I'm My Own Heartbreaker [Oneshot - GRi]

Aug 26, 2009 20:53

Ji Yong shut himself in his room and has been doing that for days now. Sitting alone in a corner surrounded by darkness, the only light was from his endless glittering tears. He wouldn’t drink, eat or talk. His smiles and laughs completely gone. Seldom, he would leave his room otherwise he wouldn’t be seen. No one was allowed to enter his room. It happened once and never happened again. Never has anyone seen Ji Yong throwing a fit like that ever. When he was angry he would stay quiet and not talk to anyone at all, but this time his voice could reach North Korea.

No matter what Seung Ri did, or the others members, Ji Yong wouldn’t listen. He didn’t care about work or anything. Mr. YG has temporally announced that Ji Yong had vacation for a while to let him recover from what Seung Ri had learned was a heartbreak. Not too long ago Ji Yong broke up with his beloved girlfriend. It was rather her who broke up, and after what Seung Ri thought was the best for him. That girl was cheating on him and when he found out Ji Yong was never himself again. On top of that, that girl even rubbed his wounds, showing off with her new boyfriend, who was Ji Yong biggest rival.


Seung Ri did his best though, even though he knew Ji Yong didn’t care. Each day Seung Ri would make him food. He would do everything he could to help his hyung. He was kind of glad when he knew that Ji Yong had broke up with his girlfriend, but seeing Ji Yong like this he wished that, that never happened. Even though Seung Ri would do anything to make Ji Yong happy and he would be happy if Ji Yong was happy with or without him. Seung Ri sighed as he took out Ji Yong’s untouched food and replaced it with a new cooked meal. He knocked on the door and said softly.

“I’m leaving your food here, hyung. You should at least eat something. “ No answers. Not a sound. “Hyung, you can’t continue to do this. “ That was a line he had repeated each time he laid down the food, and each time he would be met with silence. Seung Ri snapped, if this continued his hyung would die, and that was the last thing he wanted. Taking a deep breath he announced clearly. “Hyung, if you’re not eating then I’m coming in.” Still no sound, no movement, no nothing.

Slowly Seung Ri opened the door, the light from the hallway shone through and revealed a devastated Ji Yong. Ji Yong, G the Dragon, Big Bang’s successful leader, who knew this, would happen to him. Just looking at him made Seung Ri teary. His hair was a mess, covered most of his face. He sat in the same corner five days ago hugging his knees like they were going to fall off. Red and puffy were his eyes and even know tears were dropping from them. The eyes that shone with ambitions, determinations, and happiness were now left dully, dimly and had lost its spark.

Seung Ri let out a relief sigh as Ji Yong didn’t react the way he did last time Seung Ri went into his room. Never had Seung Ri been yelled and scolded like that, but he bore it. If yelling and scolding at Seung Ri made him feel better Seung Ri would let him. Anything that would help Ji Yong, Seung Ri would do it and sacrifice everything.


“Hyung,” He said softly. “Let me help you.” Seung Ri reached out his hand, and waited. Ji Yong made no move and it didn’t look like he knew Seung Ri was there. He just stared straight ahead, like he was blind, but tears were still there and falling non-stop.

Without knowing Seung Ri’s own tears made their way down his face.

“Hyung!” He sobbed. “Please don’t do this to yourself anymore!” He grabbed Ji Yong’s hands and Seung Ri got no reaction from him. “Ji Yong! Stop it! Look at me pleace!” Seung Ri cried. Seeing him like this was like he was stabbing a knife into him. Watching Ji Yong as he slowly lost himself, locking himself inside his shell was harder than watching him happily with another person.

“I know you’re sad, hyung. We all are for your sake, but that isn’t a good enough reason for you to be this way. You have to be strong hyung! Where is the strongest, coolest hyung I look up to? He is still there. I know he is!” Seung Ri sniffed and wiped away his tears and Ji Yong’s. “Look at me!” He ordered, but Ji Yong didn’t listen. “HYUNG!” Seung Ri cupped Ji Yong’s head and stared right into his eyes. “LOOK AT ME!” He screamed and tears scrolled down his face again. But finally Ji Yong made a move. He looked at Seung Ri.

“Hyung, I know it is hard, but you have to forget her. You have to forget and move on. Look back. She doesn’t love you. If she did she wouldn’t do this to you. Do you think she is worth this? You ruining yourself because of her?!” Seung Ri said not releasing Ji Yong.  He shouldn’t have mention this because, that was the trigger to Ji Yong’s fits.

“HOW DO YOU KNOW HUH?!?!?” Ji Yong yelled loudly startling poor Seung Ri who was being pushed far away from Ji Yong. “HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL?!?!? YOU DON’T HAVE A CLUE!!! I LOVE HER!!!!! I FUCKING LOVE HER!!!!! AND NOW YOU’RE TELLING ME TO FORGET AND MOVE ON???? DO YOU KNOW FUCKING MUCH I LOVE HER?!?!?!” Seung Ri could understand it clearly. How hard it was to forget the person you love. He had been through the same. For once he let it out, if this didn’t help then he would give up.

“I DON’T KNOW YOU SAY?!?!” Seung Ri screamed back this time dragging Ji Yong with him off the ground. “I KNOW PERFECTLY HOW IT IS!! BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN THROUGH IT AND ARE STILL!!!” He breathed out. Ji Yong who was startled by Seung Ri sudden outburst stayed quiet. “I know that it is hard to forget the person you love, hyung. I know.” Seung Ri continued in a more softly tone. “But if you really are loving her then you will be happy if she is happy. You can stand at the side watching the person you love with all your heart, love another person and you would wish them happiness.”

Seung Ri let go off him and Ji Yong collapsed on the floor. He sat down with him grabbing his hands, holding them tightly. “Hyung, do you still think being like this will help you?” He questioned but was met with nothing, just a stare and tears. “Please, even not for yourself. Think about YG family, Big Bang, Top hyung, Daesung hyung and Taeyang hyung. They are all worried about you. Even though she left you hyung, she wouldn’t want you to be like this. And you know clearly that Big Bang, YG will never leave you.” Again Seung Ri stopped and waited for a response, but still none was heard.

He sighed. That was it. What more could he do? Seung Ri pushed the new meal he made for him right beside him and stood up. “She might have left you hyung, but you still have me. For me don’t do this to yourself. I want to see you happy. I would never leave you hyung. I’ll forever stay with you…” With that Seung Ri left the room, and as he shut the door his other hyungs came worried towards him.

“Seung Ri, are you okay?” Taeyang asked and Seung Ri just nodded.

“How is he?” Top questioned and Seung Ri looked at the door sadly.

“I don’t know.” He really didn’t he had done all he could. Daesung threw a friendly arm around him and encouraged him.

“It’s going to be fine.”


Weeks had gone by and everyday Seung Ri would bring Ji Yong food, but he never tried to talk with him anymore. He had given up. Luckily, Ji Yong had started eating and such, but he didn’t talk nor work. For a month he had been out action. Mr. YG covered it off with the ‘vacation’ excuse, but it wouldn’t hold on any longer.

Mr. YG called in the rest of Big Bang to a meeting to discuss what was going to happen further. Because of this Ji Yong’s solo album was being delayed and many other things along with it.

“This can’t continue guys.” Mr. YG announced. “We have to do something about Ji Yong, or replace him.” The word replace hit them hard, especially Seung Ri. He was furious.

“How can you say something like that?” Seung Ri exclaimed hitting the table now standing looking down at Mr. YG. Daesung and Taeyang who sat beside him tried to calm him down and made him sit down.

“I have the right, Ji Yong had because of his personal reasons gotten a permission of one month rest if his not back then I’m afraid I have to drop him.” Seung Ri was going to protest again, but Mr. YG didn’t let him. “I have someone who can replace him already this member will have his own solo, when Ji Yong’s promotion is, and well with his own songs of course.” This made Seung Ri stay quiet but it gave him an idea.

“Guys, can I please talk in private with Mr. YG?” Seung Ri asked out loud and Mr. YG gave them a nod. The three other had their faces painted with worry, but Seung Ri assured them with a little smile and they left the room quietly.  “Mr. YG I have an offer for you.” Seung Ri started.


“Seung Ri, you can’t do this!” Taeyang exclaimed following Seung Ri into his room. They all went back to the apartment after Mr. YG had announced that the new guy was taking Seung Ri’s place instead of Ji Yong. Of course the others were happy that Ji Yong could stay, but not if that made Seung Ri leave. They couldn’t have chosen one of them either.

“I can and I already did.” Seung Ri threw back concentrating on packing his stuff.

“We are going to talk with Mr. YG!” Top announced and Daesung nodded in agreement.

“No!” Seung Ri said determined, but the three of them didn’t give up that easily.

“Seung Ri, we-“

“NO!” He cut them turning around to look at them. “I know there would be other ways to solve this, but I have already ended the contract. I’m no longer a member of Big Bang. Now you shouldn’t talk too loud, it’s late.” Sighing he turned back to pack his stuff and after a few minutes of silence, Seung Ri finished his packing and was on his way out the room.

“Are you really going to leave?” Daesung asked looking down with rubbing his eyes, wiping away his newborn tears. “Don’t leave!” He cried and ran towards Seung Ri wrapping his arms around him.

“Hyung, don’t cry.” Seung Ri patted his hyung’s back. “It’s okay.”

“No, it isn’t!” Taeyang joined the hug and Top came with him.

“Are you sure about this?” He asked. “Is it really worth it.” They walked into the hallway and Seung Ri looked at the door to Ji Yong’s room.

“Yes. I know he will make it. He loves music too much to give it up.” He opened the door slowly and walked quietly into the room. “Hyung, I know I said I would always be beside you, but it looks like I can’t. I’m not allowed to stay here anymore.” Seung Ri rumbled in his bag and took up a red apple. “Ji Yong turn back to your old self. You have a whole future in front of you. Your dream is to be a famous and talented artist right? Don’t throw away your dream because of an heartbreak.” With that Seung Ri left the room. Ji Yong was either asleep or didn’t care to answer him and it didn’t matter though. All Seung Ri wanted was for Ji Yong to be happy again.


How ironic though? All the things Seung Ri had been telling Ji Yong not to do and now he was doing it himself. He wouldn’t regret.

“Seung Ri…” His three other hyungs gathered behind him. Pleading and begging shone through their eyes. Seung Ri smiled, even though that smile wasn’t more than a little curve.

“Aw, guys don’t be like this. You have to be strong! Big Bang forever…” Seung Ri trailed off putting his hand in the center. They looked at him sadly, but seeing the smile on his face they smiled too and laid their hands on top of his.

“HWAITING!” They screamed. Seung Ri took a deep breath and took a last look of his three wonderful hyungs who had been with him for years. Looking out for him, caring for him and teaching him everything he knew.

“Help me take care of Ji Yong hyung. You guys have to make him stand on the stage again.” Unable to say anything the three of them just went towards him and gave him a big hug. They didn’t want to let go, but they knew they had to. Accepting Seung Ri’s decision and fulfill his wish were the only thing they could do to help him.

“Take care of yourself, maknae!” Top exclaimed hitting his arm lightly.

“Yeah, bring us a lot of cakes when you come to visit us!” Daesung sobbed smiling though and wiped the tears away.

“We will always wait for you, and don’t worry. I’ll make sure Ji Yong will stand on the stage again.” Taeyang knuckled with Seung Ri and he turned his back to them.

“Don’t forget me and like the other maknae too much.” He joked raising his hand and left without turning around.


“Please!” Seung Ri pleaded and even begged on his knees. “Let him take my place! He is as old as me and fits my position better than Ji Yong hyung’s.” Mr. YG. Rose a brow at him and looked like he was thinking hard. “Come on, you said he had an album ready right, then let him promote his album instead of Ji Yong hyung’s, I promise he will be good and sound if you just give him a little more time.” Seung Ri continued to beg.

“You are willing to let go of your position?” He nodded furiously. He was willing to do anything. Ji Yong had lost his lover. What would happen to him if he lost his career too? “Why?” Mr. YG continued to ask suspiciously. Seung Ri stayed quiet. “You-“ Mr. YG exclaimed shocked.

“Yes. Please I’ll do anything you want. Please.” He begged and he was still kneeling on the floor.

“Ok,” Seung Ri face lit up, but his face sank right away. “But I would not allow you to go near Big Bang ever again.” Mr. YG demanded and ordered. He opened his mouth and wanted to protest badly, but then Ji Yong’s face showed up in his mind. Seung Ri gulped and nodded. “I didn’t hear you.”

“Yes, I will never meet Big Bang again.”  Seung Ri looked down, then a thought hit him. “I can at least go to their concert and such right? As a fan?” He asked hopefully. A slight nod came from Mr. YG, and Seung Ri left after ending his contract.

End flashback


A few weeks had gone since Seung Ri left Big Bang and Ji Yong had finally gone back to his former self. He worked. He talked, but still a smile and laugh was seldom seen. After Seung Ri left Taeyang had given Ji Yong a full scolding, and that seemed to have made an impression on him. However, he wasn’t his cheery self. Something- someone was missing. The maknae, Seung Ri, the person who was beside when he needed someone the most. But now he was gone. For weeks Seung Ri hadn’t contacted them and they hadn’t heard anything from him. How much Ji Yong regret that he hadn’t listened to Seung Ri more. Then this wouldn’t have happen. He wouldn’t have given up his career to help him.

Now he was sitting at his desk, making the last preparation for his new album. After all the delayed he will finally promote it and the person he wanted to listen to it the most was out there somewhere waiting for him to stand on that stage and he was going to do it. He would make the best and show it Seung Ri and he would make him come back.

“Ji Yong?” Taeyang stuck his head into the door.

“Yes?” Ji Yong answered without looking at him.

“That little girl is here again.” Ji Yong immediately turned around and showed a smiled that was seldom seen. “Why didn’t you bring her in?” He asked giving his full attention to Taeyang.

“You know she wouldn’t come in.” Taeyang sighed and left and Ji Yong came out walking straight to the front door.

“Hi!” He cheerfully greeted the little girl standing outside with a little cute dress and her hair in pigtails. She hid their hands behind cutely and waved her body from right to left.

“Hey!” She greeted him slyly.

“You got something for me Soo Jung?” Ji Yong asked bending down to the little girl’s level. She nodded smiling and showed him what she had in her hands. An apple. It was a bright red apple with an imprint of a heart. “Thank you.” He had been receiving apples from her since he started to work again. “Will you tell me who you are doing this for?” Ji Yong asked softly and patted her head.

“From me?” She pointed at herself. Ji Yong chuckled and gave her a little hug. “Good luck on p- pro- moting you album Ji-Ji!” She exclaimed with some difficulties and left. Ji Yong sighed. She couldn’t be the one behind the whole thing and something was telling him that the real person behind this was none other then Seung Ri.”

“Looks like a five year old girl has a crush on you Ji Yong.” Top teased him as he came in with the apple in his hand.

“Don’t joke with that, I’ve already asked her whom she liked the most, it’s Seung Ri.” Everyone became quiet as he mentioned Seung Ri, well not everyone.

“But Seung Ri-sshi isn’t in-“ Jongwan the new member, started but was cut.

“Don’t even say it!” Ji Yong hissed and went into his room slamming the door.


Today was the day Ji Yong’s album came out. Tired after a long day, but successful he went home happily. Even better Soo Jung was waiting for him in front of the door.

“Ji-Ji!” She smiled and ran towards him. He let her jumped into his arms and he lifted her up.

“Hey! Soo Jung!” He smiled and gave her a little peck. But looking at her empty hands he couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed. He startled when Soo Jung suddenly made his lips turned into a smile.

“Smile, smile!” She exclaimed and Ji Yong couldn’t help but smile. “Happy Birthday!” She congratulated him and gave him a big hug.

“Thank you.” Ji Yong smiled and let her down. Then she suddenly took his hand and trying to lead him somewhere.

“Where are you taking me?” He questioned but she just smiled and continued to lead him.

“Here.” She announced and she had led him to an apple garden. It wasn’t too far away from their apartment, but he never knew that there was a place like this there.

“What are we doing here?”

“Sing!” She giggled. “H-Hear-t b-brea-ker” she struggled the hard word out.

“You want me to sing Heartbreaker?” Ji Yong asked and she nodded. He shrugged and didn’t know why she wanted him to sing, but he started to sing anyway. Singing that song made Ji Yong remember why he wrote it, and all the things he have gone through the past month. Making him remember everything Seung Ri did for him. Without him knowing he ended up singing the song with tears in his eyes. Soo Jung saw this and tucked his shirt. Quickly he wiped away the tears and bend down.

“Don’t cry.” Soo Jung wiped away the remaining tears then went to fetch something. She came back with a box in her hand and put it carefully on the grass.

“For me?” He pointed at himself and Soo Jung nodded. Slowly he opened the box to reveal a heart-shaped cake with a little red apple on it. A card was with it.

Happy Birthday hyung~

You finally made it! :D

Your new album is way too awesome hyung.

Keep it up, kay? Hwaiting!!!

P.S I heard you tonight

Always by your side,

Seung Ri

Seung Ri! Seung Ri was here! Where was he?! Ji Yong looked around hoping to catch a glimpse of the person he missed with his whole heart. The reason he had the strength to move on.

“SEUNG RI! I KNOW YOU’RE HERE! WHY WON’T YOU COME OUT?!?!” Ji Yong screamed all he could. “I LOVE YOU!! SEUNG RI, YOU SAID YOU WOULD NEVER LEAVE ME!!”  He shouted till his voice was horse. “Where are you, Ri? I love you…” Ji Yong collapsed on his knees tears fell down his cheeks like a never-ending storm…

So what do you guys think? I haven't written angst for a long time .. maybe not good...
for readers that are waiting for Scroll 3, I'm really sorry I haven't updated, but I will as soon as I have written it ^^

os: i'm my own heartbreaker, f: big bang, #oneshot, p: ji yong/seung ri

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