I was the first :D

May 01, 2016 22:46

I participated in the "Be the First" challenge recently, in which we had to find something that had no fic whatsoever written for it, and write the first fic for that fandom.

The fics have gone live, and I'm pleased to have finished a short piece in the universe of the movie Bokutachi no Kougen Hoteru, called And the Spring Comes Slowly.

The movie is a quiet and downright adorable thing, all about the everyday lives of a sweet cast of characters with just a hint of mystery. Why is Aizawa such a recluse? What happened to his grandfather? Why has the new manager come to the hotel and what is he planning? And will the staff revolt before he succeeds?

The cast is wonderful and highly amusing if you watch toku, as it includes George from Ultraman Mebius, Gosei Black, and Mr. Yokky from Abaranger. But they all do a wonderful job as the staff of this small hotel.

I loved the movie (which I originally watched because I'm desperately in love with the guy who plays the new manager ::snerk::) and had fun writing a little bit of "what comes next."

I'm nearly done with a Kuuga fic. (Godai/Ichijou. Surprise! I think I've written 1/3 of the Godai/Ichijou fic at AO3.)

I'm about halfway done with a fic for one of the most amusing challenges ever: Unconventional Courtship. This is a challenge in which you take Harlequin or Mills & Boone book summaries and write a story using them and your own pairing. I did it two years ago and had TOO MUCH FUN writing Jungle Fury AU. This year I'm writing an Ultraman Mebius AU femslash fic.

Here's my summary for this year (with my characters' names inserted):

Putting the personal in PA!

The unwanted advances of gold-digging socialites are an occupational hazard for racing legend turned tycoon Marina Kazama. So she extends her PA’s job description to cover evening events. Konomi Amagai has risen to her boss’s every challenge…

But being seen on her arm means spotlights, scrutiny, figure-flaunting cocktail dresses-and leaving the safety of her staid grey suits! Famous for her cool, Marina’s anything but when she sees her formerly frumpy PA dressed to kill! Konomi knows this playgirl well-she’ll arm her heart with the same steel used on the Kazama motorbike!

Unabashedly writing romance novel tropes is the pretty much the most fun you can have with your clothes on ;) This year's fic will feature snotty socialites sneering at our heroine, the ugly duckling transformation and the subsequent "but you didn't love me until I dressed up" sobbing scene, and of course some kind of jealousy-related misunderstanding.

There's another summary I might write as well, because it features pretend dating to impress an ex-fiancee and I loooove pretend dating in fic. Aryn helped me narrow it down to a few possible pairings at Couchcon, so I might just have to do eeny meeny miney moe to pick one :)

Here's that summary, with the original names:


Successful rebel Matt Webster came to make peace with his past and his family. But he'd never thought that to appear "respectable," he'd become the pretend fiancé of a banana-wearing storeowner! Yet how could he refuse spunky Katie Dole, the woman under the costume, when she kissed him so sweetly- and so thoroughly-in the spaghetti aisle of the supermarket?

Her blue-green gaze implored him to play the role of lover to show up her ex-fiancé. But remembering the kisses they shared were supposed to be pretend became more difficult, when all Matt wanted to do was to make love to the appealing Katie! Was the virgin's proposal turning into something…real?

I'm leaning toward Tyler/Shelby from Dino Charge because I've only written one fic for them and they're made of adorable and need more fic.

There's all kinds of stupid stuff going on in RL. Which is why I'm writing fic ;)

This entry was originally posted at http://mara.dreamwidth.org/287591.html, where there are
comments. Please feel free to comment either here or there.

ultraman, power rangers, writing, fic

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