Action speaks louder

Jan 27, 2009 18:39

 Summary: Inspired by HeeMin's kiss at the Nanjing's Super Show. Sungmin was trying to understand why Heechul always back off when he tried to be close to him. And Heechul just didn't want to disclose and easily said 'I hate you'. What is happening between them actually?

Action speaks louder

Sungmin had sleeping disorders nowadays. He had been known as the member who can be thrown to no where and still can get a good sleep. This is like the first time he had difficulties to sleep.

The result of having the sleeping disorders is none other than dark circles under his eyes.  When all the members were gathering in the dining hall for breakfast, Eunhyuk is the first to notice the symptoms.

“Gosh! You’re a PANDA!” Eunhyuk came over to examine closely, Sungmin kept saying that he is okay but Eunhyuk didn’t believe him.  When he tries to touch him, Sungmin clicked his tongue of annoyance and pushes Eunhyuk’s hand away from his face. This made the dancing machine upset and they starts to have a verbal fight. Kangin who is helping Teukie preparing the meal was distracted and shush the guys from fighting in the morning.

“Don’t spoil the morning, go sit down properly, your breakfast would be ready soon,”

Chickened to see daddy Kangin’s fierce look, both of them looks for seat, Eunhyuk sat down besides Donghae, and the only seat left is the one facing Heechul.  Sungmin was reluctant, which puzzled Shindong who are at his left.

“What is wrong with you? Come, sit down,”

Sungmin smiled an awkward smile to his best friend and catch a glimpse of the arrogant Cinderella, peeling a banana while waiting for the meal. Heechul caught him peeking and he quickly turns away, not knowing that the older boy is smirking to see him shy away like that.

“Sense electricity, Minnie? Why won’t you sit down?”

Listening to his hyung calling him ‘Minnie’ made his heart pounds. Suddenly all of what happen between them flashes back in his mind.


It was a practice band for Heechul’s special stage in the upcoming Super Show. Heechul would sing Crazy, after hours of deciding back to forth with Pink Spider he did back in SM Live Concert. The band members would be the same, Siwon on the drums, Sungmin on guitar playing bass. If there is anything different, it would be Jungmo who would participate this time, playing the lead guitar.

“Yah! Jungmo, I told you that I prefer Pink Spider, this one makes me felt like I’m drunk while I’m singing,”

Heechul were shouting to the fellow band mate everytime he hits the wrong note in the song. Jungmo just nod while adjusting his chords, not in the mood of arguing with him.  Heechul were shouting too hard and choke his own saliva, so he coughed. Siwon at the drum set was laughing like mad. As if trying to say; there you go!

“Hyung, here,”

When he was busy coughing, a little voice is calling for him at his back, it’s Sungmin. He offered an Evian to him, to calm that crazy coughing down.  He quickly takes it and sought a go of water. Sungmin pats on his hyung’s back, hoping that he would feel better.


Heechul said, tapping the boy on his shoulder without looking and walks around the practice hall leaving Sungmin who is trying to say something. It seems like, Heechul had been avoiding him. From aback, Siwon could clearly see disappointment in Sungmin. All this while, Sungmin had been trying to get along with that one hyung and sometimes he tried just too hard. It was pathetic sometimes, how Sungmin tried to grab Heechul’s attention. Siwon could not but feel sorry for him, if there is anything to be blamed on, it should be Heechul’s natural character.

Jungmo walks closer to Siwon, like a gossipy girl trying to dig some news.

“I sense something not good around here,” Jungmo said, in a very low voice, eyeing Heechul who is busy practicing the right notes and a gloomy Sungmin on his guitar.

“Indeed, I don’t think Heechul likes Sungmin, but Sungmin had been trying to be close to him,”

Jungmo covers his mouth and nods knowingly. His heart goes for Sungmin, since he could remember one time that Heechul told him before about Sungmin. Heechul was envious of Sungmin innocent cuteness. And his courteous act made Heechul a bit irritated. That would be some strong points of the theory that Heechul didn’t like Sungmin.

“Jungmo, don’t talk at my back,”

Both Siwon and Jungmo was shocked to hear Heechul said that. Did he just heard what they’ve said??

“Practice hard on the guitar; I want the fans to be awed in our upcoming performance,”

Nobody knows how huge their relief is at that time.  At this moment, Sungmin was a bit upset, that Heechul didn’t say anything about him practicing. It sounds like the performance would do good without him. Heechul pretended that Sungmin is invisible all the time. But, instead of sulking, Sungmin just hid it and continue focusing on his guitar.

So the make-believe band practiced together until it’s very late. Jungmo had excused himself earlier and Siwon is next, leaving only Sungmin and Heechul in the practice room.  Both of them felt that they haven’t had the satisfaction of their own skills yet, so one boy is singing, while the other boy kept his fingers running on the strings.

"Ah, my throat,”

Heechul grab his own neck, feeling that he just had his voice forced out. Sungmin come over and take away his mic from him.

“You should stop singing, what if you get sore throat afterwards?”

Sitting on the floor, Heechul looks up to see the younger boy in the eyes. Sungmin suddenly looks away. He sensed a spark that made him felt like looking to something other than Heechul.

“Why Sungmin?”

He was frozen, for the first time that Heechul ever wants to even talk to him. Sungmin tried to look for him but he can only manage to sit down besides him and stare at the wall.

“Why are you being so nice when I was all the way being mean to you?”

Heechul said in a tone, that he had never heard before. It was softer, and it was diva-less unlike himself who always use that high-pitch voice. Sungmin shooks his head and shrugs, symbolized ‘I don’t know’.

“You know that I don’t like you?”

Sungmin was surprised. He felt like his heart just got a slight cut where it hurts so badly when he heard that, but strong Sungmin didn’t cry in public. So he just had a little laugh and nods, trying to heal his own bruises in his heart.

“Don’t you wanna know why I don’t like you?”

Heechul leans closer to the younger boy, his face was so near with Sungmin’s. He was confused, looking at his hyung so close like this, he can see how pretty Heechul is. The porcelain skin and full lips, his eyelids dropped low and Sungmin couldn’t help but to think of how sexy his hyung is right now.


“Because you’re too pretty, you know that don’t you?”

Another surprising answer. Sungmin was in total turmoil. He couldn’t relate why Heechul would hate him because of being too pretty? Jealousy? For god sake, Heechul was known as the ullzang in their group. Why would he?

“Hyung, I don’t understand,”

“Tell me honestly why are you being so good to me?”

“Because you’re the hyung, and I think we should communicate better…”

“Cut the crap, Sungmin. Tell me honestly,”

A silent. Sungmin was looking into his hyung’s eyes, full of determination and his cheeks flushed with red
color. Heechul were waiting, with a firm stare in his eyes.

“Hyung, I like you,”

Heechul smirks.

“Be specific,”

Sungmin swallowed a lump of saliva when Heechul teasingly brush his lips on his own.

“I…I like you, I want to be with you, only you,”


Heechul give the boy one look, which seems like he is approving his feelings. Sungmin just nod, and he hoped that Heechul won’t broke his heart.


Sungmin was anticipating the rosebud lips to come for him, but Heechul was being so mean, teasing the poor boy with brushes of their lips. He saw a smirk crossed on Heechul’s face.

“I don’t do boys,”

With that answer, Heechul stood up with a grin.  Sungmin was embarrassed and it shows just too clear. His face was as red as tomato. He was mad, and couldn’t believe how cruel Heechul could be. Suddenly his voice boomed in the practice hall.

“You shouldn’t do that if you’re trying to reject me!!!”

Heechul looks around with arrogant look in his face.

“What ‘that’?”

“You know what it is. If you don’t do boys, why the hell did you do that to me???”

“Just because I felt like to,”

“Hyung, if you’re not interested, you don’t do that!!”

“Of course I can do that, that makes me an actor,”

“Kim Heechul, stop pretending, admit it, when our eyes met, there is sparks!!”

The taller boy laugh so hard when he heard Sungmin spits out the last word he said.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, gosh. You like me that much?”

“I didn’t know that you’re this cruel, hyung. You’re unbelieveable,”

Heechul answered with a sly smile and leave the practice hall.  Sungmin fell on his knees. Feeling that the world has come to the end.  He wants to cry, his heart wrenched really hard and he could even hear some crack in his heart. He confessed, and Heechul had rejected him, after teasing him so bad.


“The breakfast is here~~~”

Teukie exclaims happily.  All of the boys were excited and starts digging in the pot of tofu soup with hot rice. Sungmin was only looking, thinking that he want to pass them and get some without the hassle of going through dozen of chopsticks.  He looks at his own feet, trying so hard not to even look Heechul. He wants to hate him. He is the reason why he had become some what not right.  He played with his heart.

But Sungmin just couldn’t hate him. He had fall head over foot to him. And now he must learn how to settle with
this broken heart things. The fact that he is forming a rock band together with him for their concert was such a big obstacle. And it is not going to end any soon. They had two more Super Show working as a rock band.

“Here, it’s good for the eyes,”

A pair of chopstick place helpful of veggies in his bowl. Sungmin nods thankfully and looks up, only to find it’s really Heechul who is giving him the veggies. He was acting innocent, as if nothing happened and Sungmin was trying very hard hiding his anger. He felt unfair on how Heechul could tease him like that while he is badly bruised right now.

“Thanks, hyung,”

Sungmin pulls an awkward act. Heechul smiled sweetly to him.

“That’s my Sungmin,”

Heechul points his chopsticks to the younger boy and the only person who is feeling bad about the scene is Siwon. He felt that Heechul had been abusing Sungmin deep inside him and he was so sorry for Sungmin. He just don’t know how to get manic Heechul from being that cruel.

Today they’re going to do the encore in Seoul. Everybody was half excited and half nervous. Meeting thousands of people who had been supporting them as Super Junior face to face is a big chance to thank all of the ELFs as they called their fans.

While doing the rehearsals, something happened during the performance of Heechul’s special stage.

Sungmin turns up late for the rehearsal, and since it’s running out of time, the rehearsal had to move on, passing Heechul’s segment. Which is making Heechul furious. The stage is his favorite and that one person had ruins it all.

Backstage, where all the members were taking their time to rest the body and mind before hitting the big stage; Heechul were anxiously looking for Sungmin.  He was running here and there for him. His face is dark, and he clenched his teeth really hard. Everybody can figure out how mad he is right now.

He was not there at the changing room, not even there in the shower, and he is not to be found anywhere no matter how far and wide he had gone.


Heechul lets out an angry scream in the middle of the audience seatings.  He lets out all of the anger from the scream and he found himself panting hard, realizing he had been using too much energy to look for him.

A sound of foot steps are approaching him from his back. He looks over his shoulder, and he could see clearly a glimpse of pink-hoodie.  Without waiting any longer, Heechul runs over him and grabbed the figure on his collar.

“YOU BASTARD!! Why don’t you come on time???”

Sungmin threw him a satisfied smile, both hands in pocket.  His face was so near, this time Sungmin could see tons of veins are appearing on Heechul’s face. He was flushing with anger and Sungmin laughed looking at his face.

“You enjoy this don’t you?? Do you know with whom you’re gaming with?”

He grabbed harder when he sees Sungmin grinned. Heechul was surprised that the younger boy is throwing a dirty look to him, for the first time, he could see an evil Sungmin just formed in front of him. Another side of Sungmin. And in seconds, he had the thought of how this evil creature just born?

“You asked for it, hyung. I’m just paying back,”

“Don’t talk back, you homo!!”

Heechul drew the boy closer with mounting anger in his chest. Sungmin’s smooth face was just too near, too near that their nose almost touched. Sungmin don’t shy away this time, he gave him the ‘so what’ looks.  Heechul swear, that evil eyes are trying to tell something other than ‘I hate you’.

“Than, don’t grip too tight, you don’t do boys don’t you?”

Heechul realized their mouth is too close. He can even feel the air from Sungmin’s breath. One thing that he didn’t realized is he was drawn into Sungmin’s eyes just too deep. His hands are loosening as Sungmin’s lips reached his. It was a quick peck at first. But the second peck stays a bit longer.

The self-proclaimed Cinderella just closed his eyes when their lips met. This fact angered him and he pushed Sungmin to the wall so hard the boy moaned a bit.

“You’re not happy? Than hit me, that would be great. I don’t have to play the guitar anymore with bruised face,”

He was right. Besides, it would be very stupid of him to hit a graduated martial art’s disciple. He might get some bones broken. He threw Sungmin’s collar away and walks away with dissatisfactory. From his instinct, he knew that Sungmin is smirking at his back, but as he looks aback, Sungmin had walked away.

This time, Sungmin left him with a deep turmoil in his own feelings. On his big day, and on their big show together. It was good. Sungmin left a hardcore revenge this time.

------------------------------------------------------------Heechul’s Special Stage--------------------------------------------------------

The time had come, Heechul’s special performance with Siwon, Sungmin and Jungmo.  Heechul as the star singer told the members that he would go spontaneous.  Since there is nothing much about him going crazy over  the song, the members wouldn’t mind him doing whatever he wanted on the stage.

It was perfect. Screaming fangirls, rock band, great spotlight lavishly bathed on Heechul and the favorite song of his.

The band is doing great, they even introduced Jungmo as the lead guitarist to the ELFs. Screaming never stops and Sungmin knew how well Heechul had loved the scene. When he was singing, he loves it louder. That would happen whenever he did something out of everybody’s expectation.

Heechul made his steps closer to Sungmin.  He was nearer, tilting his head as if he were asking a kiss from him and the fangirls are screaming more seeing the scene. Pulling away his microphone, he whispers quickly to Sungmin.

"Maybe I do boys,”

Sungmin’s heart skips a beat. Is this somekind of confession? On stage? He wants to announce it to the whole world?  When he was all puzzled, Heechul came nearer and Sungmin was expecting something to happen.

“But I would never do you,”

Heechul whispered so low, but it was clear. He pulls his face away with the most sickening smirk Sungmin had ever seen. He was laughing and continues singing while moving away from him. Sungmin was dumbfounded, he fell for it again and he couldn’t hide his anger since it shows when he belts out the guitar just too hard.

And it doesn’t ends there.

Sungmin, and the whole people in the stadium could clearly see, Heechul walks up to Jungmo and gave the boy a passionate 5 seconds of kissing-tease. The whole stadium goes mad with the fanservice.

But to Sungmin, it was a spit on his face. Heechul were trying to say that he is not good enough.


The cold war between the two parties could be felt around the dorm.

Kangin was trying to calm his favorite hyung and favorite dongsaeng, but it doesn’t work.  And he couldn’t figure out what was happening between them. Than, the idea came out after he discussed with Teukie.

“I will try to talk to Sungmin, usually he would be listening to me,” Teukie sighed, thinking how bad their cold war affected their team work.  Kangin takes his hand in his own, squeezing hard as if trying to lift some burden out from his lover.

“I’ll take Heechul hyung to see what I can do with him,” Kangin kissed Teukie’s hand and place it on his own cheeks. Teukie felt relieved with his support. And within few minutes, both of them are taking sides to settle the matter.

Kangin with Heechul.

“Hyung, you got time?”

Heechul were busy examining the guitar’s notes when Kangin steps in. He welcome the boy with one hand, eyes glued on the notes.

“What are you doing?”

Kangin place himself besides him.  It’s the chords for the song ‘Crazy’ and ‘Pink Spider’.  Heechul slaps the boy on his knees.

“I’m going to play the guitar while singing for the next concert, cool isn’t it?”

He said with an excited tone of voice.  Kangin laughed. Even though he didn’t mean it, he is actually more to shocked but he is a good actor anyway.

“Why the hell are you laughing??” Heechul poke Kangin with his guitar, a bit bothered.

“Hyung, you’re using acoustic guitar to sing ‘Crazy’? You know what? What the hell,”

“I know it sounds like a bad idea, but I need to do this by my own,”

“What’s with the fuss, aishh….You got Sungmin and Jungmo for your segment,”

Heechul shots a look behind his glasses to Kangin.

“I want to ditch Sungmin, he is not good.”

“Sungmin is very good, the last time he did perfect using the electronic guitar,”

Kangin tried to make Heechul talks slowly about Sungmin. He knew his hyung very well, so he can do this just as much to make Heechul blurts out what happen between them.

“He is dangerous for my own sake,”

“Yah, hyung. He might learn martial arts, but he wouldn’t hurt people. Come on, he can’t even get mad,”

Heechul darts another look to Kangin, and his laugh dies. Good actor Kangin, he knew that Heechul would opens up in this middle of conversation.

“Sungmin is just a son of a bitch,”

“What? Aisshhh…come on hyung. He is the best dongsaeng I’ve ever had,”

No answer from Rella. He just gives him a look and sighed.

“I don’t know if I should tell you this,”

Kangin was praising himself silently. This would work well. And within seconds, the slender boy starts telling.

“You should have known how I am towards that bastard?” he said, putting away the guitar.

“Sungmin,” Kangin corrected him. It’s a bit disturbing to address such a nice dongsaeng like that for him.

“Whatever, you know it right?”

“You hate him?”

“It’s more like I’m envious of him,”

Kangin felt his eyebrows twitch. What would the most famous member of Super Junior get so jealous over one younger boy?

“That youth, that twinkling eyes, the charm he got, his innocent charm, he made people very happy with that,”

“Ah, yes. That is our Sungmin,”

Heechul grins a bit.

“Indeed our Sungmin, I was not happy when he is around. I felt uneasy and he is like trying so hard to be close with me. It’s troublesome, really,”

“I do think you’re being a bit too hard on him, he is just trying to be a good dongsaeng to you,” Kangin suddenly had this flashback of Sungmin complaining on how hard to get along with Heechul. Heechul smirked and both of them exchange looks.

“I know, and I think it’s really troublesome. He don’t have to be good to the whole world, he is that adorable already,” Heechul clears his throat. It doesn’t feels good recently since he practiced too hard on the vocal.

“I was thinking, maybe if I hurt him a little, he would go away?”

Kangin just nod, trying to find the roots of everything that Heechul was trying to say. They often talk deeply with each other but Kangin always found himself lost in the maze of Heechul’s different thoughts and philosophy.

“Gosh, Youngwoon. He is like an opposite of me, I mean, I got this bad boy charm, and…really, all this while….”

As Kangin expected. He is already found himself clueless on what Heechul is trying to say.

“I want him,”

Kangin’s eyes widened and quickly froze for a while. There was an awkwardness stirring in the air.

“Hyung, what? You…what?”

Heechul gets up, frustrated that he even lets out those words. He threw the music sheets to Kangin, leaving the raccoon furious by himself. When he was trying to enter the main room, he sees Sungmin looking very tired on the dining hall with Jungsoo. He takes a step back, retreating from his earlier plan to go out from his room.

“Sungmin-ah, calm down,”

He heard Teukie’s soft voice, as if trying to calm the younger boy. Inside Heechul’s heart, he really wants to know what they’re talking about. A low sobs can be heard tailing Teukie’s voice. He took a peek from the slightly opened door.

He carefully examines, it’s really Sungmin who is sobbing. It’s not a hard sob, but he was crying. Heechul places his right hand on his chest, he suddenly felt a pain throbbing there.

“What should I do? It was not enough of hurt he made before, and now this,”

Heechul could see Sungmin buries his face with both of his hands. Teukie pats gently the younger boy who is crying silently. And Heechul knew exactly why he was crying.

“Sungmin, it’s not that I don’t like you with Heechul, but if it hurts you this bad, just..”

“Don’t tell me to let go, hyung.”

Sungmin lifts his head, with a confidence in his teary eyes.

“I have tried too many times, and I realize, I just want to love him,”

Heechul closed his eyes when he heard that. Should I feel happy about this? Should I frown? Ah…really, Heechul, why is it had to be that guy out there?

“But, Sungmin. You know how Heechul is, if he didn’t want to, than he didn’t want to,”


“Hyung, I just need his words. I just need him to say he didn’t take me the way I did to him, than I will walk away,”

Sungmin wipes away the tears from his cheeks, he is smiling again. That boyish smile Heechul had always being envious of. A small smile appeared on his face when he sees the boy is smiling again. The mysterious pain is fading a bit to see him like that.

“That would hurt you much more if his answer is against your wish, are you really okay with it?”

Teukie sounds half worried. Of course, Sungmin had been his favorite son among them all. He is the one who didn’t need excess care like the others. Teukie had all the good reasons to not let Sungmin drawn to such trouble.

“Hyung, it was a deeper cut here when he act differently on what he said, I was confused so bad,”

Sungmin place his palm on his heart. The same gesture he did right now. He can’t listen to their conversation anymore. He walks away, back to his room. He didn’t want to know how Sungmin had been feeling. He didn’t want to think of it. He wants Sungmin out of his mind right now.

But as much as he tried to do so, the more it comes attacking him mercilessly.

And yes, he couldn’t help but to feel the pain he did to Sungmin before. It was killing him so hard. Not that he felt guilty nor did he felt good.

It’s just that the pain in Sungmin’s eyes is paining him too.

Few days passed by.

Sungmin and Heechul avoid each other to keep their focus on the special stage. Whats more, Sungmin is going to sings a lot in this coming stage. And he had to take a special focus on the guitar to mend the lack of power during the last concert.

Heechul is coughing when they’re doing the rehearsal. But this time, nobody came and offers him Evian. He looks around, seeing Sungmin is trying his best to not act the same way he did the last few weeks.

It was worst between them. Since they arrived Nanjing, Heechul excitedly chats with his bestie, Hankyung and he can sense jealousy from Sungmin’s eyes by far. This time, Heechul could not feel anything but cute from him. Usually, he would felt irritated, and he didn’t know how it changed. His feelings.

Few minutes before Heechul’s special stage.

Siwon were busy looking for the lost drumsticks, and the whole back stage staff are panicking so much. And while the manic people are doing their job, Heechul walks slowly to Sungmin. He fixed the collar of Sungmin’s costume.

“Play better,” he said.

Sungmin startled and Heechul could see his eyes twinkling. He smirks when he pat the boy’s cheeks and try to get back to his position.

“Hyung,” A strong grip, yet gentle on his wrist. Heechul was a bit surprised that Sungmin could be so brave.

“I need you to tell me, clearly,”

Heechul pulled back his hand harshly. Yet, the determined eyes of Sungmin didn’t change.

“What do you want?”

“Tell me, what do you take me for? All these time? I want you to be honest,”

Being Heechul as he is, he didn’t answer and just walk off. But Sungmin is not being himself that moment. He pulls Heechul’s wrist again, this time it is much stronger. Heechul can only look back and pulls back his hand.


Sungmin was looking really fragile at that time. Heechul is the one who stays startled right now. He didn’t expect him to plead like that.

“Sungmin-shii, please come up to the stage now!! Heechul-shii, this way please!!”

The coordinator had called their name. The show time is nearer.  Heechul walks away without words and without turning his head back to Sungmin.

Sungmin felt stupid again. He felt that he should say those in the right time. He didn’t know why he felt such urgency to ask those questions right now. He sucks some air to calm himself and runs up to the stage, standing at where he should be.

The huge stadium was filled with sapphire blue love. Though they’re at somewhere foreign, but it feels so much at home seeing all the love the audiences are giving was so much familiar back at Korea. Music starts to fill the air, and Sungmin belts out his skills on the guitar.  He could hear Heechul’s hard voice starts to charm the stadium.

Every act that Heechul made, equals of screaming among the fangirls.  And as Heechul walks nearer to Sungmin, every screams was even higher-pitched than before. But Heechul walks away. Just like how he did back in Seoul to him.

Sungmin hide his disappointment carefully, he is almost crying. Thinking that he should let go of his feeling to his hyung, and that Heechul answered his question with the insulting act once again, he was all emotional deep inside. But, Sungmin was known to hid everything really well.

This time, it must be Siwon whom Heechul would come to.

“You should like this,”

Before he could see him in the eyes, Heechul wrap one hand around his neck and attached his lips passionately to his.  It was not a provoking, lips-brushing, nor was it a teasing peck, this is a kiss. From Heechul to him. And it’s deep, though it’s short.

Sungmin quickly pulls away and continue working on the guitar, or else the show would stop there. He did catch some words of what Heechul had said before they lock lips in front of thousands of people. But he is not sure of what does that means. Is he teasing him again? Did he do that in purpose to make him felt good and turns him down afterwards?

Those questions kept running in his mind until their staging finished. All of them walk into the back stage quickly, spacing out for the next stage.

Sungmin is trying to puts away the electronic guitar when suddenly a pair of slender hands is gripping his shoulder which made him turns around. In the midst of darkness at the back stage, Heechul kissed the younger boy softly on the lips. Sungmin’s eyes were all-widened in shock. And he could see Heechul closed his eyes, as if he was enjoying it. Sungmin felt awkward, he didn’t know what to do as he was afraid if this is a trap also.

But the feelings vanished away when Heechul breaks the kiss and smiled to him earnestly. Sungmin had never seen him smiling like that to him all the time he had known him. They knew that the crew and other members might be looking at them right now, but they couldn’t care less. Sungmin hugged the taller boy tightly, tears almost fell from his eyes. Heechul responded back with a much tighter hug and he kissed Sungmin lovingly on his forehead.

There are no ‘I love you’ nor ‘Saranghae’ said between them. But it was clear that their feelings to each other are matched just too well.

For them, action speaks louder than words.


P/s: I was getting too excited on the HeeMin's kiss on the sushow and suddenly felt like writing about this one up. Hope you guys like it and please comment. I'm really new here ^^;

heechul, super junior, fanfiction, sungmin

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