(no subject)

Mar 19, 2008 22:22

Met up with carneaglariel, futomimii, sapphire_1010, ultra_butterfly and... Stick today! You know, maybe it's just because I didn't have many Chinese friends before this but it never occurred to me that I suck at remembering Chinese names. XDD;;; Thank you so much for spending time with me! I feel like I'm terribly taking you guys for granted, dangit, I'm so sorry. *_*;;;

(And I don't care what you all say, I'm SO not the main character dangit! OTLOTL Just treat this as a group gathering that just happen to be held while I'm here. Er, yeah. 8DDD;;;; DANGIT iteza ACCOMPANY ME NEXT TIME OR I'M GONNA BE EMBARASSED AGAIN

My sketchbook collection is now complete!! ... Almost. I still want Sou and Max's art. *greedy* You know, out of all fandoms, I never expected to get a Shachou and Gomu art from Kuzu. (wwwwwwwwww) I think "Nico Nico Artists" has really become a proper doujin-able fandom by now. XDDDD Next thing you know, there will be one whole section dedicated to them in Komike. Either way, I'm so happy to be getting everyone's sketches (P3 and Versus Oujiiii~~♥♥) so thank yoouuuu!

And we all spent, like, 3-4 hours playing Taiko 10, WTF. XDDDD I think I might have even improved my playing because YOU GUYS KEEP SICKING ALL THE HARD SONGS ON ME XDDDDDD;;; Next goal, Oni Mode! Sapph, yaranaika *punchedpunched*

And there was this girl who was also playing Taiko (and was damn good at it) and overheard our conversations or something, she thought I was Japanese (because Sapph and I said "Ganbareee" at Jackee+Kuzu??) and spoke up to me in Japanese. It caught me off guard because I wasn't expecting to use that language in Malaysia, you know. XD;; It turns out she's a half, an otaku + yaoi fangirl too and she's 15. XD;; We got chatting and she end up hanging out with our group for the rest of the day.

(And this is more of an addendum to Jackee and the others but after Aoi and I left to head for the taxi stand, we got talking on the way and it turns out she's part of a manga club in their school (an actual official school club approved by the headmistress too, whoa!) and apparently they hold cosplay/maid cafes at school festivals, WTF. OTL You guys should check out her school someday or something.)

Now to a more random topic, who started the idea of me being a lolicon, huh!? XD;; I mean, I tend to have a thing for certain girls but whyyyy dangit WHHYYYYYYYYY

If it comes to it, I should make a tag with Feria where me, Maiki the Lolicon and Feria the Shotacon should be named as the LOLISHOTAKOMBI. .... I'm kidding, guys. DON'T YOU DARE TAKE THIS IDEA ANY FURTHER.

........... Should I make a Taiko tag now? I mean, Taiko 11 is already out in Japan now so I assume I'll still be talking about it even when I get back there. XD;

Fine, I made a tag. :P

Just watched the P4 trailer. (Go look on Youtube or NicoVideo) I like the all-back guy and the kid with cap so far! :D


persona 4, outing, taiko no tatsujin

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