read if you're curious.
So I've been running a lot lately, right? And that's not something I do, usually. I've never found any enjoyment in sports (aside from swimming and badminton ^^) even when I was a really little kid, so therefore, I just never played them unless I was made to. Naturally I'm out of shape (I mean, my weight is fine and everything, I'm just not used to running. At all. Like, I suck.) and running all of the sudden isn't fun. Of course I'm going to get sort of sore, yes? That's to be expected.
Then I got sick, for a week. During that time I could barely move. Suddenly my exercise regimen was put on hold. Then, when I recovered and was well enough to actually haul my sorry ass off the couch, I had to start running again. And I ran a LOT, right away. Of course THIS made me pretty sore, but I did push myself hard.
This is where I made Serious Mistake #1.
I never stopped running. I kept running, and in addition I kept up dance practice (clogging... though not the wooden shoes kind. :3 Appalachian step-dancing, the American folk tradition~! :D) so as a result, I never gave my muscles a chance to rest after wearing them out. Thus, things got worse and worse until I developed shin splints. Which suck in their own right. But of course, I had no idea what was actually happening.
And now we come to Serious Mistake #2.
Every day that I ran, the pain in my legs worsened. It was agonizing. I could hardly walk. I was really upset and beating myself up about it, thinking that it was because I was SO out of shape that my legs got so sore. Like, "Seriously?! I hardly ran at all, and I'm in a lot of pain! Am I really that awful?" So I decided that the logical solution to my supposed morbid-out-of-shape-soreness would be to run more- you know, to get better and more used to the running. The soreness was just part of the sacrifice and the work! I had to be dedicated and keep going! >:3 Reality? I was running on shin splints for nearly two weeks. NOT A GOOD THING.
Usually you're supposed to STOP EXERCISE as soon as you get shin splints. But me being the ignorant me had no idea what these things even were, and thought it was a completely different problem. Which I tried to solve. Because I'm so fail.
Now, because of the fact that I seriously overworked my already messed-up muscles, it's rather likely that I have at least one stress fracture. Walking hurts a lot... thank goodness for Tylenol. ;w; I'm forbidden from using the stairs- if a place has got an elevator, I am to hop on that thing. I can't even walk too quickly- I've caused so much damage already, even if I push it a little to hard at this point I could make it a lot worse. But as far as we know, there is no permanent damage. If I have stress fractures, then they're fairly small and can probably heal on their own with time.
So I've been hobbling around everywhere. I've discovered my own miraculous ability to limp on both legs at once. ^^ Aren't I awesome?

Alright. That's my cool story for the day. ^^ In summary? I'm fail, and therefore have ended up with very painful shin splints and possibly fracture(s).

I will be finishing out the 30 day challenge starting tomorrow, and I'll be back on LJ more often. Promise I won't rant about my #$@%ing painful leg injuries too much more. ^^U Honestly you can fill in whatever word you want there, I just sort of keyboard-smashed symbols. It seemed appropriate. lol ><

What have I been doing to cope?
tetsudaily 'nuff said.
Reading radio translations on minna_genki which have moved me to tears of laughter.
and ice packs. :3
Leader medicine. Yummy yummy banana vibes. ^^ /shameless advertising of favorite comms xD

How are you all? I hope this post finds you well. ^^ Wishing you all the best!

Have a gloriously banana-ful day. <3

~ Marie Ciel <3

marie : i hurted myself, marie : it's marie's life wheeeeee~

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