two - steps towards redemption

Nov 25, 2012 14:56

[The general is sitting against a brick wall of a warehouse, his fingers steeped together after he has turned the video on. He is quiet for a long moment, before he finally spoke, his voice soft ( Read more... )


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Comments 168

riseaknight November 26 2012, 02:04:05 UTC

[He's been watching these battles, this cruelty. He's never seen these enemies before, never faced angels, and demons, only men bent on using religion to their purposes. He... can't even say he's surprised, though it's a little hard to take. He'd never been unbelieving, just always thought himself outside that grace. Which he'd been raised all the same that angels were killers as well. The texts were not so kind after all, not for a many worrying over his dead wife.]

Words only ever reach so far when men hunger for war. It doesn't matter how much you reason with them. They can comprehend, and still wish for more blood.

[But he'd thought the will of heaven was far more than that. Though he says nothing, eyes just cold and assessing.]


dowhatimust November 26 2012, 02:10:36 UTC
If they wish for blood, they will be answered with blood. But they will kill no more innocents. I will not allow it.

[The angel growled out, his voice rough with wrath. Blue eyes bright, as he looked at this other man.]

...You are wise, for one so young in his years.


riseaknight November 26 2012, 07:21:56 UTC
... There is the school of thought to wait for them to kill each other, in time, that too will come to pass, if they do not have anyone else to turn against.

[Balian met the look evenly, seldom that any thing made him flinch anymore. But at the compliment, he bows his head in thanks. For surely an angel would know these things better, even if Balian felt bitter looking at more blood.]

Not so wise as that, just... well taught.


dowhatimust November 26 2012, 23:44:19 UTC
If I allow them to kill one another, they will destroy the whole of humanity. I feel, somewhat, that I should keep that from happening.

[The angel felt some of his anger fade with curiosity.]

What sort of lesson have you learned?


likemichael November 26 2012, 04:15:28 UTC

[Dean is grinning, lazily, and leering a little at the screen.] All that for me and Sammy? Aw, Cas, I'm getting all warm and fuzzy inside.


dowhatimust November 26 2012, 04:18:57 UTC
[The angel just looks at Dean without a word. And waits.]


likemichael November 26 2012, 04:28:15 UTC
[Dean looks right back and, after a moment, blinks.] Are we having a staring contest? I think I just lost. Let's start again. [And he lets his eyes go black.]


dowhatimust November 26 2012, 04:36:03 UTC
[And Castiel didn't look away. Just kept looking, and waiting.]


trickster_mk2 November 26 2012, 10:30:57 UTC

[There's a sound of wings, and then, from beyond the semi-circle of corpses, Gabriel claps.] Very pretty. I mean, a lot of unnecessary death too, but without Sam and his magic powers, I guess you're reduced to doing things the old-fashioned way?


dowhatimust November 26 2012, 23:31:01 UTC
[Castiel looked over to his brother, arching one eyebrow.] If one wants do things the right way, old-fashioned is sometimes the best way.


trickster_mk2 November 27 2012, 00:57:17 UTC
You sound like the last kid in the playground without an iPhone, Cas.


dowhatimust November 27 2012, 02:10:54 UTC
Says the man who would kill billions to free one person. You and Dean are not that much different.


likely_evil November 27 2012, 04:57:41 UTC
I'll give you an A for effort, but honestly, a C for delivery and that's being generous.

You do realize that except for Dean, any of the demons here are ones that got pulled in just like the rest of us from different worlds. So all those bodies around you... most of them aren't mine. Hell, that guy over there to your left isn't even from Earth.

Cas, you have some explaining to do I think. Bad little righteous angel.


dowhatimust November 28 2012, 00:42:38 UTC
[This righteous angel was not about to state - 'the only good demon is a dead one'. Not to the King of Hell. Father knew Sam would turn it against him.]

[Instead he stated mildly.] Surely you do not expect me to believe that you would not have recruited them ... one way or another. [Another pause.] Hello, Sam.


likely_evil November 28 2012, 16:25:22 UTC
So does that mean that just because they are a demon in another world, which isn't yours to judge, you will judge them here?


dowhatimust November 29 2012, 02:10:45 UTC
If I find in them the same corruption, yes. Or did you really think angels cannot sense the true evil in all things?

[Come on, Sam. Castiel thought you were smarter than this.]


loyaltocamelot November 27 2012, 23:14:28 UTC

Was it really so necessary to show that?


dowhatimust November 28 2012, 00:50:19 UTC
If it were not, I would not have done so. I needed to make my point, without resorting to punching the other parties in the face.

[Repeatedly. With a building.]


loyaltocamelot November 28 2012, 00:52:27 UTC
It's just not the nicest image.


dowhatimust November 28 2012, 01:39:42 UTC
It is not meant to be.


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