musesandlyrics | 5.28 Cure Lyrics

Feb 21, 2010 13:14

5.28. We're so wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully
Wonderfully pretty!
Oh you know that I'd do anything for you...
We should have each other to tea huh?
We should have each other with cream
Then curl up by the fire
And sleep for awhile
It's the grooviest thing
It's the perfect dream
Love Cats - The Cure

[Related to THIS and THIS]

Ailbe felt the butterflies in her stomach as she looked down at the file in her hands. It was stupid, and she knew it. All because some guy had planted the idea of liking a patient in her mind she now found herself with a small crush on one of her patients.

The power of suggestion.

It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact he was tall, cute, fit, and even funny. She suspected he was also intelligent, but the knock to the head he’d suffered tended to make him a little spacey still. When he smiled he also got the yummiest dimples in the corner of his mouth, and she was just doomed as her knees turned to jelly.

She always saved him until last in her rounds, wanting to end her day on the high that inevitable came from seeing him. That, and he always seemed to want her to stick around for a bit. How could she argue? He kept looking at her with those puppy dog eyes and Ailbe just wanted to pull the curtain and kiss every inch of his body better.

But she couldn’t. That would be wrong, and an abuse of her position as his nurse. Right?

Right. Of course it was.

The poor guy was suffering from amnesia as it was. His mind seemed to have gone back a couple of years. No one had actually picked it up until he’d murmured something about a plane crash that had happened a couple of years ago, then some other murder. She had thought maybe he’d been one of those obsessives that loved reading about death, and accidents, but when they’d brought the guy in there had been an FBI badge in his pocket, and it all fell into place a little more.

Agent Jimmy Olsen had wound up in Mount Sinai after being attacked. He still hadn’t said exactly what had happened, but the general consensus had been that he’d been trying to apprehend a suspect. The FBI were having trouble finding out which case he’d been working on, but they’d had a call from his boss, Perry White, to assure them that someone was coming out to keep an eye on him.

Ailbe couldn’t help feeling like there was something familiar about Jimmy’s name, but she wasn’t sure what. And it didn’t much matter when she was in the room with him. All she could think about was doing a little more than just checking his vitals and helping him with some memory exercises.

There had been a moment when his hand had brushed against her thigh, and Ailbe was sure she was in danger of climaxing just from that one small touch. She felt insane, like she was building up something in her head, but she couldn’t really have been imagining the sparks, and the way she felt around him in her head, right?

As much as she loved having him under her care, a part of her just wanted him to get better and get the hell out so that there was no professional boundaries stopping her from asking him out. She might have been young, but it really had been a while since she’d liked anyone as much as she seemed to like Agent Olsen.

His eyes lit up as soon as she entered the room, and Ailbe smiled at him. “So how’s my patient today? You keeping out of trouble, or do I need to have a few words with you about your behaviour.”

Jimmy gave her one of those dimpled smiles, and chuckled. “I’m being the perfect patient, Nurse. I would never get myself into trouble. At least nothing my brother couldn’t get me out of.”

“Brother?” It was the first Ailbe heard of a brother, and she scribbled a note on Jimmy’s chart.

“Yeah, my big brother. He’s always been there for me. We’re looking for our Dad. He got lost on a hunting trip.” He was still smiling, but pain flickered across his features and he let out a rough sigh. “I’m sorry, I just... I really want to get back out there and start looking for him again.”

Ailbe nodded as she moved in closer to his side, and reached out to run her fingers through his hair. She didn’t even realise the caress was more intimate than she’d intended. “You’ll be out of here soon, Agent. I’m sure you and your brother will find your Dad. I’m sorry he’s missing.”

Sam looked at her. “Thanks. I want you to meet him.”

Ailbe’s eyebrows went up. “Your Dad?”

“No, my brother. But you need to stay safe. I don’t want you to-” He cut himself up as his expression twisted to reflect pain again, and he raised his hand to press it against his forehead.

“It’s okay, I’ll help stop the pain,” Ailbe murmured as she switched into nurse mode, and the personal moment was over. She had no idea if his brother or his dad would come up again. She also started to realise she knew very little about the Agent, but that didn’t seem to quell the butterflies in her stomach.

Ailbe O'Loughlin
Supernatural OC
Words: 861

Sam [notjustsammy] used with permission.

[with] sam winchester, [ship] sam/ailbe, [verse] safe in new york city, [comm] musesandlyrics

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