(no subject)

Sep 09, 2006 13:18

Um, I haven't done much lately except slave myself to homework and Persona 3 for the past week so nothing new on me for now. So instead, have a bunch of other news.


Anime News

Ki.... Kino no Tabi movie. A new one.

I'm not sure if that's Kuroboshi's art or the movie art but if that's movie art, that means the animation studio will finally give us a way better character design than the TV anime series', but if that's Kuroboshi's art, that means he finally dropped off that loli art style he's been using lately, so whichever it is, I'm so God damn happy to see that pic because it's pretty. ..... Oh, I just saw that "Illust: Kuroboshi Kouhaku" text at the the bottom right. SO YAY LOLI STYLE NO MORE! You don't see me complaining about artists changing their art styles because I find it as a disrespect to the artist themselves, but I need to cheer when I see their art getting better, dangit! ;_;

.... I just realized that I still haven't watched that "Life goes on" movie. >_>;

Ah yes, there's also the new Evangelion movies news but I've already heard about it somewhere else before. My initial reaction was "OH MAN NOT AGAAAAIINN" but I'll see first how things turn out. Can't complain about getting more Kaworu... *cough*


Game News

"Dragon Shadow Spell", the new Flight-Plan game with Black/Matrix 00's character designer. I'm liking the three people at the right. If this is the BM00 team working on it (or well, their scenario writer), then we'll be getting blood-thirtsy homicidal and suicidal 10-year-olds again nice character designs and fun interactions with dark and bloody plots, oh yay. :D I need to check out the new Famitsu magazine today... (Edit: Screenshots of the game, courtsy of someone from GF's SN4 board)

Got this from mura_arkaine and shinryu_nanashi:
New Tales of Destiny PS2 remake promo trailer with previews of the anime cutscenes and the new skit system. I love this new skit system and the sample they showed is funny! XD I've always prefered Tales' upper-half-body skit system than their face chat system... (I guess that's why I love Abyss for having both?)

Got this from amanecer:
Dante nor Virgil is the main character of DMC4. But it's still a white-haired guy with a red coat. *rolls eyes* This sort of turned me off from wanting to play the game because it's Dante and Virgil's popularity (to the girls *cough*) that makes me want to play the DMC games in the first place, but hearing the fact that you can still carry on combos even after the enemy's dead sounds awesome, hmm... Anyway, does anyone know how long I need to wait after PS3's release to start hearing about bug problems? One week? If it's within a month and still no complaints (besides the fact that a PS3 froze back in E3 XDDD I hope Sony fixes that), I guess I'll buy it then. If we do get problems with our system, we can't exchange it or anything? Isn't that's what warranties are for? D8 I never bought a game console at its launch so I don't know how you people deal with these things....

Random note, I like how people made a bunch of videos reflecting their shock over the PS3's price. And does anyone happen to have an mp3 of FF13's trailer? I've grown attached to the violin...

.... Yes, I watch Youtube videos almost on a daily basis now. ;_; I also watched the first 2 episodes of Avatar there and it looks great. :D

novels, tales of destiny, news

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