Greek 3-09 The Wish-Pretzel last scene picspam

Oct 27, 2009 22:45

Last night episode of Greek was great, so so good and I had to make a picspam. Obviously VERY spoilery so if you haven't seen the episode yet, don't click !

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greek, picspam

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Comments 32

unfloopy October 28 2009, 03:37:27 UTC
Yay! A Greek picspam!
this scene = total love

[and OMG have you seen the previews for next week? I so don't want this chapter to be over!]


marie422 October 28 2009, 03:48:39 UTC
I just saw them ! Already the season finale ? Noooo !!

I saw a sneak peek too and I can't wait for the next ep, it looks really good. But I'm gonna miss the show. :( Any idea when it's coming back ?


unfloopy October 28 2009, 04:38:33 UTC
It's the mid-season finale. Apparently, the show won't be back until March 30. How are we supposed to wait until then?


marie422 October 28 2009, 18:23:30 UTC
Damn, it's what I thought. :\ I was hoping it would come back in january but I think last year it came back only in march too, so I guess we'll have to be patient. It's gonna be veryyyyyyyy long.


stitchesofgold October 28 2009, 03:39:07 UTC


marie422 October 28 2009, 03:49:07 UTC
EXACTLY !! It was worth the wait though. :D


stitchesofgold October 28 2009, 04:28:07 UTC
Definetly. :D


unclear_sky October 28 2009, 03:44:46 UTC


marie422 October 28 2009, 03:49:32 UTC
Couldn't agree more !


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marie422 October 28 2009, 03:50:39 UTC
Lol ! Me too, I was scared someone would come back to the house before they had the chance to talk (and kiss), but I'm so glad they finally kissed ! :D


havemy_heart October 28 2009, 04:09:32 UTC
Awesome picspam! This scene was worth waiting for :) I need icons now!


marie422 October 28 2009, 18:21:44 UTC
Thanks ! It definitely was worth the wait, and I wasn't expecting it so it was a very nice surprise. :D

I need icons too !


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