Action speaks louder

Jan 27, 2009 18:39

 Summary: Inspired by HeeMin's kiss at the Nanjing's Super Show. Sungmin was trying to understand why Heechul always back off when he tried to be close to him. And Heechul just didn't want to disclose and easily said 'I hate you'. What is happening between them actually?

Action speaks louder

Sungmin had sleeping disorders nowadays. He had been known ( Read more... )

heechul, super junior, fanfiction, sungmin

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Comments 11

pepsi_twist9 January 27 2009, 21:48:39 UTC
LJ must've spazzed 'cause your link at Miracle doesn't work. Loved this, it's so dark and Heechul is such a pain, but they did get together so ^^


majestic_heaven January 28 2009, 09:48:52 UTC
I'm glad that you enjoyed it~
It was hard since I've never write any angsty fictions before ^^

I will fix the link right now, thanks for telling


ladyrevania February 8 2009, 15:08:05 UTC
I really enjoyed it ^^. His kiss with Sungmin is my favourite one, they look perfect together <3. I was really craving to read a story with these two after watching the kiss videos (I saw these yesterday ;D)

You should write next part, involving Heechul and Siwon kiss XD


majestic_heaven November 1 2009, 06:12:52 UTC
thankies :D

maybe, i wasn't that inspired about SiChul kiss but who knows? Its really surprising anyway, how chul like to REALIZE sichul, LOL


ladyrevania November 1 2009, 10:37:25 UTC
omg, I left this comment... ages ago, I'm not into kpop anymore XD


majestic_heaven November 2 2009, 13:44:43 UTC
lmao! like seriously? then i'm like the lamest person ever~ forgive me for being such a lame! lololololz~


I would like to transfer your work to gadflylove July 13 2009, 21:44:01 UTC
I really like it very much.
I was wondering if I could transfer this article to my forum delicated to HeeMin, which is and translate it into Chinese? I will give credit to you by printing out your name and attach your url for this article.

Please let me know if you think it's ok.
Looking forward to your reply.


Re: I would like to transfer your work to majestic_heaven November 1 2009, 06:10:02 UTC
omg...i'm so sorry i was hiatus at LJ! >.< but yes, of course you can :D share the love of HeeMin! ^^


Re: I would like to transfer your work to gadflylove November 1 2009, 16:15:48 UTC
we moved to
Thanks again for letting us transfer your work :)


dralinalucius March 10 2010, 02:34:54 UTC
Poor Minnie, you made me cry! chullie you're so bad but You've made it up at the end so all is forgiven. This is so good, you are JJang!


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