This does not look like Konoha. [Active/Open]

Oct 02, 2011 18:39

Who: A seven-year-old Sasuke Uchiha and anyone who'd like to join him!
Where: The parlor. He's freaked out and not moving a whole lot just yet.
When: Day 02
What: Sasuke is lost, confused, and definitely not happy.
Warnings: Uhh. Lost children!

Where did my house go.. )

@first house: first floor, nina tucker (fullmetal alchemist), *open, itachi uchiha (naruto), &day 002, sasuka uchiha (naruto), the midnighter (wildstorm comics)

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Comments 49

imtoocutetodie October 3 2011, 01:09:50 UTC
The voice sounded young. Nina had been playing under the piano with the tiny wooden animals and the stuffed monkey. Even if the words he was saying didn't make any sense to her, his voice sounded young and kinda scared. Maybe he was her age? That might be fun, she hadn't had a lot of playmates cause daddy was busy. She looked under the couch, spotting bare feet only a little bigger than her own. Either he was a really tiny person or a kid like her.

How did she make friends with someone her own age? Daddy said she should be herself and be nice and he was probably scared if he'd just gotten here.

She crawled out from under the piano, peeking around the couch and smiling. "Hi! Are you lost too?"


simpleambitions October 3 2011, 01:17:02 UTC
Sasuke nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden sound of another voice, peering at the girl who had suddenly crawled from under... well, it looked like some sort of instrument. He didn't really know, for sure. She was smaller than he was, which automatically had him straightening up, just a little. If she was here and not scared... well, he could at least pretend that he was fine. Maybe.

"Y-Yeah... I was in my house just a second ago. Where are we?" And, on second thought, now that he was looking at her a bit more closely... "What clan are you from?"


imtoocutetodie October 3 2011, 01:26:48 UTC
She hadn't been trying to startle him, she'd just been hiding in her place so she could play. "I was walking with daddy and Alexander, and then I was here too. Everyone just kinda shows up. It's really scary at first, but everyone I've met is really nice! Only, we don't know where we are. It's just a big house and suddenly we're here."

She blinked at the question, tipping her head. "What's a clan? I'm Nina. Nina Tucker."


simpleambitions October 3 2011, 02:54:20 UTC
"But..." He didn't think she was lying, but he had no interest in meeting a bunch of new people. What he wanted to know what how they were supposed to get back home. "How do we get out?" Itachi and his parents would realize he'd gone missing. They'd come find him, wouldn't they?

"I'm Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke." The boy said after a moment, slightly distracted by her first question. How was he supposed to explain what a clan was? "Tucker... You must be from a different village. I'm from Konoha."


Did you say lost child? Meet the world's most unlikely father. grouchinleather October 3 2011, 04:47:54 UTC
Midnighter had been re-examining the old rooms to see if anything had changed when he heard the voice of a child call out. It definitely wasn't a voice he was familiar with, and it sounded too young to be any of the guys in the house, and it definitely wasn't Nina. And this scared mystery voice was coming from the parlor.

Upon further examination Midnighter found a small boy with oddly-styled hair clinging to the door with one hand and a stuffed animal in the other. Where the hell did he come from, and more important, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to bring another small child to this house of horrors?

"Hey, your stuffed animal have a name?" Midnighter's plan was simple: Step 1, get the kid's mind off what's going on. Step 2, show the kid around. Step 3, kill something once it got dark again to make him feel better. Of course, he wasn't sure if that would work, but hey it was worth a shot.


I lost so hard, <3333 forever. simpleambitions October 3 2011, 05:13:18 UTC
The gravelly voice was enough to make him turn, his features strangely guilty, as though caught doing something he shouldn't have. The door had been locked for a reason, hadn't it? What he hadn't expected though--well, the man looked big, and strong, too. Wouldn't he have thought Sasuke was too old for a stuffed animal?

He debated for several seconds before offering, "Roary." Roary the dinosaur. The stranger looked almost like a ninja, but he was wearing clothes that Sasuke had never seen before. "Um. How do I get home, mister?"

Maybe trusting someone he didn't know wasn't a good idea, but he'd asked about Roary--and that immediately made the boy inclined to trust him. Anyone who could recognize Roary's importance was clearly okay.


<333 I'm sorry I'm so late x.x grouchinleather October 8 2011, 23:55:35 UTC
Shit. Damn perceptive child, getting right to the heart of the matter. He bit his lip as he contemplated what he could say without sending the kid into a panic. "...I don't know, kid. We're all stuck here. But me and the other adults here will watch you until you can get home, okay?"

He wished there was something else he could have said, something a bit more reassuring, but he wasn't built like that. That was the best he could do.

"Besides, you got Roary with you right? I'm sure he'll watch after you too."


No problem, I am horrendously late as well! <3 simpleambitions October 17 2011, 00:50:44 UTC
Sasuke was quiet for a moment, running a hand over Roary's head so he could better feel the soft fabric against his palm. He didn't like that information at all--but what could he do? It was just like Nina said it was. Everyone was trying hard to get out of here, so being scared wouldn't help anyone.

"I'll help too, mister. I got really good marks at the academy so... so I don't need to be watched." He was almost an adult himself, now!

There was a slight smile at the mention of Roary again, and the boy eventually nodded after a moment of contemplation, squeezing the dinosaur a bit tighter. "Yeah... Um, mister--you aren't from Konoha either, are you?"


(assumed sometime later /o/) vindication October 3 2011, 05:07:11 UTC
With Shisui safely ensconced in bed, drugged to the gills and hopefully recovering from the horror he'd experienced, Itachi had assumed the mission of scout, keeping to the shadows as he wandered the hallways of this quiet, eerie place ( ... )


simpleambitions October 3 2011, 05:22:01 UTC
The shadow fell across the room, menacing in its sudden silence, and his breath instinctively caught in his throat. He had to stay quiet, get to some place safe where he could observe the situation. That was what a ninja was supposed to do, right? He was scared, though, scared to move, scared of drawing attention to himself.

The man slipped inside the room, and Sasuke immediately felt himself shrinking back. He was tall, and there was something about him that was almost intimidating. But, the longer his dark eyes flickered over the man's face, the more the fear began to fade, choked out by an unexplainable curiosity.

"...Nii...san?" The word trembled in the still air.

It was him! It was!! But he was taller somehow, his eyes marred with the bloody red of the Sharingan, but Sasuke didn't care about any of that at the moment. He all but threw himself at his brother's legs with the ferocity only a younger sibling could muster, clinging to him as though afraid Itachi would suddenly sip back into the shadows ( ... )


vindication October 3 2011, 06:24:49 UTC
Itachi could not stop the tremble that stole into his limbs, matching that soft, quavering voice. This wasn't real. Wasn't real, was ... genjutsu, the brutal plundering of those things kept tightly locked in his mind.

Amazing, the perspective maturity -- years and experience -- could grant a person. If only he had gained wisdom, as well.

His eyes flickered to the plush, the tiny, chubby arm that encircled it. Roary, his mind offered, and he could not hold back the faint twist of a despairing smile that touched his thin lips. All that energy and enthusiasm ... it had felt endless, then, like that promised next time really was only tomorrow away. "Sasuke," he said softly -- recalling what it felt like to close his fingers around fragile bones until they gave.

It seems your brother has killed Orochimaru, Itachi-san.Knowledge was a knife, and its blade scored deep. He looked into those wide, dark eyes, still unbroken by the terrible power of their bloodline, still absolutely trusting in the sanctity of their bond as brothers. ( ... )


simpleambitions October 3 2011, 16:12:43 UTC
He took the kneeling to be some sort of invitation, wrapping his arms around Itachi's neck and clinging to him with open, joyful relief. Roary has fallen to the floor at this point, entirely forgotten with the arrival of Sasuke's favorite person.

"You're taller," The boy finally muttered after a moment, rocking back on his heels while his fingers curled into the fabric covering his brother's shoulders. There was a beat of confusion, his eyes flickering over Itachi's face again and again as though to sort out exactly how and why his brother had changed so suddenly. He seemed older somehow--sadder, too. Sasuke didn't know why he was sad, and, after a moment, seemed to brighten.

Lifting his fingers, he very gently made to poke Itachi's nose, a parody of bruised forehead that Sasuke was still sporting. "Can... we go home now, nii-san? I don't like it here." He asked tentatively after a moment, unwinding himself from Itachi long enough to gather up Roary again. If his older brother wasn't careful, he was going to get that dinosaur ( ... )


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