This does not look like Konoha. [Active/Open]

Oct 02, 2011 18:39

Who: A seven-year-old Sasuke Uchiha and anyone who'd like to join him!
Where: The parlor. He's freaked out and not moving a whole lot just yet.
When: Day 02
What: Sasuke is lost, confused, and definitely not happy.
Warnings: Uhh. Lost children!

Where did my house go.. )

@first house: first floor, nina tucker (fullmetal alchemist), *open, itachi uchiha (naruto), &day 002, sasuka uchiha (naruto), the midnighter (wildstorm comics)

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imtoocutetodie October 3 2011, 01:09:50 UTC
The voice sounded young. Nina had been playing under the piano with the tiny wooden animals and the stuffed monkey. Even if the words he was saying didn't make any sense to her, his voice sounded young and kinda scared. Maybe he was her age? That might be fun, she hadn't had a lot of playmates cause daddy was busy. She looked under the couch, spotting bare feet only a little bigger than her own. Either he was a really tiny person or a kid like her.

How did she make friends with someone her own age? Daddy said she should be herself and be nice and he was probably scared if he'd just gotten here.

She crawled out from under the piano, peeking around the couch and smiling. "Hi! Are you lost too?"


simpleambitions October 3 2011, 01:17:02 UTC
Sasuke nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden sound of another voice, peering at the girl who had suddenly crawled from under... well, it looked like some sort of instrument. He didn't really know, for sure. She was smaller than he was, which automatically had him straightening up, just a little. If she was here and not scared... well, he could at least pretend that he was fine. Maybe.

"Y-Yeah... I was in my house just a second ago. Where are we?" And, on second thought, now that he was looking at her a bit more closely... "What clan are you from?"


imtoocutetodie October 3 2011, 01:26:48 UTC
She hadn't been trying to startle him, she'd just been hiding in her place so she could play. "I was walking with daddy and Alexander, and then I was here too. Everyone just kinda shows up. It's really scary at first, but everyone I've met is really nice! Only, we don't know where we are. It's just a big house and suddenly we're here."

She blinked at the question, tipping her head. "What's a clan? I'm Nina. Nina Tucker."


simpleambitions October 3 2011, 02:54:20 UTC
"But..." He didn't think she was lying, but he had no interest in meeting a bunch of new people. What he wanted to know what how they were supposed to get back home. "How do we get out?" Itachi and his parents would realize he'd gone missing. They'd come find him, wouldn't they?

"I'm Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke." The boy said after a moment, slightly distracted by her first question. How was he supposed to explain what a clan was? "Tucker... You must be from a different village. I'm from Konoha."


imtoocutetodie October 3 2011, 03:08:54 UTC
"The doors and windows are all locked." She frowned, plucking at the monkey's ears carefully. "Everyone is trying to work on a way to get home, but nobody knows how we got here, so it's really hard."

She giggled at his name. "That's a weird name, it's like Mister Hizashi's, he talks like that too. Where is Konoha? I've never heard of that before. I'm from Amestris, from East City. Though that's a city, not a village. They're bigger." She peered at Sasuke, then smiled shyly. "I like your toy. What is he?"


simpleambitions October 3 2011, 03:24:24 UTC
"Oh," Was all he said for a moment, frowning into his dinosaur. If everyone was already trying, then he needed to be patient. They would figure something out, wouldn't they? He and Nina would probably just get in the way. Sasuke stifled a sigh, though his attention did prick at whoever this Hizashi-san was.

"Konoha is in the Land of Fire. Where is the East City...?" So maybe that explained why she wasn't a ninja. She probably came from places that hired ninjas. His dark eyes flickered uncertainly, but the boy offered a tentative, genuine smile of his own after a moment. "He's a dinosaur. M'not supposed to have him, but it's a secret."


imtoocutetodie October 3 2011, 04:13:45 UTC
"It's in Amestris, silly. My daddy is a State Alchemist. What does your daddy do?" She smiled, offering her own toy for inspection. "Mine's a monkey, I have a bear at home, but this one looked so lonely here. How come you're not supposed to have him?" She peered at the dinosaur, beaming quietly. "I've never seen anything like him before, he's really neat. What's his name?"


simpleambitions October 3 2011, 04:21:39 UTC
"I dunno where that is." Sasuke finally admitted, brightening significantly at the mention of his father. "He's in charge of the police station! When I grow up, I'm gonna be just like him, and keep the village safe!"

He couldn't help but reach out to touch Mr. Monkey's head, making a soft, pleased sound at how soft he was. "Tousan says they're for kids. I'm too old for him, now...." But the uncertainty in his voice was enough to imply that he didn't really believe that. "His name is Roary." Sasuke beamed a little, not quite old enough to be embarrassed, not when she was so enthusiastic.

"What's your monkey's name?" Because clearly all stuffed animals had names.


imtoocutetodie October 3 2011, 04:39:04 UTC
"Well, I don't know where Konoha is either, so it's fair, right?" She beamed. "You daddy is a police officer? That's neat! Does he wear and uniform and stop bad people from doing bad things?" She gave him an admiring look, beaming and nodding. "When I grow up, I'm going to be a State Alchemist like my daddy and Edward are, and I'll help protect people, like Edward!"

She let him, keeping the stuffed toy extended so he could. "That's silly. Sometimes when you're scared, you need a soft thing to hug, and even grown-ups get scared." She nodded, reaching out to touch Roary's head with gentle fingers. "I bet he's really good at keeping the scary things away, huh?"

She looked at the monkey for a long moment, chewing on her lip. "I think he belonged to someone else, once, and maybe he had a different name. But I've been calling him Patchy, cause he's all patched up. I don't think he minds."


simpleambitions October 3 2011, 05:01:09 UTC
"Yeah, I guess it is." The world was pretty big, after all! Nina seemed to know all the right buttons to hit, and Sasuke felt immensely proud. "Yup! A State Alchemist kinda sounds like what my dad does. Maybe we'll work together, one day!" Even though they were in different villages... That didn't mean they couldn't team up, right?

He looked thoughtfully for a moment, blinking at the simple sense that Nina spoke. "Yeah... He is." His smiler was fonder somehow, more shy. "Him and my nii-san. They keep everything bad away." Always, always, always.

"Well, you found him, right? And I bet he likes having a name." Patchy made perfect sense to him! In fact, in seven-year-old Sasuke's mind, it was really quite clever. Patchy. 'Cause he had patches.


imtoocutetodie October 3 2011, 05:09:45 UTC
"My daddy works for the military, not the police." But she was nodding, smiling happily as they found a common ground. "That'd be lots of fun, we could fight all the bad guys and make sure everyone is safe!" Even though he was from far away, they had met here and now, so they could be friends for sure.

She returned his smile, equally soft, two children far from home talking about what made them feel safe. "My daddy helps keep the monsters away, and Alexander. Cause you don't have to be scared if there is someone strong and they know how to keep all the bad things shut away in the dark."

She nodded, smiling at the monkey. "He's really nice to hug, and I thought he needed a name for sure."


simpleambitions October 3 2011, 05:39:12 UTC
"Ohhh." That sounded like a pretty serious job indeed. No wonder Nina wanted to follow in his footsteps! "Yeah! And then everyone would be happy!"

It was unusual, to think he could make a friend here so easily when such a thing had never occurred to him back at home. "Monsters? Real monsters?" His eyes grew a little wider at that.

"But who's Alexander?" She was right, though. Itachi was strong. That was why Sasuke never had to worry before. His brother was the strongest one in the world--and that was why he had to be just as strong as he was, one day. Then Itachi could be safe, too.


imtoocutetodie October 3 2011, 12:49:50 UTC
"Yep, and we could be grownups and still have fun. Grownups get boring sometimes." She nodded, thinking of Mister Hypnos. "And they don't believe things, even if they might be right. Cause they have to be all logical and stuff."

She nodded quickly. "I bet my daddy could help keep the monsters away, Edward and Patchy kept the monsters away last night. I hid in the study and none of them ever came in there." It had to have been Edward, because Edward had told her to stay. That meant he knew for sure it was safe, and how would he know if he hadn't made it safe?

"Alexander is my doggy, and my friend. He's big and white and strong and not afraid of anything." She beamed, happy to talk about the dog that had been some strange combo of playmate and nanny, keeping her out of trouble when her daddy was busy. "But he got lost with daddy, when I came here, even though I had my hand on them both."


simpleambitions October 3 2011, 16:40:02 UTC
"Yeeee~eah... They feel like they gotta be serious all the time, I guess. Being a grownup is hard." There was a lot more responsibility, Sasuke knew that. "But that's when having friends make it easier, right? Then you'd have people to help you, and you wouldn't have to worry by yourself all the time..."

Sasuke didn't know who Edward was, but he sounded like he was pretty smart. And, well, he was an alchemist, whatever that was! A military man. "You've been here all night?" And she still hadn't managed to go home? That didn't sound positive at all. Fortunately, the mention of a dog effectively distracted the young Uchiha.

"A dog? Really?" There had been no pets in his household--they weren't from the Inuzuka clan, after all--so that was something that caught his attention. "Wow, that's really neat! Maybe we'll find him here!"


imtoocutetodie October 5 2011, 00:44:20 UTC
"I think so, maybe. Daddy always looks really stressed and upset and tired. It must be really hard." She knew daddy had a lot of responsibilities. But she knew sometimes he got sad for no reason. "Yeah! My daddy doesn't have a lot of friends, does yours? Maybe with friends it's easier to be a grown-up."

She nodded. "Uh huh. Only day time lasts a really long time and night time lasts just as long. It's really weird. And there were big light bugs, too. When night fell? It was very pretty. But then the monsters came."

She beamed, clearly happy to discuss one of her favorite topics. "Yep! I love Alexander, he's my friend too, and he's big enough that I can sit on him and he can carry me around. He'd scare those monsters right away. I bet he'd be your friend too."


simpleambitions October 17 2011, 00:41:38 UTC
"My dad does too, sometimes." He never looked happy, anyway. Never satisfied. Maybe that was because Sasuke hadn't been good enough, until now. But things were supposed to be better, weren't they? He'd get home, and everyone would be happy. "No. My dad sticks with our clan, and our family... but I don't think he has a lot of friends outside of that ( ... )


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