Title: Spiderman, Spiderman
Characters: Elena and Reno
Location: Gym
Rating: PG-13 because Reno curses a lot.
Summary: Rufus told Reno that he should try swinging around on the rafters in the gym, so . . . he did! And then Elena comes in. And then Reno falls and breaks an ankle. Whoops!
Day/Time: Day 47/11oo
Well, he's gotta work out somehow! → )
Comments 16
Red Hair.
"Reno!" she half whined, half scolded, now clutching at her heart. "Don't do that!", it took her a few seconds to realize that scaring her was the least of his problems. "Reno!" her tone entirely different now, decidedly more concerned and if not still a bit angry. "What in the world are you doing? Get down!"
Rufus was right, it was like having a toddler.
Especially considering every time he had scared her in the past, it ended up hurting him in the end. When Elena was angry, she got pretty violent, especially with Reno (though he had no idea why). He was smart enough to know that he was damn lucky he was this high up and she couldn't aim a good punch at him.
After letting out another well-deserved laugh at the girl's expense, Reno shifted from his spot and bounced to another rafter, easily keeping his balance and kind of showing off for the blond. "Rufus told me I should do this, so I did!"
At her second demand, Reno stuck out his tongue though he doubted she could see him from the distance. "Make me!"
Kindergarten teacher.
"Reno this is the stupidest thing you've ever done, don't even try to pass this off on Rufus." she kept her arms crossed, turning her back on Reno, mostly because she didn't like seeing him crawling around up there, he was going to fall and die, she knew it. "I can't make you do anything, but gravity can. You're not immune to that, you know."
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