Title: Go out with a BANG Characters: EVERYONE Location: EVERYWHERE Rating: NC-17 for VIOLENCE Summary: JOKER AND HIS MINIONS HAVE CEASED THE POPULATION OF MALAISE. Squadala! Day/Time: Late afternoon/evening
William had been sitting in his room when he heard the explosion go off. It was really just down the hall for him. Room 115 was just a few doors away from room 125. The earth shattering explosion followed by cries. It promised the exact distraction he may need to finally be rid of this place. It was almost a sad thought. He had made a few friends in this place. Some he even admired. Others he couldn’t wait to be without. Wesker was like bitter bile in the back of his mind, constantly hovering. It really made his life here horrible. On top of sharing a room with him, the man seemed to be everywhere. Not now though. He’s out of the picture for the time being.First he had to check it out. A curious creature since he was little, William always had to have his nose in everything. Even if it wasn’t his business, it was how he had survived so long in Umbrella. When he stuck his head out into the hallway, thick smoke filled his lungs along with the familiar stench of burning. Something was on fire, and it reminded William of that time and
( ... )
"You want to be out of there as badly as I do?" William said, "And I need to find G. It may be what saves me in the future. When I find Sherry, who knows what Wesker has guarding that place. They may try to kill me."
He smiled softly. "I'm out here because I treasure destroying Umbrella and I want to help you get your daughter back. Freedom is an added bonus, William, but it means little to me if I don't do the right thing." His face again turned serious. "Most likely whatever Wesker has will try to kill anything that isn't him, including Sherry. Including you..." He closed his eyes and looked towards the white horizon, the cold had yet to get to him. "I believe G is necessary for our future. The both of us." He smirked at the creator. "I'm only going to say this to you once William; Without your gifted mind and research I could not have expanded my own. Thank you." He smiled at him before returning to a serious demeanor. His own candid remark surprising even him.
"I..uh... you're welcome I guess." William said, laughing a bit nervously. He wasn't sure he even wanted to hear that. He hated thinking someone was working with G. But, right now, he'd have to pay it no mind.
"I'm sure everything will play out fine. We just have to keep going."
"I'm sure everything will play out fine. We just have to keep going."
He heaved a heavy sigh. "Yes, We do. He smiled. "Let's give it our all then, William."
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