Greek 3-09 The Wish-Pretzel last scene picspam

Oct 27, 2009 22:45

Last night episode of Greek was great, so so good and I had to make a picspam. Obviously VERY spoilery so if you haven't seen the episode yet, don't click !

-Cappie : I want to try us again. I want to be with you.
-Casey : I want to be with you too.

SQUEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!! Finally ! I'm so glad they kissed. I admit I was starting to be afraid they were going on the Evan/Casey road again, with them getting friendly and closer, I was scared Casey would eventually give him another chance, but I'm relieved Cappie finally told Casey how he felt and took a chance.

I can't wait to see what will happen, I really hope we'll see them together and they won't find a reason to break them up, because I really think this relationship has potential to be very interesting. :)

Oh and how cute was Cappie, being all nervous ? He's adorable.

greek, picspam

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