I'll know when everything feels alright

Oct 06, 2007 22:04

Yay Portland!

I've been here corrupting L, turning her into pinkstateofmind.

I showed her some photos of Gerard Way as I was introducing her to my latest obsession.

Thoughts about Gerard )

portland, gerard, mcr, picspam

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Comments 12

corrupted pinkstateofmind October 7 2007, 05:18:10 UTC
L here. Yes, I have been corrupted, but willingly. I am wondering AGAIN why Y and and I don't spend more time together...there is an easiness with the two of us together that is rare. I know we are both fortunate to have it. We are both intense people, but with different drives.

As far as Gerard looking like a woman, come on! He is a beautiful woman! The blond hair does not do him any favors at all. What a pretty girl he makes. Yes, I am jaded, but I do happen to think that his optimism is a play for the cameras. By the way, Y, I still think we are idealists...we are both not married, that has to count for something!

I digress, we are all optimists somewhere buried underneath a lot of covers. We all want the best for each other and ourselves. Sometimes we are just too scared to show that side.

Okay, I think that I am getting used to this.


Re: corrupted marcolette October 7 2007, 05:21:27 UTC
Wait, we're buried underneath a lot of covers together? Shhhh!!! Not in a public post!!!


Re: corrupted marcolette October 7 2007, 05:28:26 UTC
Okay, so you want a serious response? Yes, we should spend more time together. There's 187 miles between us. We should drive them more often. It's very restorative. It's probably easier for me to come down, what with Baby G and all. I'LL WORK ON IT, OKAY!!! STOP GIVING ME THAT LOOK!!!!


Re: corrupted marcolette October 7 2007, 18:04:54 UTC
I don't entirely disagree with you about Gerard's earnestness being part of his camera persona. But I also don't think it could be faked. Amplified, maybe, but not totally put on.

Part of what's interesting as that, even if it's an act, which I don't think it fully is, it's not a NATURAL choice for a guy of our age. He's still something of an anomaly with his overt idealism and earnestness, whether or not it's entirely sincere. (AND I TOTALLY THINK IT IS SO BE QUIET!!! :-D)


mark harmon? pinkstateofmind October 7 2007, 05:31:51 UTC
Now I am forced to defend our relationship online? Seriously, I was really hoping that we could keep the whole guessing thing going for a while. Don't tell my relatives, they are going to get really confused.

Really, Mark Harmon? Why him? I used to think that he was one of the hottest guys alive. Now, not so much...definitely more of a George Clooney person now. Sorry, Mark.

Gerard is such a pretty woman. I think that he is a prettier woman than man. I want to put some ruby red lipstick on him.

Remember you are the optimist and I am the pessimist. We balance each other out. But in public, our roles are reversed. You are the pessimist and I am the optimist. That is really strange.


Re: mark harmon? marcolette October 7 2007, 05:44:13 UTC
What's wrong with Mark Harmon? Have you ever watched NCIS? He's still an attractive man. He's not necessarily fantasy fodder for me, but I like him. Also, why does it have to be EITHER Mark Harmon or George Clooney?

Here's the story I was telling you about where Gerard turns into a woman and people who see him in public don't notice it. It's a very good story. You should read it.


Re: Gerard raveninthewind October 7 2007, 16:14:17 UTC
There's also that "Gee is a transgender named Gwen" story-- that sounds strange but it's really good...

(and Mark Harmon keeps getting better with age, which is a good thing.)


Re: Gerard marcolette October 7 2007, 17:59:12 UTC
I clearly need to make myself a Gerard icon.

That's a great story that I was somewhat surprised I liked. I probably should have started her off with something OTHER than a long genderswap, just because she has never read fic and isn't immediately drawn to it, and she got distracted somewhere during the first page of the story and didn't go back. I don't know if she'll ever be a fic lover, but I plan to try. She has trouble suspending disbelief, so I need to think about my strategy here.


fatbottomed October 11 2007, 01:55:04 UTC
Mark Hamon is hot for an er, older chap. Not as hot as Bob though.
BTW, I have friended you because I need more Bob-loving friends. That poor boy is so underrated.


marcolette October 12 2007, 08:06:21 UTC
Bob!love is a totally worthy cause. Bob and I are kinda on a break right now, but I promised a friend I'd show her some Bob videos tomorrow that she hasn't been able to access, so I'll probably succumb again. I think I should be okay now.

I doubt I'll be doing a LOT of Bob!spammy things, but welcome!


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