
May 14, 2016 12:20

Boing! Is anyone still here? I just dropped in to check something and suddenly got super nostalgic for all the awesome things that LJ has, like cute background pages and selectable icons and such. *siiiiiiiiiigh*

How are all my friends still here doing? :D

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Comments 9

gosling May 14 2016, 23:18:58 UTC
Hi! :-)
Good to see you here!


drglam May 15 2016, 00:02:15 UTC
I'm here!


rmd May 15 2016, 00:10:13 UTC


solarbird May 15 2016, 00:43:06 UTC
I still poat here separately to ny band blog echo - anything I'd want to friendslock, my most political stuff, anything interesting economically goes here, then maybe linked to on Twitter et al.

They've also improved their RSS reader support dramatically and I've moved that here too and so it's become my default blog aggregator as well.


agrumer May 15 2016, 01:44:10 UTC
I still read, but hardly ever post.


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