Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Mar 05, 2009 22:12

The common perception is that the four horsemen are War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. That is certainly how the Highlander universe considered them. And, in order, named them Silas, Caspian, Kronos, and Methos. But consider the actual bible and the four horsemen described therein ( Read more... )

unwritten, highlander, plot-bunny

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lita_of_jupiter March 13 2009, 00:47:11 UTC
I was doing some research on what happened to the Scoobies after the show ended and I ran across a character that just screams Methos for me, and I know you will agree!
He is known as The Immortal and his accomplishments are:

* Spending 150 years in a Tibetan Monastery
* Climbing Mount Everest several times.
* Dealing with the Italian Branch of Wolfram and Hart several times and surviving. (The female CEO of the Italian Wolfram and Hart, Ilona Costa Bianchi may have been referring to business dealings or a more personal encounter, quite possibly both)
* "Violating" Drusilla and Darla, not only both of them but both of them at the same time, something that neither Spike nor Angel could get either girl to agree to.
* Somehow getting Spike landed in jail for tax evasion.

And he is also extremely respected and admired known for serving no side but his own desires.

You *know* who that is!


marbleglove March 13 2009, 03:51:54 UTC
Oooh! How right you are. And Duncan is always asking Methos why he lives like a student when most immortals over a certain age are quite wealthy, when really it's because Duncan only sees Methos when Methos is taking a break from living a very fancy life style with wine, women, and Trouble. Pus, I can see him carefully counter balancing his infamy as Methos or as Death against his infamy as The Immortal to ensure that no one connects the dots to find him when he doesn't want to be found. What does The Immortal look like, do we know?

(Although really, with modern cosmetics, as long as he is vaguely humanoid, it could still be Methos.)


lita_of_jupiter March 13 2009, 04:10:33 UTC
Well in the show you only see the back of him, and apparently he was dating a decoy Buffy so it can definetely be Methos ( ... )


marbleglove March 13 2009, 05:15:04 UTC
That is really is so very, very perfect. It definitely deserves a proper crossover. Although, you know, the real problem with writing it is that I don't think I can come up with any details that do that series of events justice. Because they would need to be as good as that summary and my mind just boggles ( ... )


Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 13 2009, 19:30:57 UTC
Well I think it was a physical torture along with the psychological aspects of them being one upped by the immortal in all aspects (sort of how you want Methos in the romance category) the Immortal only appears in the episode 'The Girl In Question" but there are flashbacks that show the discussion the vampires had when Darla and Drusilla returned from their tryst with the immortal apparently very satisfied and glowing (Dru saying he felt like sunshine) Just because I can't resist it quotes from the episode ( ... )


Re: Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 13 2009, 19:53:34 UTC
regarded in such ambiguous manner everyone seemed to know he was
doing good and someone said he didn't leave Holy Ground
so I am not sure how that might work.

there are pics of Angel and Spike in chains from when
they were tortured


Re: Quote mania marbleglove March 13 2009, 22:26:11 UTC
This is a lesson to me not to check my email at work. The quotes had me grinning wildly and nearly laughing aloud ( ... )


Re: Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 13 2009, 23:29:54 UTC
I am glad you like them they were so funny I laughed out loud they just hint at so much that I am downloading the episode just so I can see it take place ( ... )


Re: Quote mania marbleglove March 14 2009, 04:49:03 UTC
Calvin and the noodle incident? What?

Drabbles are a great idea. No full length story could live up to the hype.

And I like the idea that Methos is actually rather fond of the Scourge of Europe. They remind him of when he was younger and had a family like that. Those had been the good old days. And then he taunts them much like he does Duncan, really. While having them fix some of his problems, again, much like Duncan, really.

There are pros and cons to befriending champions but one of the pros is being able to throw your enemies in the champion's path and not have to deal with them yourself.

Oh, and definitely Capone. Maybe the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, too.


Re: Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 14 2009, 06:29:00 UTC
From Calvin and Hobbes, the comic strip, they always allude to but never explain a mysterious Noodle Incident that Calvin was responsible for, and whenever that happens people are are always greatly affected by the memory of it ( ... )


Re: Quote mania marbleglove March 15 2009, 03:30:54 UTC
Somehow I had completely forgotten about the mysterious Noodle Incident. I may need to go and reread that whole series.

Maybe the drabbles should be written into the Watcher's Chronicles. They know that The Immortal is an immortal but they're not sure who it is so they just keep the incidents and hope that one day they'll be able to insert them into the correct chronicle.

Joe would roll his eyes and wonder whether Methos and The Immortal had ever met and Methos would laugh and not say anything if asked. Or possibly make up a story about "their" grand adventures.


Re: Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 15 2009, 18:00:11 UTC
Ohhh that is a great idea... and if one wants to show something from the pov of The Immortal all it needs is to have Methos remembering something or a detail of an incident separately.

it would be so much fun!


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Quote mania marbleglove March 16 2009, 01:36:48 UTC
"Hey, Adam," Joe stressed the name, a teasing glint in his eye. "Have you seen the latest report from Rome? Apparently THE Immortal showed up again."

Methos laughed. "What's he up to?"

"I'm not sure I should tell you. Did you know that there's one theory that says he's Methos? And he did show up while you had disappeared again..." Joe laughed. The thought of Methos, his Methos, living the high-life in Rome was just too funny. On a more serious note, "Everyone pretty much agrees he's got to be fairly young for one of you guys to be courting that much infamy."

He was blatantly fishing for information.

Methos responded blandly. "He's doing a pretty good job of keeping his name out of things."

Joe glared suspiciously at Methos. Methos blinked back innocently. "You do know who he is, don't you?!"

Methos laughed. "Come on, tell me what the report says, and maybe I'll tell you something."


Re: Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 16 2009, 20:07:48 UTC
Fun! And Methos fishing for info about how the others see the guy is great... and I loved how Joe assumes that Methos has been reading the watcher's reports. It was a lot of fun seeing them try to play each other


Re: Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 21 2009, 03:09:03 UTC
Well I recently watched the episode for myself and was able to get these quotes from it. So it might give you more ideas ( ... )


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