Yuletide letter (can you tell I'm excited?)

Sep 27, 2016 16:18

Dear Yule Goat:

I love you already because these are fandoms that need more fic! I'm honestly going to be happy with whatever you choose to write, so don't feel constrained by what I write here, but if you are the kind of writer who likes the optional details, here they are.

General likes:
Humor, romance, action, adventure, curtainfic, team as family, friendships, super protective characters, polyamory, gen/het/slash/femslash

General dislikes:
Angst without a happy ending, deathfic, Christmas stories, excessive gore, love triangles that aren't resolved with polyamory

Denji Sentai Megaranger
This team! Oh, this team is so adorable! We didn't see much of them actually in class, so that would interest me a lot. I'd also be interested in any kind of...teambuilding? Like, experiences that made them closer together or understand each other better. Whether it's just two or three or all of them, I love seeing characters get to know each other.

I'd be fascinated by something that showed Kenta and/or Miku's strengths. As wonderful as they both are, there's very much that air of "they're nice, you know, but not that smart." I would love something that shows off how they may not necessarily be book smart, but they are very good at something (that isn't playing video games), whether it's social/emotional intelligence or something else. (We know from Gokaiger that Kenta became a teacher, so how did that happen? What is he like as a teacher?)

I basically ship everyone with everyone (among the kids, I mean), so if you want to write something shippy, go hog wild with whatever ship you like. My faves are Red/Blue and Pink/Yellow, but don't feel you have to use either.

Kamen Rider Kuuga
This show has my lone OTP: Godai/Ichijou. I adore all the characters as long as they're not paired with either Godai or Ichijou :)

I know there are already a dozen "Godai comes back" fics (and I've written two or three of them, I think), but there's always room for more. Anything about how Godai deals with the aftermath of the final battle is super great. A fic about all the other characters and how *they* deal would also be super great!

Oooh, nobody's written about Ichijou's friendship with Tsubaki, have they? What in the world is the basis for their friendship? Was Tsubaki *actually* flirting with Godai or does he act like that with everyone? ::snerk:: Or Sawatari's friendship with Godai, which is equally adorable.

Ultraman Mebius
I have a semi-secret fondness for George, okay? I know he's kind of an ass, but I can't help it. Fic about him learning to be less of an ass is always welcome.

I also have a not-at-all-secret fondness for Sakomizu, who I consider easily in the top 3 best mentors in all of toku and Ameritoku. Absolutely *anything* about him would be amazing, whether it's an adventure where he gets to join the rest of the team or a character piece where we learn something about him.

Basically, I love these dorks more than can possibly be healthy. I especially love them getting into ridiculous situations (see: saving the rabbits) and having to get themselves out again. I love their friendship and teamwork and the way they take care of each other, even when they are really tempted to smack each other on the back of the head.

Shipwise, my one major comment is that I don't care for Ryu/Mirai, so I'd rather have gen or pretty much any other pairing than that one. I like Mirai/George (I'm pretty sure I'm the only living person who ships that), Marina/Konomi, Konomi/Teppei...yeah, pretty much any other combination.

I haven't decided if I'm going to request any other fandoms...

This entry was originally posted at http://mara.dreamwidth.org/289805.html, where there are
comments. Please feel free to comment either here or there.


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