; welcome to the new year - friending meme ;

Jan 01, 2015 18:32

Ready for the rest of the year?
About You:
❄ Name:
❄ Pronouns:
❄ Location:
❄ Zodiac/Meyers-Briggs Personality Type:
Fandom Things
❄ Tumblr/Ao3/Fanfic/ect.:
❄ Anime/Manga:
❄ Games:
❄ Music
❄ Television:
❄ Cinema:
❄ Books:
❄ Comics/Webcomics:

❄ Other Interests/Hobbies?:
❄ New Years Resolutions?:
❄ Share your favorites from 2k14? (Music, Fanmixes, Fic, Movies, Series, Whatever!):
❄ Anything else?

Share the meme!

http://mapping-stars.livejournal.com/36539.html" title="new years friending meme!">http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc96/ayuette/friendingmemecopy_zpsd5d51962.png" alt="new years friending meme!">

friending meme

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