
Nov 12, 2011 01:07

Who: Toboe and anyone
Where: Entrance Hall/Hallways, where ever he's wandering around to
When: Night 003
What: New arrival pup is lost and mildly freaked out.
Warnings: Derpfluff.

witty cut goes here )

@first house: first floor, puss in boots (shrek), amonir galonmiel (oc), ricardo soldato (tales of innocence), *open, kari (oc), &night 003, toboe (wolf's rain)

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Comments 71

Maid Hallway action, y/n? (Also, character is a fox-person.) sandsnowfoxtrot November 12 2011, 21:02:38 UTC
Kari had been investigating the hallway just off the kitchen for the second time or so; she wasn't sure if exploring the first floor was pointless or incredibly dangerous. The two weren't mutually exclusive; she just wasn't finding anyone.

Except for that one person yelling, of course, as she ducked out of an incredibly smokey room, coughing loudly. Her first words to the only other humanoid person she'd seen thus far were not eloquent. And half-choked by coughing.

"What- who- person?" She seemed...surprised.


Y/Y! She may be able to see through the little illusion theen~ Should you chose to~ badatfetch November 12 2011, 23:07:42 UTC
Toboe turned towards the sound of the voice, and started walking towards it. Typically tracking by scent would be easier but something seemed lost in the scent of smoke... well maybe that's where it was coming from? He picked up his pace to a trot as he followed the smell of smoke.

"Hello? Is someone there?!"


Did I mention she is a fox-person with a shotgun? sandsnowfoxtrot November 13 2011, 00:01:19 UTC
Her coughing fit abated in time for her to respond to the...person? Approaching. Something was off about him. His footsteps didn't seem to quite match his feet.

Punching down the last few coughs, she closed the door into the very, very smokey room with one hand, before moving to hold her shotgun in both hands. Not intended to threaten, not pointed at him, but it couldn't hurt to be careful. Something about him was still off.

"Yeah! Over-" one last cough. "-here!"


Hells to the yus >D badatfetch November 13 2011, 04:10:22 UTC
"Ah! Hello! I'm Toboe, do you know where-"

Toboe trotted over, happy to find someone else who might know what's going on- wait, was that a gun?

He paused mid-step and just stared at the girl in front of him. Was she hunting wolves like that old man too? But then....

Wait another minute... did she have ears?! Th-this... he really couldn't make heads or tails of any of this. He couldn't even try to use scent to judge because of the smoke.

So he's just going to stare looking confused.


Is this all right? I figure he could at least tell in his wolf form, like other wolves in Wolfs Rain timbre_wolf November 14 2011, 10:09:04 UTC
Amonir was again in his wolf form. He had picked up an unfamiliar wolf's scent and, and as if to encourage him to investigate the entrance hall, it was a howl seeking a pack that he heard, though it confused his brain and sounded much like a normal voice as well. He might have only been a few rooms away, but he decided to announce himself, howling in response, at once saying that this house was marked as his, but that he wouldn't attack as long as there was no harm intended and that he was going to look for the newcomer and meant no harm. And he had marked the door this very night.

It wasn't long before he found Toboe, and he needed to stop suddenly, shaking his head. His eyes were confused, seeing the wolf as a boy... or was that a boy as a wolf? Werewolves he knew, but he wasn't entirely sure what Toboe was. His nose said wolf, though his eyes and ears were both fooled.


Totally fiiiine~ badatfetch November 15 2011, 01:20:07 UTC
Toboe turned around with a bit smile on his face, it was so nice to see another wolf... and not as hostile one! He felt no need to maintain his guise while in the company of one of his own, especially one of his own that seemed fine without his guise as well.

He's a young wolf, not incredibly impressive, nor did it seem like he intended to be- what with his tail wagging enthusiastically and whatnot.

"Hello! Um, I'm sorry for intruding, but... um... I'm kind of lost..."


cute username too! timbre_wolf November 15 2011, 03:12:37 UTC
Amonir can't be that much older judging by appearance, even if he was much older in years. He perked forward his ears and raised his tail proudly now that the tricks on his eyes seemed to stop. Already he was asserting his dominance, but it was only natural. He even smiles a bit at how happy and relaxed this newcomer was.

"We both are then. This place seems to have stolen us from our homes and our packs. Were the names you were calling those of your pack?" He walked forward and sniffed at Toboe to catch a better scent. He smelled like a normal wolf, not a werewolf, but was more intelligent than what was considered the level for an animal. Perhaps he was a magical beast? That would explain the intelligence and that... it must have been an illusion.

"I wish I could speak to others in this form, rather than just wolves, but I don't want to chance my elf form in an area already said to be dangerous." He showed no indication that he might this this could be bizarre to someone, or that he might be from another reality.


FFFT POOR TOBOE.FETCHES ALL THE THINGS DEAD. badatfetch November 17 2011, 18:27:43 UTC
"Well, I don't think we're really a pack... but they are my friends!"

And he just tilted his head looking as utterly confused as he possibly could. All wolves could talk to humans, unless there was something wrong with this one-

"W-what's an elf? Is that why you can't talk to humans? I've never met a wolf that couldn't..."


Maid Hallway! And here, your first human! guardiangunman November 17 2011, 10:24:56 UTC
Ricardo had been catching a few hours of sleep in the bedroom he shared with Gavin when the shouting woke him up. It wasn't difficult; he was a light sleeper at the best of times, and night in this place was far from 'the best of times.' He was headed for the door with his rifle in hand before he even processed the words. He threw open the door and his eyes darted around the hall, looking for whatever monster was causing trouble this time--

And saw a boy. Alone. In no apparent danger. The tension left him and was instantly replaced by barely restrained aggravation.

"What do you think you're doing?"


Re: Maid Hallway! HUZZAHHH! badatfetch November 17 2011, 18:28:00 UTC
Toboe whipped around to face the person, smiling and hoping he might be able to tell him where his friends were. However the rifle and obviously unhappy tone and expression of the man sent his stumbling backwards. Humans with guns never meant good things... but judging by the way he was talking... he didn't know he was a wolf.

"I-I-I w-was just l-l-looking for my friends! I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother you!"


guardiangunman November 18 2011, 01:31:36 UTC
Ricardo lowered the rifle and made a cursory effort to look less intimidating. Stupid brat. It wasn't as if he'd use it on another resident. Ethics aside, it would be a waste of bullets.

"It's not a matter of bothering me," he said, putting his hand on his hip. "Yelling like that is going to draw the monsters. Your friends won't appreciate that."

And unless the brat was hiding some sort of bizarre superpowers, Ricardo doubted he would appreciate it either.


badatfetch November 18 2011, 02:52:32 UTC
W-wait- what?!


Was that what those strange smells were? Wait he needed to remain calm. Human thought lots of this were monsters... so maybe they weren't! He shouldn't be afraid... there was probably nothing to worry about...

Of course this didn't actually stop him from being afraid.

"W-what kind of monsters?"


jeez Jenx broke the animal combo but yes AS PROMISED (8 finest_boots November 17 2011, 18:13:25 UTC
Puss was still adjusting to his new environment, himself, having not quite figured it all out, yet, other than the fact that it was pretty obviously not safe. He had his sword to protect him, of course, but monsters were certainly an interesting challenge.

He had doubled back toward the entrance, because that was clearly the easiest place to search for food-- something he of course needed as anyone else did-- when he heard shouting.

His ears flattened back part way, and he peaked his head into the hall where he heard the voice. "I have not been here long, but I do not believe that shouting for your friends would be so wise," Puss said, a hint of aggravation in his voice.


PUUUUSSSSS OH GOD THIS! XDD badatfetch November 17 2011, 19:25:26 UTC
Toboe turned around to the source of the voice expecting a human... but no.

It's a cat.

A cat in shoes, walking upright, with a... sword? W-what is this even?


That's about the closest thing to a sentence he can manage as he stumbled backward. Oh shoot, cats freak him up so much normally nevermind... this... human-ish... cat... thingy...


finest_boots November 18 2011, 04:37:50 UTC
The reaction Puss received was not exactly the one he had hoped for. It was almost the opposite. Though at least the boy was no longer shouting in a house supposedly filled with unfortunate creatures.

"You are likely only to attract trouble, should you proceed to blubber," he said, annoyed.


badatfetch November 20 2011, 02:30:22 UTC
And after more or less backing himself against a wall, Toboe finally manages to stutter out a sentence.

"Y-y-you can talk!?"

Of course this is a bit ironic coming from a talking wolf, but he had never seen a cat able to communicate like a human before.


And why was it wearing boots? Was this some sort of really weird dream?


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