(no subject)

May 04, 2016 20:34

I still have many important and serious things to deal with in RL, but I want to take a moment and share with you that a Christian lady on FB just tried to argue with me that she can't accept transgender people...by quoting the Torah.

::facepalm:: She was gifted in return with a multi-paragraph rant about how as long as she eats bread on Passover and works on Saturday, she probably shouldn't try that particular argument on me.

Seriously now, what are they teaching evangelical Christians these days??? "Don't quote Torah at the atheist Jew" should be up there with "Don't get involved in a land war in Asia"! Neither one has ever led anywhere you're going to enjoy, folks.

This entry was originally posted at http://mara.dreamwidth.org/287748.html, where there are
comments. Please feel free to comment either here or there.


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