Hugs for Misa shippers

Feb 20, 2008 09:28

Just wanted give *hugs* to all my Michael/Sara shipper friends. It's been a pretty difficult 6 months for us all, but we made it through to the 'finale' of the season. Whether you were still watching or not, most of us were still in one way or another involved with the show - fandom discussion, fanfiction etc. And even if we happily lived in the alternate universe land we still got nervous for every new episode, wondering whether it would make us lose all hope.

Whether last night's episode brought you hope or not, congrats on making it through. Thanks to everyone in the Michael/Sara fandom who brought someone else hope over the past six months. I think the support everyone has given each other is incredibe.

Hope the Michael/Sara fandom keeps going strong, and maybe one day we will be rewarded! *hopes*

Shout outs to the Save The Good Doctor campaign, also going strong but needing all the help and participation we can get. A couple of specific campaigns are underway, so check them out if you want to help.

michael scofield, michael/sara, prison break, sara tancredi, ramblings

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