Team Sam Fic: It's a Manly Art

Jul 19, 2012 23:36

It’s a Manly Art

Dean didn’t understand it.

He knew his brother was weird - hell, he’s been that way since the day he was born -- but knitting? He just didn’t get it.

Sure, Sam has a sensitive side, but he's just as manly as Dean … okay … maybe not as manly as Dean, no one could be, but he was close enough that he shouldn’t be on the verge of joining ( Read more... )

dean, sam, humor, fic, supernatural

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Comments 8

strgazr04 July 20 2012, 07:22:44 UTC
YES! hehehe *waits patiently for more*


monteseverus July 20 2012, 07:48:41 UTC
I don't know what is funnier, this story or the fact that their really are books called "Knitting with Balls"! Yep, I had to Goggle it! Love this and would really like more.


mandraco July 20 2012, 10:49:58 UTC
Yes!!! Awesome. And Dean in a Hobby Lobby = yay! (Not that I've ever been in a Hobby Lobby or anything. Lol.)

P.S. You come up third on Google when searching for "Knitting with Balls: The Manly Art".


borgmama1of5 July 20 2012, 13:31:02 UTC
That book? OMG, perfect for Dean to give to Sam!


antrazi July 20 2012, 14:08:08 UTC
And now they will get something more usefull than 1000 scarves...


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