Written by: mamazano
Title: The Sound of Life
Rating: G
Characters: Jack, Will
Disclaimer: Disney owns them, I just like playing with them
Words: 100
Prompt: Silence at
jackwill Extra special thanks to
danglingdingle , for taking my words and creating something sublime.
A ship was never quiet, never still. Wind in the rigging, the groan of timbers, the sea slosh against the hull. The clump of boots and shouts and laughter of the crew as they went about their duties. The snap of canvas, the creak of lines.
Jack was like that; lively, breezy, constant movement.
"You don't like silence, do you?" Will queried one day.
Jack went motionless, past unpleasantries washing over him.
An empty, vast landscape. No sound. No wind. The Pearl, limp sails and silent shrouds. Silent as the grave.
"No," Jack replied. "I prefer the sound of life."