
Apr 17, 2004 20:26

mctabby's Sorting Cat assigned me the following drabble topic: "Why is Griselda Marchbanks immortal? And is it a blessing or a curse?" I was really tickled to get a Marchbanks prompt since one of my (non-sorting) cats is named Griselda, after her:

My 100-word response is here, but upon posting it, I realized that it looks like Dumbledore's motivations are twue wuv, so I've extended it for clarity's sake...

Untitled drabble, for faelori, G, 149-word version:

It is 1992 and tomorrow the Daily Prophet will print an obituary: Britain’s oldest witch dead at 192. Griselda Marchbanks, Wizengamot elder, head of the Wizarding Examinations Authority, goblin sympathiser. . .

Tonight, Harry Potter descends past Fluffy through the trap-door. Tonight, he pulls the Philosopher’s Stone from his pocket, and tonight, Voldemort loses a chance at immortality.

Tonight, Dumbledore is called away from Hogwarts and learns, Griselda is dying. It is the eve of Voldemort's return, and Dumbledore will lose a great ally. Tonight, Dumbledore reaches Harry just in time, but he is not the only one who must be saved.

Tomorrow, Harry wakes up in the hospital wing and learns, The Flamels will die. They have lived long lives and, in the end, they are expendable. Tomorrow, there is no obituary, and a red stone glimmers in Griselda Marchbanks’s withered palm.
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