Jul 25, 2006 10:28
Marco gets drunk and forgets his manners.
I had SO much fun last night, but I violated pretty much every rule a bar and a taxi cab have.
Gotta live a little!
Jul 20, 2006 12:09
September 17th, Char is going to be in Chicago. Another excuse for me to spend more time with Berrah!
Jul 18, 2006 01:04
I hate you sometimes.
Got me smoking nicotine.
Jul 15, 2006 04:40
Ani on Thursday was just beautiful. She's never let me down, EVER.
I'm SO thrilled to see Berry in August! I cannot fucking wait! By then it'll be about a year that we really started to know each other. So much has happened since, who would've known?!
Life is weird, life in funkay.
Jul 09, 2006 21:51
A few updates on my list of shows:
Rasputina on the 21st.
Casey on the 24th.
Lourds (fucking PHENOMENAL live act) was on the 22nd but that's also Fiona. Grr. I hate when shows coincide.
This summer has been pretty awesome so far. Good shows, and no trips to the beach that make me take my shirt off. Hahaha!
Jul 04, 2006 09:08
The new Char song ROCKS!
Jul 01, 2006 21:49
The years are bleeding.
And no one really listens.
Jun 28, 2006 07:19
Diamanda tonight and tomorrow.
Fuck I'm SO thrilled!
I'm also meeting up with an old friend from PR that I haven't seen in ages! It should be a gay ol' time.