Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Mar 05, 2009 22:12

The common perception is that the four horsemen are War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. That is certainly how the Highlander universe considered them. And, in order, named them Silas, Caspian, Kronos, and Methos. But consider the actual bible and the four horsemen described therein ( Read more... )

unwritten, highlander, plot-bunny

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lita_of_jupiter March 13 2009, 04:10:33 UTC
Well in the show you only see the back of him, and apparently he was dating a decoy Buffy so it can definetely be Methos.
"Secondhand accounts describe him as incredibly attractive, athletic, intelligent and also apparently genuinely immortal." that is all the description it has on him.
this is where the picture of him is :
it totally fits! see it is cannon now in Buffyverse that Methos is there *nods to self*

He also apparently wrote a self-help book that is "a real life-changer."

Oh yes, Duncan and Joe only see the Methos when he is on a break from living the high life, I know the old men must be very rich and he has to enjoy those benefits somehow and what better way to do that than living the high life in the supernatural community? the respect and minions are already finely trained and controlled while allowing for him to indulge in his darker urges through that avenue.

When he wants to detox, cut the wine, the money and women and enter penniless grad student who is clearly *not* an old dangerous immortal with charm and suave manners .

And hey, he had Angelus consider him an enemy when he was in his prime evil phase and he and Spike together failed miserably at their attempt at revenge. According the buffy wikia, this was what took place:

"in 1894, Angelus and Spike were captured in Rome, Italy by henchmen of the Immortal, a mysterious and seductive being with whom they both had a fierce rivalry. The two vampires were tortured while the Immortal had a threesome with Darla and Drusilla, something that, incidentally, they never allowed Angelus and Spike to do. Angelus and Spike attempted to take revenge on the Immortal, but failed miserably"

This is just such a perfect set up for a crossover I am surprised nobody has done it and just so amusing because his list of known accomplishments and incredible feats while impressive is also very whimsical and that leads me back to ROG.


marbleglove March 13 2009, 05:15:04 UTC
That is really is so very, very perfect. It definitely deserves a proper crossover. Although, you know, the real problem with writing it is that I don't think I can come up with any details that do that series of events justice. Because they would need to be as good as that summary and my mind just boggles.

How did he trap them? What torture did he use? How did he seduce Darla and Drusilla? What was the intended revenge and how did it fail miserably?

They all need equally fabulous answers.

Do you have any ideas?


Although one idea is that The Immortal isn't Methos, it's Darius. He goes as The Immortal when he's switching identifies and getting re-ordained as a priest which is why he's in Rome. So the seduction could have been a hoax and everyone in on it just enjoyed teasing Angelus and Spike with it so much that no one let them in on the punch line. The torture could either involve holy items or very peculiar tea, Darius being both very ruthless and very peculiar himself. And the revenge failed hilariously because it was designed for someone living the high life and the vamps failed to notice that The Immortal was consulting with the Vatican, not terrorizing it.


Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 13 2009, 19:30:57 UTC
Well I think it was a physical torture along with the psychological aspects of them being one upped by the immortal in all aspects (sort of how you want Methos in the romance category) the Immortal only appears in the episode 'The Girl In Question" but there are flashbacks that show the discussion the vampires had when Darla and Drusilla returned from their tryst with the immortal apparently very satisfied and glowing (Dru saying he felt like sunshine) Just because I can't resist it quotes from the episode!
So I can further illustrate my point!
Quotes from it:

Spike: [referring to the Immortal] What, are you in love with him?
Demon Bouncer: No, no, no, no. Well, yeah, okay. Yes. But, uh, if anything, he's more of a, uh, inspiration.
Angelus: William...
William the Bloody: Bloody hell! That right bastard!
Angelus: The Immortal thinks he can do this to us?
William the Bloody: He doesn't know who he's dealing with.
Angelus: Well, he's about to find out.
William the Bloody: He'll curse the day he ever crossed paths with Angelus.
Angelus: And William the Bloody.
William the Bloody: See just how immortal he is when we're done with him.
Angelus: [regaining his Irish accent] We'll carve him up like a Sunday roast and make him watch as we feast on his steaming flesh.
[still struggling with restrains]
Angelus: How you doing?
William the Bloody: Bugger!
William the Bloody: That cheeky bastard. Had us tossed and then violates your woman.
Angelus: Did he hurt you?
Darla: Not until I asked him to. Oh, come on. Have you seen him? With the eyes and the chest and the... immortality.
William the Bloody: We're immortal.
Darla: Not like him. I mean, he's not some common vampire. He's... I don't know what he is. A giant. A titan straddling good and evil, serving no master but his own considerable desires.
Angelus: Darla...
Darla: And spiritual. Did you know he spent 150 years in a Tibetan monastery? Which I guess explains all the desire.
Angelus: He's my arch-nemesis.
Darla: Darling. It was just fornication. Really great fornication.
William the Bloody: She's glowing, mate.
Angelus: She isn't.
Darla: Little bit.
William the Bloody: Best fit you for a pair of antlers. Been made the right cuckold, you have.
Drusilla: Time for another pony ride?
William the Bloody: Son of a bitch!

Angelus: Violate our women!
William the Bloody: Violate in succession!
Darla: Concurrently.
Angelus: Concurrently? You never let us do that!
Spike: Every time he shows up, I either lose my girl, get beaten by an angry mob, or get thrown in prison for tax evasion. (Angel stares) Long story.
Spike: The man has no sense of indecency. You remember Frankfurt. He hatches the Rathruhn egg personally, and then just decides to give those nuns safe passage.
Angelus: Those were my nuns!
Spike: Yeah. Nuns are your thing. Everybody knows that. They respect it. They respect us.
Angelus: We are the reason men fear the night!
Angel: Our friend, she's under some sort of spell...
Spike: Cast by the vilest wretch this side of Mount Everest. Which...I'm told he has climbed...several times.

And for the finale, when Angel and Spike desist from fighting the guy for the Head of a demon that the Immortal's demon butler had stolen from them and call LA to prepare for the apolalypse that would trigger. Gunn says that the head was on Angel's desk at WH
(Angel reads the note with it)
Angel: "With regards, the Immortal." I really hate that guy
It would be fun if it was Darius (and really hilarious) but at this time Darius was already dead and I don't think he would be


Re: Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 13 2009, 19:53:34 UTC
regarded in such ambiguous manner everyone seemed to know he was
doing good and someone said he didn't leave Holy Ground
so I am not sure how that might work.

there are pics of Angel and Spike in chains from when
they were tortured


Re: Quote mania marbleglove March 13 2009, 22:26:11 UTC
This is a lesson to me not to check my email at work. The quotes had me grinning wildly and nearly laughing aloud.

I wonder whether quickenings feel like sunshine? Because I've seen a stories where vampires die if they try to drink from immortals and the quickening burns them up. But having sex with an immortal might be the best way to get really close to that sunshine without dying. Or at least only dying a little. :-)

> Darla: Not like him. I mean, he's not some common
> vampire. He's... I don't know what he is. A giant. A titan
> straddling good and evil, serving no master but his own
> considerable desires.

Hee. Methos is definitely the type to be straddling good and evil. Although under the circumstances, my mind goes very dirty places: ... straddling... good AND evil...

> "With regards, the Immortal"

That is definitely a Methos touch. Helpful and annoying at the same time. And just the minimum amount of helpful too, just enough to stop the disaster without having to expend any extra energy.

> Angelus: Concurrently? You never let us do that!

Angelus and Spike all wanted to get it on with Darla and Drusilla because hey, sexy guy thing to want. But Methos probably had spent various lifetimes over the years working in bordellos so not only does he know the moves but he gets the mindset which they don't.

At this point, though, what I really want is a short story that explains Methos, the Rathruhn egg, and the nuns. Because that has so much potential I can barely refrain from bouncing in my chair.

And possibly the story about Spike and the IRS.


Re: Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 13 2009, 23:29:54 UTC
I am glad you like them they were so funny I laughed out loud they just hint at so much that I am downloading the episode just so I can see it take place.

Well quickenings are so much life that either would be addictive or would burn the vampire, and if Methos was the immortal then he would have a very strong presence and effect on tho have neither. And of course the straddling good and evil rings a lot of him.

And as you said plenty of years to hone the skills and the appetite not to mention that since those two likely had few inhibitions he would be able to do and try anything he wished (as they so oblidged)

When I read that part I could only remember Calvin and the noodle incident and wish so much to read it!

It would be a nice story to be told in drabble format, a bit here and a bit there. Thought imagining how everything would take place requires some serious thinking.

I think that Methos might have had a fond spot for them since when dealing with them he never killed them only left them to think he was a magnificent bastard (and he would enjoy showing the Scourge of Europe who really was the big bad around).

Another thing about the note and the head being in LA helpful and doesn't require him to make much of an effort while others stop the apocalypse for him...

hey that is what Champions are for after all, and they take a lot of work to properly cultivate and train to answer to their cues

Spike and the IRS? Maybe with Capone thrown in?


Re: Quote mania marbleglove March 14 2009, 04:49:03 UTC
Calvin and the noodle incident? What?

Drabbles are a great idea. No full length story could live up to the hype.

And I like the idea that Methos is actually rather fond of the Scourge of Europe. They remind him of when he was younger and had a family like that. Those had been the good old days. And then he taunts them much like he does Duncan, really. While having them fix some of his problems, again, much like Duncan, really.

There are pros and cons to befriending champions but one of the pros is being able to throw your enemies in the champion's path and not have to deal with them yourself.

Oh, and definitely Capone. Maybe the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, too.


Re: Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 14 2009, 06:29:00 UTC
From Calvin and Hobbes, the comic strip, they always allude to but never explain a mysterious Noodle Incident that Calvin was responsible for, and whenever that happens people are are always greatly affected by the memory of it.

To do a full length it would have to cover a long period of time and a series of drabbles can deal with the many meetings and incidents without having to follow a strict continuity.

Oh yes, he probably gets all teary eyes thinking that Drusilla is so much like Caspian, or insane Cassandra and Angelus was a mix of himself and Kronos, you know just thinking about the good ole days and and how fun they were he gets nostalgic.
And since we don't know when they first met they could have run into him a number of times with the bizarre situations always ending up in their laps (like Methos tab at Joe's ).

Using they when it is convenient and if it strikes his fancy giving a little covert aid nobody could prove came from him or if they know he would insult they so much that they would forget it.

Methos must have good Champion radar developed after all his years, and he figures since they are going to win anyway why not give them some target practice first?
besides... he can't really help them as he is after all one of the major players.

Oh he has to be in the St Valentines Day massacre Spike would find it so poetic (he was trained by Angelus who liked to leave dead girlfriends in peoples beds) and Drusilla would adore the gift.


Re: Quote mania marbleglove March 15 2009, 03:30:54 UTC
Somehow I had completely forgotten about the mysterious Noodle Incident. I may need to go and reread that whole series.

Maybe the drabbles should be written into the Watcher's Chronicles. They know that The Immortal is an immortal but they're not sure who it is so they just keep the incidents and hope that one day they'll be able to insert them into the correct chronicle.

Joe would roll his eyes and wonder whether Methos and The Immortal had ever met and Methos would laugh and not say anything if asked. Or possibly make up a story about "their" grand adventures.


Re: Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 15 2009, 18:00:11 UTC
Ohhh that is a great idea... and if one wants to show something from the pov of The Immortal all it needs is to have Methos remembering something or a detail of an incident separately.

it would be so much fun!


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Quote mania marbleglove March 16 2009, 01:36:48 UTC
"Hey, Adam," Joe stressed the name, a teasing glint in his eye. "Have you seen the latest report from Rome? Apparently THE Immortal showed up again."

Methos laughed. "What's he up to?"

"I'm not sure I should tell you. Did you know that there's one theory that says he's Methos? And he did show up while you had disappeared again..." Joe laughed. The thought of Methos, his Methos, living the high-life in Rome was just too funny. On a more serious note, "Everyone pretty much agrees he's got to be fairly young for one of you guys to be courting that much infamy."

He was blatantly fishing for information.

Methos responded blandly. "He's doing a pretty good job of keeping his name out of things."

Joe glared suspiciously at Methos. Methos blinked back innocently. "You do know who he is, don't you?!"

Methos laughed. "Come on, tell me what the report says, and maybe I'll tell you something."


Re: Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 16 2009, 20:07:48 UTC
Fun! And Methos fishing for info about how the others see the guy is great... and I loved how Joe assumes that Methos has been reading the watcher's reports. It was a lot of fun seeing them try to play each other


Re: Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 21 2009, 03:09:03 UTC
Well I recently watched the episode for myself and was able to get these quotes from it. So it might give you more ideas!

Also the IRS thing? It might have happened in Italy there is
a short flashback that shows Spike and Drusilla there in the 50s saying Ciao

and well, I trying to make a clip of the scenes talking about him on youtube so you can see for yourself.

(Well dressed lackey slaps a chained Angelus with his gloves)
A: A bit of the top there, ain't you?

L: He is benevolent The immortal wishes to convey his regrets at having detained you
but your recent actions against his concerns merited stiff reprimand.

(unchains Spike and Angelus)

S: His concerns?
A :this is our city. We were here first.

L: No, actually he was. 300 years ago and now he is back. You will leave
this city tonight and never return under a penalty of a death so swift...
(Angelus snaps his neck)
(Other lackeys point crossbows at the vampires)
A: Go ahead, I'll snatch those wee sticks out of the air and spend the
next fortnight shoving them up you arse.

And off they go see Darla, Angelus calls her "sweet death" and is really romantic!

And Darla is in love with the Immortal apparently because when they look so startled
by the fact she slept with The Immortal she says:
"Oh come on, have you seen him? With the eyes, and the chest and immortality

S: We are immortal. (looking forlorn)
D: Not like him. He's not some common vampire. he is... I don't know what he is!
A giant, a titan, straddling good and evil and serving no master but his own considerable
desires ( Angels tries to interrupt her but she is continue) And Spiritual! You know
he spent 150 years at a Tibetan monastery. Which I guess explains all the desire.

A: He is my arch nemesis
D: Darling, it was just fornication. Really great fornication.

And if you see the clip you know he has the perfect excuse for not using magic, he considers it 'filth' so it is not that he *can't* it is just beneath him.

And the dancing... hilarious


Re: Quote mania marbleglove March 21 2009, 22:53:35 UTC
I do need to get around to seeing this episode. Let me know if you post the collection of snippets.

From the quotes though, my only inspiration is something that's "just fornication. really great fornication." and alas, I can't write decent porn to save my life.

Although it would be really cool to make "the immortality" a real aspect of the seduction. Maybe small cuts or bruises on him so that she's this close to being burned by the quickening but not quite?


Re: Quote mania lita_of_jupiter March 22 2009, 03:32:58 UTC
Will do! as soon as I can get movie maker to stop shutting down the computer all the time!

Oh yes it would be very fun.... and you don't know until you try! Isn't that what you told me?
It would be turn on for someone so empty of life to feel it against her while being seduced


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