Ordinary Man - Will You Wish Upon a Star - A Christmas Drabble Series (1/4)

Dec 16, 2008 05:58

At first the pain was too great and she wished to die.

But, with the first quickening in her womb, she found instead a fierce need to live.

Five Christmas Eves had come and gone. The heralding Star, her guiding light. Her babe, a child of wonder, a gift of love, a song of joy.

She helds his hand, they gazed up at the star-filled skies, seeking the guiding Star above.

“It that it, mum?” His finger pointed to one star, brighter than the rest. “Is that da’s star?”

She squeezed his hand. “Yes, Liam,” she whispers, “That’s his star.”


Your Heart is in your dreams (drabble two)

ordinary man, drabbles

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