Non-challenge: A Policeman's Tale (Day 26)

Jan 30, 2009 22:30

Title: A Policeman's Tale (Day 26)
Author: ytak
Word count:  1322
Rating (chapter):  K (G)  
Rating (whole story):  T (PG-13)
Comments: Going to take a break for a week.  Need to think (and plot) about upcoming chapters.
Other chapters can be read through here or here.

 Day 26

It was around 10 in the morning and Takagi lazily flipped through the TV channels, searching for something of interest. All that seemed to be on was news, children's anime, soaps, and reruns of dramas. Unless it was a holiday, there never were any good movies on.

The ringing of the phone caused Takagi to leap up and go for the phone. Only to find that it was not where it should be. He dashed around the apartment, looking for the phone. On the ring before the answering machine would pick up, he found it under the couch hiding behind one of the legs.

“Hello?” he answered breathlessly, “Takagi speaking.”

“'Morning! It's Chiba. Did I catch you at a bad time?” asked Chiba.

“Ah, no. I just couldn't find the phone.” He muttered, “How did it get under the couch?”

“I know what that's like. A couple of days ago, I couldn't find the house phone and found it by using my cell phone to call it. I don't want to know how it got in the dirty clothes,” Chiba said, absentmindedly.

Ewww, thought Takagi. I'd better make a point not to use his phone when I'm over there without wiping it down first.

“Ah ha ha, don't worry about the phone,” Chiba added, “I wiped it down. I know I wouldn't want to use it after where I found it. I'm not that much of a bachelor.”

“I was a little worried about that...” Takagi said.

Then Chiba muttered, almost too quiet for Takagi to hear, “At least, I think I did. Better do it again to be safe.” He cleared his throat, “Anyway, I was calling to see if we were still on for the movie this afternoon?”

Takagi looked at the clock. “Yeah. Do you want to hit some place to eat before or are we going to meet there like you suggested yesterday?”

Takagi could almost hear Chiba's sweatdrop. “I don't have the money for both right now. So, let's just meet at the theater.”

“Yeah, payday is still a few days off, isn't it?” Takagi said. “Yeah, I'll see you there.”


“Bye,” Takagi said, hanging the phone up. Chiba's comment about money made Takagi feel a little guilty. He had been eating out too often of late. Not to mention, there was probably food going bad in the fridge despite his trip to the grocery store a few days earlier.

Looking at the time, he decided that he could throw a lunch together just in time for lunch. Mom would be happy to know I don't eat out for every meal, chagrin colored his thoughts.

He dug through the refrigerator and found some food that was not spoiled but was close to it and some instant noodles. It took him a few minutes to chop up the stuff from the fridge, some chicken, he thought, and some limp looking vegetables. Then he remembered that putting some water on to boil first would probably be the best idea.

The soup took longer to make than he liked but, eventually, he did succeed in making lunch. A quick look at the clock showed him that he had a few minutes to catch the bus if he wanted to take the bus. Quickly, he decided that, despite how long it would take, he did not want to deal with finding parking.

In a few minutes, he was out the door and headed to the stop. He was not the only one waiting for the bus. A number of people huddled around the stop, looking like they wanted to all scoot together to keep warm but not wanting to lose their personal space. Takagi considered working his way into the middle of the group, where he would be protected from the wind when he could see his bus pull around the corner.

The crowd of people shifted in response to the appearance of the bus. The people who were waiting for a different bus moved back while the people waiting for this bus moved forward. By the time the bus arrived, everyone was queued up to board the bus. A minute later, Takagi seated himself on the bus and it went to the next stop.

The ride to the movie theater was uneventful and he got off at a surprisingly empty shopping center and made his way to the movies. There he could see Chiba bundled up under layers of clothes.

“Hey, Chiba!” he said, waving at his friend.

The bundled figured turned towards Takagi and waved. When Takagi was close enough, he said, “Let's get inside. Too chilly out.”

A moment later, Chiba was in line, buying his ticket. Takagi thought about what Chiba said. It isn't as chilly as it has been I don't know what he is complaining about, he thought before following Chiba in the line and buying his own ticket.

Once inside, the two friends made their way to the theater the action movie was showing in. Initially, the day before, Chiba suggested that they see a horror movie but Takagi vetoed the idea saying that he had seen enough horror lately. Chiba did not argue with that.

A few minutes later, they were seating themselves in a largely empty theater. Chiba looked around, “It's kind of weird how empty it is.”

“It's a weekday and don't you usually go to the evening or premier showings?” Takagi answered.

“Yeah,” Chiba affirmed before giving a little shiver and settling deeper into his coat instead of taking it off like Takagi did with his own coat.

Takagi frowned, “Are you feeling okay?”

“Just a bit chilled. And maybe, possibly, I might have a low grade fever,” Chiba said, looking a little guilty.

Takagi smacked his head in disbelief. “And, yet, here you are, at a movie, instead of bed.”

Chiba looked miffed as the lights dimmed and the previews began. He muttered loud enough only for Takagi to hear him, “I took some medicine and I needed to get out. Besides, when was the last time we hung out?” Takagi did not say anything. “That's what I thought. It's been too long.”

Takagi sighed, “Fine. But you should go home after the movie.”

Chiba grunted in a way that could be taken as an affirmative or negative just as the opening credits began to move across the screen.

As the movie progressed, Takagi would check on Chiba every once in a while. He was relieved to see that Chiba was engrossed in the movie and was showing more energy. Eventually, Takagi found himself drawn into the movie. The action was over the top and only believable in the movies but it did not detract from the fun of the whole thing.

Takagi stood and stretched as the ending credits rolled across the screen. Chiba was a little slower in standing but, as the lights came back up, Takagi could see that his color was a little better.

“That was just what I needed!” Chiba said, grinning. “I feel much better now.”

Takagi chuckled, “You look much better, too.” He looked around, “Anything else you want to do? How about we get a beer?”

Chiba thought about it a moment, “I'd like to but I'd better watch my money. And the medicine said not to mix it with alcohol.”

Takagi winced with sympathy. “Okay. I hope you feel better tomorrow.” Chiba nodded and walked off to his car. Takagi slowly made his way bus stop. The sun was beginning to dip behind the buildings, causing it to cool off but the air was still for a change.

His mind wandered some but mostly he hoped that Chiba would be okay. He knew that going out when a person was just starting to feel better might bring a relapse. If he's not well tomorrow, I am going to tell Inspector Megure. It's too easy to get sick these days.

ytak, fanfic-nonchallenge

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