
Mar 19, 2008 22:22

Met up with carneaglariel, futomimii, sapphire_1010, ultra_butterfly and... Stick today! You know, maybe it's just because I didn't have many Chinese friends before this but it never occurred to me that I suck at remembering Chinese names. XDD;;; Thank you so much for spending time with me! I feel like I'm terribly taking you guys for granted, dangit, I'm so sorry. *_*;;;

(And I don't care what ( Read more... )

persona 4, outing, taiko no tatsujin

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Comments 26

viral_shuu March 19 2008, 16:05:33 UTC
Why is it bad to be a lolicon? It would be worst if you heard the Lolicon song XD

Taiko is fun, you should make a tag about it...


maiki March 19 2008, 16:45:17 UTC
W-what lolicon song? XD;;;

Done! Except now I need to put this tag in my previous entries too...


viral_shuu March 19 2008, 17:11:35 UTC

I wish I could translate it XDDD I understand some bits, it's hillarious!


maiki March 20 2008, 14:59:21 UTC
OMG hahahahah, that's quite disturbing. XDDD


sapphire_1010 March 19 2008, 16:06:06 UTC
AHAHAHAHA. Taiko is awesome!! Dang! Kids nowadays are SOOOO good at it! Man, where did they get all those stamina??!
yeeeaaah man, Oni mode! Yaru yo! LOOOL. Anyway, once you get used to the hard songs, it's actually easier than the slow ones. Cause it's harder to get the slow beats. Haha, good what, show off some skills at Japan. though there'll probably have more tatsujin there, lol

Seriously? Her school is cool then. Haha, mine only has creative club, and Max, Ezel and I kinda slowly evolved it into a manga sort of club, it's not really a manga club but we do talked about it.

Lol, actually the whole lolicon thing started out from your old posts, I think. At least to me, I started from there lah, and then your Nico Medley came in. Haha, don't worry, I'm only joking about it. XD not really that bad what ahahaha

Yeah, do make one! I wanna hear more about Taiko 11 once you go back to Japan. 8DDDD

And I'm glad to know you had fun. X3 *hugs*


maiki March 19 2008, 16:51:08 UTC
KIDS THESE DAYS SCARE ME. XDDD But yeah, I definite get what you mean by slower songs being harder now. And LOL, Japan has too many people going for Oni mode so I'm just a lamer no matter what. OTL

Wah, I wish my school has people like you guys. XD; It felt like I was the only hardcore otaku at the time and I even quit the art club because it was too boring for me. At this rate, someday I would end up going "Back in my school days, otakus were scarce and the only anime on TV was Doraemon... You guys have it easier now... *obasan cough*"

My old posts?? XD;; Did I talk about lolis that much!?


sapphire_1010 March 19 2008, 17:10:17 UTC
I think to those Japanese, Oni mode are probably normal to them while we're struggling our lives here in hard mode....orz BUT THE MAIN THING IS TO HAVE FUN! RIGHT? *nudge nudge*

Haha, yeah, I hope so too. It would be cool to have someone like you more. Anyway, Max, Ezel and I were young and energetic back then, darn I'm calling myself old now so we kinda enjoyed what we had there and tried to make the best out of it. LOOOL, I totally understand what you mean. Most of my classmates only watched Doraemon or read Conan.

Erm...the one where you said 'coming out from the closet'one? Not that much lah, but for some reason, it gave quite an impression on me. Lol. Maybe because it's funny to see you like that. And the Nico Medley helped making it funnier. or not helping for your case Haha. Don't worry lah, we still know you as the usual Maiki what. X3


maiki March 20 2008, 15:02:32 UTC
Oh, you mean the entry where I admit over liking ossan/loli pairings? XD;;; Maitta naaa OTL But hahah, thanks for not running away from me. :P


raethes March 19 2008, 16:26:13 UTC
You know i'm going to have to make use of LOLISHOTAKOMBI now. ^_^b


maiki March 20 2008, 15:03:23 UTC
You can't when Feria is just isn't around now. :P


without_reason March 21 2008, 17:39:51 UTC


ultra_butterfly March 19 2008, 16:50:23 UTC
Well, we also love hanging out with you, Maiki. :D TOA has stressful workloads. YOU HELPED US RELAX A BIT =)

And lol, you shouldn't be surprised, Gomu and Shachou are ALL I WANT TO DRAW RECENTLY LOL I think it was also because I discovered their BLOGS. I really want to see Nico singers doujinshiwwwwwww

You're pretty good at Taiko. Go ahead and make that tag! XD

Also I think the lolicon started after you sang 'ooh little girls' so pervertedly(w) in your Nico medley... didn't you also say you liked certain lolis in your LJ?!? We're sorry. WE LOVE YOU ANYWAY


narugami March 19 2008, 18:12:55 UTC
That's a dangerous idea to bring up unless you want Mura to get revenge for all the yaoi jokes about him ^^; Sounds like a fun day!

Watching Grand Finale and stuff makes me want to draw fanart of the singers' avatars singing together ^^;

P4... instead of blue, now we have yellow. Aside from that I have no comment. :P


maiki March 20 2008, 15:06:06 UTC
I want to see him TRY actually. >:DDD That's why I've been trying to give him 'materials' but he can't do a thing to touch my pride because I'm not ashamed over anything, mwahahahahah!

....... Saasen. 8D;

I'm quite amazed the designers braved themselves to go with yellow as the game's image color, though. It's quite a hard color to control but I think they did a great job os using it from the looks of it. XD


without_reason March 21 2008, 17:40:46 UTC
Mura sucks at burning people so giving him ideas doesn't seem to do much. xD;


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