Kinshi Scroll - The World's Fate

Aug 29, 2009 18:57

//SeoJung High School//Canteen//

It was lunchtime and Seung Hyun, Minho and Daesung was on their way to their usual meeting place, but they bumped into the wrong people.

“Yah! Watch where you are going, you stupid shit!” Hyuk Jae sneered in disgust when Seung Hyun had stumbled into him nearly making him slip. However, Seung Hyun fell and his meal was shattered all over the floor some of it got onto Hyuk Jae and Kyuhyun. The glasses Seung Hyun fell of and Kyuhyun stamped on it, breaking it in half.

“Just a little payment.” He smirked and Daesung whose anger was trapped in his head like a ticked bomb.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” He yelled and was going to land a hit on Kyuhyun’s face but Minho stopped him.

“Haha, come on.” They dared him, but at the time they were talking, Seung Hyun got up from the floor, dusting food pieces off him. He went to Daesung’s side resting his hand on his shoulder and said:

“Forget it hyung, it’s okay.” He was going to leave, but leaving wasn’t an option.

“Yah!” Hyuk Jae grabbed Seung Hyun.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Kyuhyun questioned.

“Honey!” Someone cried out and wrapped his arms around Hyuk Jae.

“Babe,” Another voice called and Kyuhyun was trapped.

“Stop it! We are in middle of something!” Hyuk Jae and Kyuhyun exclaimed in horizon leaving their boyfriends’ arms, making them pout.

“Fine, if you’re going to be that way, I’m not giving you anything tonight, come Sungmin.”

“Donghae!” Hyuk Jae called after him, but he didn’t stop. Kyuhyun gave Sungmin a pleaded look, but Sungmin gave him a glare and stomped off after Donghae. “Consider yourselves lucky.” Hyuk Jae hissed and ran off, followed by a sighing Kyuhyun.

//SeoJung High School//Toilets//

“What happened to you?!” Nichkhun exclaimed as he came into the toilets followed by Daesung and Kibum. Kibum came towards Seung Hyun and helped him cleaning himself up. They had spaghetti today but none of it was in Seung Hyun’s stomach, well not on the inside at least. There were meatballs in his hair and the sauce was on his shirt and jeans. On top of that he had juice over his shoulders.

“Hell.” He cursed and Kibum scolded him.

“Don’t swear.” Everyone except him rolled their eyes.

“Hyung, please. You’re like the only student on this school who doesn’t swear.” Daesung said, but suddenly smiled widely.

“Why are you smiling?! Look at me!! How can you smile?!” Seung Hyun hissed and threw a meatball at Daesung, making Minho giggled and Kibum just sighed.

“Come here, let me fix you.” Nichkhun announced and before any of them could protest he was done. “There you go.” He said when Seung Hyun didn’t move or say anything. He was as whole as new. Seung Hyun even looked cleaner than when he came to school.

“Isn’t this too much?” Minho asked but he was ignored.

“Hyunie, you owe me big time.” Nichkhun smiled throwing an arm around him.

“Illusion only?” Daesung asked and Nichkhun pouted.

“Hey! I can make it real too!”

“Nichkhun!” Kibum exclaimed. “What if someone heard you?! And how are you going to explain this?! Everyone in this school probably know what happened in the canteen now!”

“Chillax, man. We can just say that one of us got him an extra uniform.”

“Someone is coming!” Minho warned them and without a word all of them went invisible.

“Weird, I could swear I hard someone in here.” A guy from Kibum class said as he peeked inside, but shrugged and went out. Staying like that for a few minutes they turned back to normal.

“Phew,” They all let out a relief sigh.

“Arg, if Teacher Jaejoong and Teacher Jung Su knew we would be in lots of trouble.” Seung Hyun mumbled and was on his way out, but Daesung stopped him and fished up a pair glasses.

“Here, I got Tabi to fetch your spare glasses.” He said smiling and patted his back.

“Wouldn’t it be weird if someone saw a bird with glasses?” Minho questioned, but got smacked by Daesung, who hi5ed Nichkhun.

“He probably avoided people, right, Daesungie?” Nichkhun answered and went out. He didn’t know he left a saddened Minho. Seung Hyun who noticed this gave his buddy an encouraging smile.

Before Nichkhun, Daesung and Kibum came into the toilets

“Arg! I hate them!” Seung Hyun exclaimed and started to clean himself up. “Minho, can you find some uniforms for me?” He asked but Minho didn’t answer. Somehow Seung Hyun had noticed that Minho was more absentminded at times and would nearly always be sad around Nichkhun. “Something wrong, Minho?” Seung Hyun asked but the questioned was thrown back at him harshly. “Yah! I was just worried about you!” Seung Hyun exclaimed and Minho looked down, mumbling


“It’s okay, want to talk about it?” He sighed deeply and looked up in the ceiling.

“Why don’t I have a nickname?” Unknowingly he pouted which resulted with Seung Hyun pinching his cheeks.

“Aw, someone is jealous.” He sang and received a death glare.

“I’m not jealous? And why should I be jealous?”

“The only one who Nichkhun don’t have a nickname to is you. You like him don’t you?” Seung Hyun smirked. He knew he was right.

“W-What? Of course not!” But he protested a bit too late.

“Don’t worry.” Seung Hyun was going to throw an arm around him but stopped when he realized that he was really dirty. “There must be a reason to it. A very special reason.” He winked and smiled. Minho smiled a little bit just to ease his friend. Deep down he thought, ‘He must hate me.’

//SeoJung High School//Hallway//

“Seung Hyun, I have a surprise for you,” Daesung announced and Seung Hyun looked at him confused then smiled when he heard some noises coming from the canteen.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!? THERE ARE ANTS IN MY FOOD!!!!!!!!!” They could hear Hyuk Jae and Kyuhyun yelled and they started to chuckle.

“Nice one!” Seung Hyun hi5ed Daesung and Nichkhun and Minho did the same.

“Oh no, we are in lots of trouble.” Kibum mumbled and followed after his dongsaengs.

“Did you see that?” Ji Yong asked Seung Hyun who stood a bit away from them.

“Yeah,” Seung Hyun answered. “Nice powers, but too weak.” He studied his target. ‘This is going to be easy’ He thought.

SORRY THOUSANDS TIMES!!!!!!!! I haven't update this like forever, I'm really really sorry!!! But to make it up to you guys, a spoiler. You are going to see the other lifes of the boys in the next chapter xP

Each character has two names. One they use at school and one they use when they are with the organization.
School name - organization name

Lee Seung Hyun - Seung Ri
Kim Kibum - Snow White
Kang Daesung - Dlite
Choi Minho - Dae Gi
Horvejkul Nichkhun - Khun

Kwon Ji Yong - Gdragon
Shim Changmin - Max
Choi Seung Hyun - Top
Dong Youngbae - Taeyang
Park Jaebum - Jae

Choi Siwon - Mr. S/Siwon
Kim Heechul - Chulhee
Han Jaejoong - Hero/Teacher H
Park Jung Su - Leetuek/Teacher L
Kim Junsu - Xiah/Teacher X

Han Gen - Mr. H/Hankyung
Kim Heechul - Heechul
Jung Yunho - Uknow/Teacher U
Park Yoochun - Micky/Teacher M

Not decided sides:
Lee Donghae - Fishy
Lee Sungmin - Minnie
Cho Kyuhyun - Kyu
Lee Hyuk Jae - Eunhyuk

Extra information: Everybody who can be counted special. Which means everybody in both organizations have these powers:
speed, strength, incisibility, flexible, endurance and their senses are better than 'normal' humans.

Heechul/Chulhee: Space Travel - Travel between spaces. That's why he can disappear and reappear out of nowhere.
Daesung: Animal speaker. He can speak with every single animal on earth. He can also mimic their abilities. 
Nichkhun: He can make illusions and some of his illusions can be real. He can also choose who is going to be affected by the illusions.

*more characters and powers will be added when they appear in the story*

f: big bang, f: dbsk, p: ji yong/seung ri, p: various, f: super junior, f: shinee, f: 2pm, s: kinshi scroll - the world's fate, p: nichkhun/minho, p: changmin/kibum

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