Some of My Favorite Authors Have Livejournals

Jan 02, 2014 20:01

...and I have now friended them! Which is why it's significant that they have livejournals, specifically. Lots of authors have blogs, but I can't friend a blog.

It started with Seanan McGuire, who actually wasn't a favorite of mine before now, largely because I'd never heard of her. But the RPG blog where I found that campaign tool I mentioned a few posts ago happened to have a link to a LJ post of hers, about an incident I found horrible but sadly not surprising. I looked her up on TV Tropes, then went to Half Price and found a copy of Rosemary & Rue. I just finished it last night and loved the heck out of it. Now I have to collect the rest of the series, which, woe, because the last thing I need right now is something else to spend money on.

And there in the comments of her post were Tamora Pierce and Jim C. Hines, two other authors I already knew were awesome. Pierce writes the Tortall series, which I've mentioned before. Along with Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar, it's one of the principal inspirations for the Blue Rose roleplaying game. Hines writes the Princess series, which recasts Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty as secret agents.

I'm now prowling around for more authors with active livejournals.

fiction, titlj

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