Title: Spiderman, Spiderman
Characters: Elena and Reno
Location: Gym
Rating: PG-13 because Reno curses a lot.
Summary: Rufus told Reno that he should try swinging around on the rafters in the gym, so . . . he did! And then Elena comes in. And then Reno falls and breaks an ankle. Whoops!
Day/Time: Day 47/11oo
"Spiderman, Spiderman . . ." Reno mumbled the theme song to himself as he scaled the pole of one of the basketball hoops in the gym. He had already broken the lock to this room very neatly with the nearest blunt object - he didn't know how to do that lock-picking bullshit, why do that when breaking in worked just fine? Maybe it was just the Turk in him - and left the door cracked behind him.
Most of the staff was busy with whatever the activity was today. It was a long word, so Reno wasn't interested, and he wandered for a little while trying to figure out something to do. Lately he had all this spare energy, and he needed to get it out somehow. He didn't want to just run around, he liked doing acrobatics more than anything else . . . and that was when he reached the gym, the idea Rufus had planted coming to mind though Reno doubt he meant it seriously.
He didn't know why this place didn't have normal indoor basketball hoops that you could lower and stuff, but this made it much easier for him, so he wasn't complaining. They were cemented into the ground, and it only wobbled a little bit once the redhead reached the top. He wanted to get off that and on the wooden rafters as soon as possible, because they looked a lot more sturdy than this piece of metal. Hopefully.
But of course, the danger added more fun to it, and Reno decided the only way this could be better was if he had an audience. But no, the staff had to be a bunch of assholes and not allow any fun. "Does whatever a spider can . . . !"
Once he was at the top, Reno reached up and latched onto one of the rafters, by sheer upper-body strength alone managing to pull himself up to sit on the wood. Panting a little, he looked down and grinned at his own success, thrilled at how high-up he was and starting to crawl along the different rafters. Even if the building was old, they felt sturdy, and he started to get a little more reckless as he continued on, his voice getting a little louder. "Spins a web of any size, catches thieves just like flies!"