Mar 13, 2010 06:44
Also I just saw the most Mismatched group of people in the airport just now. I think maybe that's what some of us from the board must look like together. I'm pretty sure they were online friends :p
Dec 26, 2009 00:09
Season 4 of Angel SUCKS.
Oct 06, 2009 10:18
Hey guys. I'm still alive, kicking, wowing and reading. I missed NHAW (except for Kay's pics - DAMN, girl you are HAT!) and don't know how I feel about that really :p
Patch day in Wow = me catching up with YOU.
I hope you guys are doing well and I miss you all. Hoping to possibly make Boskone in February - GOGO!!
Jul 27, 2009 09:21
But only because I can't view videos on my blackberry which is what I almost exclusively use for net surfing and I am always curious what songs you guys are linking :(
Ok, going to take a nap while the therapist is here. Night night.
Jul 20, 2009 16:47
I want to wear a sign that says something to this affect:
I'm full up on my crazy quota for the year and I'm looking to decrease the number of assholes in my life, so if you're either of the above, step the fuck away plskthx.
Jul 19, 2009 03:29
I just watched the finale of Six Feet Under again.
I cried like a baby. Best end to a show EVER. That was fucking cathartic.
Jul 09, 2009 13:05
Its my favorite channel on TV.
Jul 04, 2009 19:18
Srunk dialing is bad. Srunk texting is hard.
I'm so much dumber after watching the channel "tru".
Apr 09, 2009 22:46
My ipod won't play video anymore.
I was in the middle of season 3 of the shield.
I could look on Craigslist but I'm wary of buying another one that doesn't work :(