[FREE!/HAIKYUU!!] ancora 2 fic per il COW-T!

Feb 24, 2018 20:02

Titolo: Something in the way he moves
Fandom: Free!
Personaggi: Rei/Nagisa
Genere: erotico, fluff, romantico
Avvertimenti: pwp, in inglese, ace!Rei
Parole: 777
Note: COW-T8, settimana 6, missione Minthe (NSFW). Ho svariati headcanon a-spec per Rei, tbh. XD

He used to think that sort of thing was quite frivolous. Oh, yes, of course he knew it made sense, that it was merely the result of chemical reactions happening, that none of it had a real logic, but it was obviously useful for reproduction. He just never really imagined himself going through all the ceremonials, all the anxieties, all the preparations, in order to engage in activity that, for what he was concerned, was unhygienic and very little worth it considering how little time was actually involved in the whole thing. He just never considered sex - as much as he theoretically knew about it - something worth caring about. And nobody made him. Nobody made him think that uhm, maybe I could try this. 
Nagisa didn't either. Even though Rei had quickly fallen head over heels for him, heart and brain and soul and everything. 
Sometimes he would think that was definitely too weird of him. Was he not supposed to want that kind of intimate contact with someone, once he was really involved with that person? Still, sometimes they did it. Rei was not really interested in it, but was not interested in refusing either, and sometimes it awakened something in him. Sometimes he would really enjoy Nagisa's touch, the sights he was showed by his small, vocal boyfriend, and the fire he would kindle inside of Rei's chest and guts. The rhythm of his own heart thrumming with every thrust of his finger inside of Nagisa.

But what he does most often, is nothing like that. They found something great, something that makes both their hearts beat faster than ever. Like they do right now, as Nagisa lies naked on his bed, legs spread open and thighs trembling as his own fingers push and touch inside of him, as his fingers glide and slide up and down his aching cock. And Rei sits in front of him, looking. He thought sex sounded like an aesthetically unpleasant business, but right now as his purple eyes devour every inch of Nagisa's exposed, vulnerable body, it all looks more beautiful and infinitely more pleasant than any work of art. This one moves. This one produces real sounds, it trembles and is warm to the touch. Nagisa whimpers and blushes constantly, a thin layer of sweat appears on his skin and makes it glitter lightly under the dying sunlight, in the evening, and Rei looks at him every second, almost never blinking to not miss any of it. 
It's almost hypnotizing, the shudder and roll of Nagisa's hips, the way his cock gently bounces with every thrust upwards, the way his muscles visibly move under his skin. It makes him hold his breath. It's beautiful. Nagisa's hair move almost unnoticeably with every warm puff of breath, his fingers dig deeper inside of himself and Rei still sits down, fascinated, electrified with arousal that he'll soon rub away. But he barely registers it, too focused on looking at the beauty in front of him, at his man showing such an intimate side of himself without looking shame, without hesitating. 
And when he comes, his sweet chirping sounds pour out of his lips completely unfiltered, he babbles and whines and his body shakes and for a moment Rei's mind blanks out with the sheer emotion at the sight of Nagisa's expression, his glee and relief and the peace settling on his face right after. He almost does not notice it when Nagisa sits up too, panting, and gives Rei a little smile before bending forward and cupping his cheek, moving closer and giving his lips a few soft kisses cut short by his quick breath, until his heart slows down and he leans his forehead against Rei's, breathing on his lips.

"Did you like it?" He says, touching Rei's lips in between kisses. Rei rubs circles with his fingertips on Nagisa's neck, and nods a few times before hugging him. 
"Yes. Thank you for showing me," he replies, and kisses his shoulder. He always says that. 
Thank you for accepting me. 
Nagisa rubs his fingers through Rei's dark hair, humming something Rei doesn't recognize, but then shivers in his arms. 
"Are you cold?" Rei asks. 
Nagisa smiles as if he was caught doing something he shouldn't. 
"Yeah..." he admits, and purses his lips. "But I don't want to take a shower, I want to stay here with you. Or you could take a shower with me!" 
Rei sighs, already knowing he'll lose the battle with himself again. 
"Alright, I'll shower with you."
He smiles slowly, letting Nagisa pull him inside the bathroom, and closes the door behind them.

Titolo: spoilt puppy boy
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Personaggi: Hajime Iwaizumi/Tooru Oikawa
Genere: erotico
Avvertimenti: light BDSM, in inglese, pwp
Parole: 200
Note: COW-T/settimana 6/missione Nocturnia/prompt "daddy". Non sapevo che titolo usare XD

Hajime never saw Oikawa's face that red, his eyes that shy and pleading, and if he was not so fucking horny he would keep the guy waiting a little more, kneeling on the floor with his body naked and his cock aching - heavens know how many times Oikawa teased him to no end, but apparently Hajime is not that strong, not today, not after fighting with virtually every work colleague. 
So he sighs, grabbing a handful of Tooru's hair and gently guides his head to his groin, holding his breath at the warm tongue and lips accepting him, without resistance, at the brown eyes looking up at him, aware of all that's happening. Oikawa looks at him attentive, but without plans and calculations behind his charming irises, as Hajime shivers and moans quietly with breaths turning heavier with each pump of Tooru's mouth around the tip of his cock. 
His neck moves following the guidance of Hajime's hand, the rhythm, and his eyes smile drooping lightly, as his hand moves between his legs. He's so unusually obedient, he's quiet... for now. 
Maybe he is just really into his role. And maybe Hajime should just be "daddy" more often...
Titolo: In the dark of the night
Fandom: Cappuccetto Rosso
Personaggi: Cappuccetto/Lupo
Genere: erotico
Avvertimenti: pwp, underage
Parole: 200
Note: COW-T/settimana 6/missione Nocturnia/prompt "senza via d'uscita".

La viene a trovare di notte, apparendo dal nulla, e prima che possa toccarlo ne sente sempre l'odore di terra ed erba umide. 
Scivola da sotto la porta, forse, o da uno spiraglio fra le ante della finestra? 
Cappuccetto non lo sa, ma dalla prima volta che è apparso e che lui l'ha mangiata nei sogni, la bimba ha smesso gradualmente di avere paura. In cameretta non c'è nessuno, le sue orecchie ne sono certe. Eppure Cappuccetto parla. Forse lui la sente davvero, lì, rannicchiato nel buio. 
Stanotte torna furtivo dietro le sue palpebre; lo vede chiaramente, coi suoi occhi gialli, le sue zanne aguzze che Cappuccetto non può fare a meno di commentare - che denti grandi che hai - e il Lupo la guarda famelico. E poi le sfiora le gambe. Stringe le sue coscette fra le dita e non riceve resistenza anche perché, povera piccola, non potrebbe mai essere più forte di un enorme uomo-lupo. 
Ma Cappuccetto non ha più paura di lui. Così dopo qualche secondo di istintiva resistenza, apre le gambe. 
E il lupo si infila vittorioso nel mezzo, piano piano, annusandola, per assaggiarla, mangiarla, ascoltare i suoi piccoli gemiti che durano tutta la notte.

fandom: cappuccetto rosso, fandom: free!, avvertimento: underage, genere: fluff, avvertimento: inglese, fandom: yuri on ice, pairing: oikawa/iwaizumi, genere: romantico, pairing: nagisa/rei

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