Hugs for Misa shippers

Feb 20, 2008 09:28

Just wanted give *hugs* to all my Michael/Sara shipper friends. It's been a pretty difficult 6 months for us all, but we made it through to the 'finale' of the season. Whether you were still watching or not, most of us were still in one way or another involved with the show - fandom discussion, fanfiction etc. And even if we happily lived in the ( Read more... )

michael scofield, michael/sara, prison break, sara tancredi, ramblings

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marap March 26 2008, 11:52:42 UTC
*hugs you back*


spoiled_andrea February 19 2008, 23:08:58 UTC
*hugs* to you too.


marap March 26 2008, 09:39:14 UTC
Thanks! :)


ohthehumor February 19 2008, 23:19:22 UTC
*smooshes you*

..its so weird to think that 'thats it' for you know, a few months at least whilst we wait for the new season to come round.
It has been tough, but I'm so thankful for having here to get help through it, so thank you to you too (:


marap March 26 2008, 09:42:22 UTC
its so weird to think that 'thats it' for you know, a few months
I know, it is kinda strange! I think perhaps all our hearts could use a little rest from the stress though. Every week, just knowing the episodes were on - even when I wasn't watching - stressed me out!

Aw you're welcome! *hugs* Thank you too!


linzi20 February 20 2008, 02:41:50 UTC
*squishes you*


marap March 26 2008, 09:43:02 UTC
*squishes you back*


babybuncher February 20 2008, 07:36:25 UTC
hey!! just wanted to give a shoutout back to ya!! i miss our MiSa!


marap March 26 2008, 09:43:26 UTC
Me too!

At least we have fanfiction! hehe


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