Coldplay Concert + Darren Shan

Jul 19, 2006 01:34

I thought I would type up the concert report tomorrow but I'm starting to already forget details so I'll just to do it quickly now. Like I said, comment replies will be tomorrow because I wanna go straight to sleep after this. =_=

The journey from the dorm to the train station was quite a hassle because halfway there I realized I forgot to bring the concert ticket. XD; *punches self for stupidity* And just as I reached the train station near the Nippon Budoukan (where the concert is held in), I could already see a lot of white people. 8D Ate yakisoba outside of the stadium for dinner. My seat turns out to be a lot farther from the stage than I thought... Guess you should have expected that for buying the ticket around a week before the concert. >_>;; It's way up at the 2nd floor but the S seats were right beside the stage so it's definitely a lot nearer to the stage than, say, the rear-view. And Chris likes to sing at our section, mwahahah. >8D

The piano for "Politik" is damn beautiful, I wish someone recorded that and put it up on Youtube. ;_; I can't remember why by now but my favourites were "Square One", "Don't Panic", "Speed of Sound", "The Scientist" and "Trouble". Can't remember which but one of them Chris sang with a slightly different tune (as he always does in concerts) and I thought it really suit the song. And, as always mentioned in every other Coldplay concert reports out there (read: Kuzu's report only), the lights and visualizations are awesome. They had giant yellow balloons bouncing through the stadium when they were playing "Yellow", just like in their Singapore concert. What's different was that Chris popped TWO balloons with his guitar. XD

And there was this one song where Chris pulled down Jonny or Guy (I couldn't see which) down to the floor so they both had their backs to the floor and stayed down there singing/playing the guitar until the end of the song. XD I would think Jonny/Guy was thinking "Dammit, Chris, why do you have to ALWAYS pull me down to the floor!?" because I remember Kuzu mentioning him doing the same in the Singapore concert.

Song selection-wise, I'm quite disappointed they didn't play any B-side songs at all. :( So after the concert I treated myself to some singles (The Hardest Part, Fix You and Speed of Sound) just for their B-sides. I forgot I already have the mp3s for Speed of Sound's B-sides but oh well, good thing to support the original! I was so stupid to not pick up the Special Price Edition of the X&Y album, though. *saw it there* DX

Anyway, overall, it still was a fun concert. Ah hell, I'm just happy to finally be able to see Coldplay live. Chris sure likes to sing while sprawling on the floor. XD;;


And since I don't want to make another entry on this:
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR INFORMING ME, narugami!! ;_; OMGGGG A DREAM COME TRUE!! TAKE THAT, FANARTISTS, STEVE HAS WHITE HAIR!! I'm gonna blame it to the Japanese translation of the books but the Japanese keeps drawing him with brown hair. ;_; Wait, isn't it supposed to be grey hair? Oh God, now I can see all of my favourite Steve/Darren-esque scenes in manga form! OMG I can't wait to see the Vampire War arc (books 7-9) in manga form!! OMGOMGOMG ADULT STEVE!! (結局スティーブだけが目当てじゃん!) Okay, fine, OMGOMGOMG KURDA!! OMGOMGOMG that "Is that you, Kurda?" "NO!!" scene in manga form, too!! *still loves it until now*

Man, I didn't know I can still love this novel series so much until now... OTL Wonder if I can tachiyomi the magazine... Really, thanks a lot for the news, Adi. I checked back my old bookmarks of Darren Shan fansites but looks like no one else have heard about this yet. NEXT STOP IS ANIME ADAPTATION!! >:D

novels, coldplay, darren shan

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