Bones and blood quantum

Jan 11, 2006 14:36

Two posts that caught my eye. First, the guy that always fucking annoys me, Mr. LoLo. The issue was about Hui Malama and the repatriation of iwi (bones). He asks (which I know he is trying to supposedly stimulate a conversation as if doing us all a favor) by stating that in the past, didn't they use parts of the body as "trophy" and if that's the case, what about those. Fuck, do as you please I say, but the real issue is why should it be in a museum for others to gawk at? Besides, in some cases, they were items kept as trophies by the enemies, so if someone is descendant of that enemy, they should keep it. If those descendants want to give it back per NAGPRA, then let them. What's so difficult about that?

Quick question that has been on my mind..if someone could answer it please do. Didn't Hawaiians of old put body parts on display in a sense? Weren't these kept as trophys or a means of intimidation? For example, wasn't it common for Hawaiian chiefs who defeated an enemy to inlay body parts such as teeth into their urination bucket? These teeth of the dead were put there for all to see I think. Also, is there any other information about other body parts that were used in this fashion? How do you reconcile this, with what is happening today? Or has too much time passed and we should just forget about this? Or are Hawaiians allowed to do these things without being questioned. Thanks.

And then we have keiki100 from whom I always learn a lot as far as nationality goes versus ethnicity. Although I have to say first off, my heritage, my ancestry comes first, which involves my ethnicity. But I like what he has to say about blood quantum, our favorite subject. *L*

I know I will probably get the ire of some within this group for my statements. But as some people within this thread already know, I am not for Hawaiian Homelands at all, not because it's considered unconstitutional by some, but because it is divisive against the majority of the overall hawaiian population. These American have taken a legislative proposal that was brought by Kuhio for the whole of the Hawaiian people (not just the 50% hawaiians) and created a mechanism to identify us ethnic hawaiians through a blood quantum, how ridiculous is that, this has never been our way for identification of our own. Yet we have perpetuated this mind-set of what is Hawaiian (ethnically speaking) through the standard of a blood quantum and the programs that have derived as a result. So what? If I'm not of 50% hawaiian blood, does that not qualify me as hawaiian, my kupuna would disagree. Moreover, it puts the focus on ethnicity versus nationality which is what should really be the focus.

lance larsen

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