A2A 3x05

May 01, 2010 12:38

Oh wow, look at me, actually attempting to put together some thoughts instead of just capslocking wildly about the place. Although there will still be some capslocking - I am still me.

Spoilers for A2A 3x05 )

guv luv, ashes to ashes, flist love, reaction posts, life on mars

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Comments 3

snowgrouse May 1 2010, 17:59:32 UTC
Ahahahaha, aww. I was in a Simmy/Sammy spam mood. I love that piece of fanart!

My theory is that you *can* die in Copper Purgatory(TM) and that's what happened to Sam, and that's what might happen to Ray and Shaz. And maybe Sam did beg to die and the Guv put him out of his misery. And if the Guv didn't whisper "I loved him", I... I don't know what the fuck.

BUT GAAAAAAAH. DANNY BOY. And and and Chris's body-popping was of so much fucking love. There was so much win in this ep, man. This whole season has not been pulling the punches, has it? It's been awesome.


marah_sarie May 1 2010, 20:09:30 UTC
I was just thinking that, like, back during Life on Mars, I would have met any suggestion of the Guv ever possibly having 'emo manly man pain' with a scoff. (And probably, "Don't you mean Sam?") Now angsty Emo!Guv is like, THE BEST THING EVER. <3

I think we're headed towards 'Sam asked Gene to help him die.' I don't know if I want that, though, is the thing. But, fuck, now I'm thinking, what if Sam saw the stars? D:

This season is amazing and I am terribly, terribly sad that we only have three episodes left.


snowgrouse May 1 2010, 20:52:05 UTC
He so has emo manly manpain, and has had it all throughout in A2A, poor thing. And he's so fucking guilty about Sam. So guilty. He must've loved him massively. The canon is pretty much throwing it at us.

And yeah, the Guv had to put Sam out of his misery, or something. I don't know if seeing the stars means you're going to die (or are closer to reaching heaven, if this is copper purgatory?) but I do wonder what Sam saw. He made a commitment to stay in the Guv-verse the moment he jumped off that building, and we've seen Shaz and Ray renew their commitment to stay, so I wonder what that all means.

I was wailing at the "only three eps left" thing, too. Ever since the first ep of this season, when the titles rolled, I sighed and thought "god, I'm going to miss these people." I very rarely get into new shows, so... man, I'm going to miss good stuff like this.


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