A2A 3x05

May 01, 2010 12:38

Oh wow, look at me, actually attempting to put together some thoughts instead of just capslocking wildly about the place. Although there will still be some capslocking - I am still me.

I never, ever want this show to end.

Shaz and Ray = so totally dead. (I mean, singing Danny Boy?) Chris, though, is different. He's still dead, I think (they're all dead, including Alex) - is it just that his soul/loyalty is still up in the air? If we're going with the 'Gene and Keats battling it out for souls' theory, which seems a likely one. (Speaking of which, so many lines designed just to mess with us. i.e. "When did you get your halo and wings, Gene?", talking about a Leap of Faith, etc.)

Speaking of messing with us:
"A whiff of homo-erotic tension? How exciting!"

"Compared to those two, you're practically homo erectus."
"Homo-what? You're obsessed, woman."

Oh Alex, you're such a slasher and I love you.

SPEAKING OF SLASHING: THE SAM TYLER JACKET. Oh Gene, oh oh Gene. Burning Sam's photo and the jacket and ohhhhh. I was dying. THIS SHOW IS HURTING MY HEART SO GOOD.

I can only see three possibilities for what happened to Sam Tyler:
1) Gene murdered him. <-- Not. a. fucking. option. Gene hearts Sam. End of.
2) Sam committed suicide (AGAIN) and Gene covered it up and/or Sam asked Gene to kill him -- I had a theory going that the only way out of copper's purgatory was for Gene to kill you (see: Martin Sommers.) Or maybe you just have to die. Either, way, Sam figured it out and decided it was time to move on?
3) Sam Tyler isn't dead.

I think, after last night's episode, for the very first time since A2A started, I have hope for #3. SOMEONE STOP ME GETTING MY HOPES UP, QUICK.

My problem with Option #2 has been: Sam committed suicide to GET BACK to Guv!World. I can't see him then deciding to leave again. Although -- so far this season we've seen Shaz and Ray face a decision about whether to stay. It seems like it would follow that Sam once again had to make that decision as well. I just... I wanted Sam and Gene to fight crime and have homo-erotic tension for the rest of eternity! Was that really so much to ask?! *sobs*

Also: I have much love for everyone I'm following on tumblr - my dashboard was completely filled with angsty Sam/Gene manlove yesterday. Well. Almost completely filled:


guv luv, ashes to ashes, flist love, reaction posts, life on mars

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