A Toddler's Guide to Daughtering Your Parents, Big Sister Edition

Mar 31, 2008 13:47

When your mother and father bring home a four hour-old baby and announce that she is going to stay, make sure the baby knows her place by only referring to her as it, as in "I want to hold it".  You can also try telling the baby's great-grandmother to "keep it" and see if that works.

When all of a sudden you have to share your mother's breasts, and ( Read more... )

abigael, motherhood, toddler's guide

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Comments 28

birthingway March 31 2008, 18:22:48 UTC
These are brilliant, M. I love them like I love Erma Bombeck.


maine_girl March 31 2008, 20:07:08 UTC
Thanks! I enjoy writing them. It's all about survival...


birthingway March 31 2008, 20:09:01 UTC
Yes: when there is a newborn+toddler in the house, survival is the mot du jour.


latemove March 31 2008, 18:24:53 UTC
LOL! I love when you do these!


maine_girl March 31 2008, 20:07:27 UTC
Thanks.... I have a bit of fun with them myself.


ashale March 31 2008, 18:28:13 UTC
this was completely RAD i think it needs to be published!


maine_girl March 31 2008, 20:07:43 UTC
I'll have to write more and then compile them!


tabulimanzi March 31 2008, 18:29:32 UTC
*eye twitch* we should live closer Abigael and Caro would play and perhaps give us a break lol


maine_girl March 31 2008, 20:07:59 UTC
Don't think I don't wish for it every day!


areawoman March 31 2008, 18:30:35 UTC
hahahaha. Oh MY. I'm so afraid I'm in for this as well -- Jack is already talking about which toys he's NOT going to share with his baby.


maine_girl March 31 2008, 20:08:22 UTC
Welll, at least he's getting prepared, lol!


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