Team Sam Fic: It's a Manly Art

Jul 19, 2012 23:36

It’s a Manly Art

Dean didn’t understand it.

He knew his brother was weird - hell, he’s been that way since the day he was born -- but knitting? He just didn’t get it.

Sure, Sam has a sensitive side, but he's just as manly as Dean … okay … maybe not as manly as Dean, no one could be, but he was close enough that he shouldn’t be on the verge of joining ( Read more... )

dean, sam, humor, fic, supernatural

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Comments 8

mdlaw July 20 2012, 14:43:52 UTC
He should knit Dean a sweater, v neck. m :)


khakigrrl July 20 2012, 15:17:35 UTC
That left me with a great big awwwwww. Thank you!

(Oh, and as a reader/user of the books "Stitch'n'Bitch" and "The Happy Hooker", I love the title of the book Dean got.) ;-)


kazluvsbooks August 19 2012, 04:27:28 UTC
Flails around happily.

Love your Sam & Dean..really well written.


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