I do not think it means...

Nov 18, 2013 20:17

Barak's preschool does what a lot of Jewish preschools do. They have a Shabbat Bear that kids get a chance to bring home and celebrate Shabbat with. Then you take some pictures, type up a little story about what the bear did with you, and it gets added to the book ( Read more... )

holiday, beps

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Comments 6

madripoor_rose November 19 2013, 05:46:06 UTC
Oh facepalm, heh.

Maybe they're remembering the old Scooby-Dooby-Do line from the cartoons?


marag November 19 2013, 11:19:42 UTC
I dunno, but, um, it says Dubi on the cover of the binder. Now, it's possible that Barak's teacher has added that cover recently in response to "Dooby" but I don't think so.


maiac November 19 2013, 11:44:00 UTC
the Shabbat Bear in Barak's class (the same one Yael was in four years ago) is named Dubi Dov Bear. Which means his name is Bear Bear Bear

I love this.

Good luck with the Thanksgivingukkah dinner. What's the menu?


marag November 19 2013, 12:02:05 UTC
I love Barak's teacher :)

And the menu is turkey, stuffing, sweet potato latkes, roasted sweet potatoes and cauliflower, cucumber salad, one or two more vegetables to be determined later, pumpkin pie, and sufganyot (Israeli jelly doughnuts).

Avi's also thinking about trying spaghetti squash latkes, but I don't know if we'll have time to experiment for that.


maiac November 19 2013, 15:15:12 UTC
Sweet potato latkes!

My grocery store had store-made potato latkes last week, with applesauce and sour cream. Yum. They do the cooking so I don't have to.


bunnyjadwiga November 20 2013, 01:18:30 UTC
I have an envelope of jewish kid books that I will be sending to you. Hopefully your preschool or shul can use the ones you don't want....


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