Down once more [Active/Locked]

Nov 06, 2011 18:35

Who: Mary, Knuckle, Terezi, Nahollo, Klavier, Orihime, The Riddler.
Where:Unknown Location
When: Night 003
What: The people with bracelets are taken.
Warnings: General trigger warning for this thread, discussion of damage.

Down We Plunge )

klavier gavin (ace attorney), !plot, #ghosts, orihime inoue (bleach), mary winchester (supernatural), *closed, knuckle (katekyo hitman reborn), terezi pyrope (homestuck), nahollo graves (oc), edward nigma/the riddler (dc animated), &night 003, !event

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Comments 27

leekspin November 7 2011, 01:22:42 UTC
One might never have known just how scared Orihime was. Her hands didn't shake, she didn't scream or hyperventilate, she didn't hunker down and quiver, and she didn't pace anxiously. The only real signs that she harbored any fear at all was the rapid beating of her heart, and her slightly-quickened breathing.

She thought she'd seen Knuckle when she'd been effortlessly dragged into the strange white room and sealed away behind bars, but she'd been twisting and struggling a great deal, and scarcely noticed the majority of her surroundings. What she did notice was that she couldn't feel the spiritual presence of anyone in the room, and to her dismay, she found that her powers had been sealed. The spirits didn't respond to her willpower, and her hairpins stayed dormant ( ... )


3minutefisting November 7 2011, 04:22:55 UTC
The noise to his left caught his attention after he had prepared himself for a fight, removing his robe and wrapping up his hands, he went to investigate the sound and... oh in the lords name! They brought a child here. A child! This he couldn't take. This was not the setting for such a bright young girl! He needed to find a way to get her out.

"Orihime! Good heavens are you alright?!"


leekspin November 10 2011, 05:21:31 UTC
Orihime's head snapped up, repressing the instinctive urge to snap her hand back and hide her hairpins. So it was Knuckle! Strained relief crossed her features as she smiled. It was good to see a familiar face, but she couldn't exactly be thrilled with the knowledge that he'd been abducted as well.

"I'm okay," she reassured him, turning her attention back to the lock. "They didn't hurt me. What about you?"

The fact that they'd been so gentle with her scared her even more than if they'd wrestled her down with brute force. They didn't need to do anything at all. She was simply taken, and there had been absolutely nothing she could do about it.

She knew he was a priest, but he was a boxer before, and it was possible he had some other skills that might have previously been considered unsavory. "Ne," she dropped her voice to a whisper. "Can you pick locks?"


3minutefisting November 13 2011, 20:17:30 UTC
"I'm alright, I'm alright." He laughed a little in hopes of lightening the mood, "What's another couple blows to the head anyway? The damage has already been done."

At he question he looks curiously at her hairpin for a moment, then rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I'm afraid I don't. I've never done well with skills that require some sort of finesse to them... I'm a bit clumsy..."

To put it politely.


3minutefisting November 7 2011, 02:19:14 UTC
Knuckle starts to wake up, all together the slow process regaining consciousness takes Knuckle a few good minutes. Longer than most. Well this didn't bode well, once again waking in a strange place, and this time he couldn't see Giotto anywhere. Not entirely surprising, as the creatures didn't seem to be after him. Well, if Giotto was well and good then he would come for him. He shouldn't be too worried. He had gone quietly under the condition that the creatures would take no one else, the last thing he remembered was beginning to try and struggle when he saw others being guided as well. There should be no need for them as long they had him. Wouldn't one person be enough? He knew he shouldn't be worried... but he was ( ... )


was_a_hunter November 7 2011, 03:16:03 UTC
Oh thank heavens, she was scared that he was dead...

Staring at the man in the cage beside her, she sighed softly, relieved to see that he was still okay. She didn't know a lot of people here, but if she was to try to get them out, she needed someone that she could count on. "Knuckle...are you okay?" For once leaving the 'Father' off of his name, it should be enough to show just how unnerved she was by the whole situation.

Her only happiness in the situation is that Dean and Nina weren't here.


3minutefisting November 7 2011, 04:23:07 UTC
He turned his head to the source of the voice and quickly rushed to her, or as close as he could given the cage. His brows knit together and his expression went solemn.

"Mary!" Oh of all the people to have been dragged here as well... he could almost feel his stomach turn into a knot. She had a son who needed her, and the children needed her as well, she couldn't be down here.

"They haven't harmed you have they?! Please tell me you're well!"


was_a_hunter November 7 2011, 04:35:12 UTC
"They haven't hurt me...I'm honestly more concerned about everyone else though." Aside from when she was gripped tight enough to stop her struggling; but that she could deal with.

Reaching a hand through the bars, she moved her hand as closely to his cage as she could, desperate to feel someone else. "Did you see them too? I tried...I tried to fight them, but I couldn't seem to touch them." It was unnerving, they felt solid when they grabbed her, she just couldn't do anything about it.

"What do they want with us?" As far as she could tell, there was nothing that any of them had in common, nothing except for that accursed bracelet.


dr4con1cl4w November 7 2011, 02:31:53 UTC
Things weren't going well. No, that was an understatement. That was like standing out in the middle of a desert for hours and saying it was a little warm.

Terezi had been seized, without warning, by things she'd barely smelled coming. All her attempts to resist and struggling had rewarded her only with cuts and bruises to mirror what she'd attempted on her captors. But once she'd been subdued enough to be dragged away? She barely even noticed the change in scenery until the overpowering smell of white nearly choked her.

White. All white. So much white- it burned her nose almost as much as the chemical scents that lingered on the walls. Really, she could barely tell the walls from the floor from the bed. In some ironic way, she was glad for minor wounds: at least the teal blood that was starting to dry wasn't whiteBut she could hear fine. In fact, at this point, she was relying on it more - enough so that she heard the shifting of others in a nearby cells. She followed these sound to the edge of her cell, where bars formed. ( ... )


mercyforcruelty November 7 2011, 13:25:19 UTC
"Here." Nahollo's voice was equally harsh, from years spent hacking up all sorts of nastiness instead of talking, with just a rough undercurrent of fear. He disliked the sterility of this place, his nose sensitive to the smell of common medical chemicals. "We need to get out... I don't like this." Nahollo tugged his cloak closer around him, uncomfortable and clearly unhappy.

"I'd say you look like hell, but I probably don't look much better." The white-haired teenager's eyes darted around the area, trying to find some clue, something he could use to get out. He could now say that the times he'd kill to have Atira lurking in his shadow, always sparing a corner of her attention to him calling for her, the strange almost-friendship they'd formed, had gone up. Having a she-demon who was fiercely protective and could appear anywhere there was shadow would have been damned useful right now.


dr4con1cl4w November 8 2011, 04:57:50 UTC
As soon as she heard the voice, Terezi shifted along the bars to draw as close as possible. She couldn't help the fear that had coiled tight around her insides, but was denying it plenty. Desperate and doomed situations were not new to her, but the chemical white was clogging her senses and that was dragging up instinctual fear. Seer of Mind or not, she was still a wounded animal in a cage. Given more mortal captors...

"I'd say you look like hell, but I can't tell." She pressed her face against the bars, sniffed. "You certainly smell like hell. Hehe." But even her cackle was forced, nervous.

"Well of course we do." The girl gnashed her teeth slightly, trying to get a whiff of the area outside the cages, with little luck. "Can you see an exit?"


mercyforcruelty November 11 2011, 00:42:49 UTC
"You can't?" Nahollo asked, sounding surprised. He looked Terezi over again, leaning heavily against the bars. "Yeah, I guess I would smell like it. I can't see an exit, and--" And anything he could do relied on his powers.

"I'm kind of useless right now. Sorry." If his power had been reduced to what they had been at pre-Awakening levels, he really was useless. At least he wasn't occupied with the process of dying slowly.

Nahollo huddled up a little in his cloak- some terrifying angel of death he was, if he was this easy to trap and corner, this easy to render completely useless.


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