Non-challenge: A Policeman's Tale (Day 27)

Feb 06, 2009 21:05

Title: A Policeman's Tale (Day 27)
Author: ytak
Word count:  1059
Rating (chapter):  K+ (G)  
Rating (whole story):  T (PG-13)
Comments: This chapter is dedicated to all the people who have been sick at work this past week and anyone else who has been sick lately.
Other chapters can be read through here or here
Day 27 
Takagi sighed slightly as he dropped off his paperwork to be filed. The paperwork seemed to be heavier than normal. Takagi swore it was. The number of officers missing because they were ill was sizable and Takagi would not be surprised if some of their paperwork had migrated to his desk out of shear spite.

A quick glance around the room showed Takagi that there were a number of officers who were not sick enough to stay home but still sick. I wonder if holding my breath would do any good? Takagi wondered and then shook off the irrational thought. If I get sick, I get sick.

A big sniff behind him cause him to turn and look. Chiba stood behind him. Chiba looked much better than the day before. His color was good and he was drinking the cup of coffee he held like it was the first coffee he had in days.

Chiba smiled, “Finally, the coffee tastes right. Whenever I get sick, it doesn't taste right. I've hardly had any since I got sick.”

Takagi looked at the coffee on his desk and tried to remember if it tasted funny to him.

Chiba noticed his glance, “Don't worry about it. You will remember if it tastes funny. Besides, that's just me.”

Megure walked into the room. “Okay, everyone, pay attention!” he said. Megure waited until all the officers put aside what they were doing to look at him. “A lot of you are sick and too many are out on sick leave. That means that everyone is going to have to start becoming familiar with all the active investigations.” He paused a moment, “Actually, that's not quite right. You will be assigned another officers investigation. If they are not here, you are pick up where they left off. If you have to, call them and ask where they left off. Too many of you do not leave regular notes as to where you are in your investigations.” Takagi knew he was not the only officer to shift uncomfortably at that statement.

Megure continued, “For those of you that are sick, you are to update the new officer assigned to the case and you are to get familiar with his case.” He looked around the room, “I know this is unusual but there have never been so many officer sick before with so many different illness.” He looked around the room, briefly making eye contact with each of the officers, “If this works out like the superintendent thinks, then we'll have the main investigating officers with a back-up who is up-to-date with their investigation. That ought to cover illness and injury.” He looked back around the room, “I have a list here that divides each of you up into your prospective groups. I will be calling each of you forward at some point.” He grinned in a predatory fashion, “So, if any of you need to get some coffee or take a bathroom break, now is the time.”

Megure returned to his desk and placed the list down. The room came alive as the officers did as he suggested. “That's actually a good idea,” Takagi said to Chiba. “But I have a feeling that it is going to create lots of new paperwork.”

“No kidding,” said Chiba, sweat-dropping. “Duplicate notes and the...backup?” Takagi nodded at the term. “The backup will probably need to do a bunch of paperwork just to keep up.”

“The setup leaves a bad taste in my mouth,” said a voice behind them causing the to twitch with surprise.

The owner of the voice gave them a lopsided grin as they turned to looked him. “I apologize. I did not mean to startle you,” Shiratori said.

Chiba and Takagi quickly told him that it was all right. They shared a look before looking at Shiratori. “Why does it bother you, Shiratori-san?” Takagi asked.

Shiratori slowly blinked and considered the question. “It just does,” he said deliberately, clearly unwilling to make any criticism of their superiors. “Excuse me,” he said, leaving them and going over to Megure to talk to him.

“I bet Shiratori-san found out only a little while ago,” Chiba said. “They probably just told him that the new policy was going into place without listening to other ideas.”

“Or they didn't follow his suggestion,” Takagi suggested.

Chiba chuckled, “That would make him miffed.” He stretched, “Well, I need to get back to my desk and work on organizing some of that paperwork before it gets even worse. I'm just glad I was sick on a day off. Can you imagine how bad it would be to be sick on a workday?”

Takagi winced, “That would be messy.” He looked around the room and shook his head, “At least there aren't any major cases at the moment.”

Chiba nodded and turned his attention to the pile of papers on his desk that were reminiscent of a snow covered mountain. If he's not careful, that pile is going to fall over. All is would take is a stiff breeze from somebody walking past to make it fall over.

A familiar feminine chuckle to his left caught his attention. He looked over and was pleased to see he was correct. “How are you, Mi-, ah, Sato-san?” he asked.

“Better than most,” she said. “I'm glad Chiba-kun is looking better.” She looked over Takagi. He could feel his face heat up under the intense inspection. “I'm glad to see you aren't sick,” she finally said, giving him a dazzling smile. Takagi could almost, no, he could feel the intense gazes of the officers well enough to notice the attention he was getting.

To Takagi's relief, the inspector cleared his throat and drew most of the attention to himself. “Okay, I believe we are ready to begin the assignments of groups. It is likely that some of the people you are going to be working with are ill, so, it may take a few days to properly coordinate everything.” He swept his gaze across the room, “But if everyone is present, you are to meet and exchange information and catch up your backup on what the current status is of your cases.”

Takagi caught a few hopeful glances in Sato's direction. Not that I blame them, he thought.

ytak, fanfic-nonchallenge

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