
Sep 09, 2006 13:18

Um, I haven't done much lately except slave myself to homework and Persona 3 for the past week so nothing new on me for now. So instead, have a bunch of other news.


Anime News

Ki.... Kino no Tabi movie. A new one.I'm not sure if that's Kuroboshi's art or the movie art but if that's movie art, that means the animation ( Read more... )

novels, tales of destiny, news

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Comments 33

advocate September 9 2006, 05:55:29 UTC
If no one has given it to you or uploaded it yet, here it is x): FFXIII trailer MP3~


maiki September 10 2006, 11:36:34 UTC
You, my dear, are love. ;_; *hugsqueeze* Thanks so much for this! It's on endless repeat on my Winamp now. XD


gem2niki September 9 2006, 06:33:45 UTC
More Kaworu is good XD;; Would he appear?

Ah, TOD PS2!! <3 <3 Too bad its not likely to be released in teh U.S. T3T;; (neither is TOD2) I ended up watching Tales of Abyss cutscenes from your link ... T_T;; *ish spoiled*


maiki September 10 2006, 11:44:05 UTC
Well Kaworu IS in the promo pic of the movie announcement and the movies (4 parts) are a complete retelling of the TV series with original scenes and considering Kaworu's what sold Evangelion to the fangirls, I doubt they won't insert him in. XD;

Oh no, not the Abyss spoilers. D8 Are you thinking of buying the game when it comes out in the US?


gem2niki September 10 2006, 18:11:26 UTC
He is?? *didn't see the promo pic then* Fangirls includes me lol.

Of course I'll buy the game *O* I just know that it'll be dubbed most likely..? So I want to enjoy the nice Japanese version X3;;; I have absolutely no clue from the spoilers anyways what the story is about aha..


charmwitch September 9 2006, 13:36:56 UTC
Kino!! ♥

I really liked the Life Goes On movie, it was actually extremely enjoyable. Though it feels more like an episode. XD Seeing Kino change from her cutesy girly girl form to a more quiet wanderer is pretty fun. I recommend watching the movie. I saw it on Youtube.

And I hope the release of bugs of PS3s comes out atleast 2 weeks after its on the market, because I plan to buy one and sell it on Ebay to pay my way through college >_>; *works at a video game store in the middle of no where*


maiki September 10 2006, 11:45:25 UTC
I plan to buy one and sell it on Ebay

O_O Why would people buy it on Ebay if game stores will be selling the system? Unless you mean selling it when the console is sold out?


without_reason September 10 2006, 12:02:00 UTC
THey did that for the slim PS2 or some other console. The stores didn't have them anymore (they get sold out on the very first day of its release -- I know so because I tried getting one myself and only got mine 3 weeks later with a special order), and that's because people buy as much as possible to sell them on ebay. Because people are desperate and impatient, they buy it off from there where the prices are much higher. The ebay sellers then get $100 profit for each system sold.


maiki September 10 2006, 12:19:34 UTC
Holy shmoly, that's so cheap. XD;;


narugami September 10 2006, 00:57:40 UTC
Oh snap wrong tag. D: Sorry~


maiki September 10 2006, 11:56:56 UTC
There are more scans here, actually! :D After reading the article more, seems like this game has a deep connection to the Black/Matrix games, unless F-P is just having fun recycling a bunch of names and character looks from BM00... (You should see Niu's reaction to this 8D *points to Niu's comment below*)

Urgh, that's not good. But I guess it's a good strategy Sony's using to make sure people actually buy the system. ("Oops, sorry, we have limited amount of copies to sell." "NO WAY! Muuuum, we better preorder this before it sells out!!") Ah well, there's ToD, SN4 and a bunch of university entrance exams to keep me busy before the next shipment, anyway, so I guess I can't rush to get the PS3 even if I wanted to...


charmwitch September 10 2006, 14:08:40 UTC
Here's the worst shiz- You CAN'T PREORDER THE PS3! XD;;
Atleast, not in the USA. XD


shota_god_niu September 10 2006, 08:39:24 UTC
Let me say a few thing maiki....

CYPHERPUNKKKK!!!!!! UGGGHHH!!!! It is in the game!!!!
This is it it Flight Plan!! You have raise my faith in this game ten tiems higher. If it is just a cameo and not an actual tie in to B/M plot, I'LLLLL BURN YOU DOWN TO ASHESSSSS!!!!!

That masked men better be John, and lt that grey hait women be Dana, and we'll be set!!!

I neeeed B/M3!!!!!!!!

Oh, and may Ganix burn. I serious think they ar elosing their mind. They let EVA do bowling on the street just a few weeks back, and now a movie? Gee, can they spell the word "enough"?


maiki September 10 2006, 12:05:10 UTC
Doooown, lady, now it's your turn to calm down. XDD *pats*

I noticed Cypherpunk and the John-lookalike but wow, I didn't notice about Dana until you mentioned it. Not to mention they use the term "Matrix" a lot, too... I guess I have to be with you on hoping that there IS some sort of connection to B/M with this game. >_>;;

They let EVA do bowling on the street just a few weeks back

WHAT? XDD Hahahah, what's the full story to this?


shota_god_niu September 11 2006, 01:25:47 UTC
They announced a detetcive game involving EVA. Which has something do to with Gendou getting murdered and having EVA doing bowling on the street. It is so ridicuslous that I am speechless.


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