
Apr 17, 2004 20:26

mctabby's Sorting Cat assigned me the following drabble topic: "Why is Griselda Marchbanks immortal? And is it a blessing or a curse?" I was really tickled to get a Marchbanks prompt since ( one of my (non-sorting) cats is named Griselda, after her. )

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Comments 6

occultebelta April 17 2004, 20:26:48 UTC
Firstly - awwww kitty is adorable and wah want to steal now. :)

Secondly - I loved that. I saw your short version and I liked that, and this one is even better!


malecrit April 17 2004, 20:30:45 UTC
She's a devil, you can have her!

Thanks! I'm glad the additions worked. :)


occultebelta April 17 2004, 20:36:37 UTC
Really?! :D

(*spirits her away in the middle of the night*)


malecrit April 17 2004, 20:39:51 UTC
You may not want her....

*is doing masses of laundry due to mysterious cat pee smell in bedroom*


chresimos April 20 2004, 09:01:45 UTC
Yay. Creative interpretation!


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