Xenosaga Ep III Gameblog - Cleared

Jul 18, 2006 01:36

So. I just finished playing Xenosaga Episode III. 39 hours. This commentary contains no spoilers but I'll LJ-cut it anyway. I feel bad leaving my past commentaries outside a cut and causing people to get scared of the game. ^_^;

skuldnoshinpu was right; everything past this scene just wasn't as shocking to me (it's just me, really; I don't see anyone else reacting that badly to this scene so far XD;) but everything in the last dungeon to the ending was full of sadness, happinesss, aww-ness and WTF-ness. Or, to quote Ed, "mindfux0ry". XD I'm still confused by a bunch of stuff in the ending, but I'm always confused about a bunch of stuff in the Xenosaga games, anyway, so I'm not sure if I want to even bother learning. The death count in this game is a bit too much for me but it definitely made this game a very memorable one, in a heart-breaking way.

Wait. According to Ed, Jesus showed up? ........... Uh, where? *bricked* Say, Ed, can you record this scene for me, please? I can't find it on Youtube. 8D; (Surprisingly, or maybe not surprisingly, the URTV scene is already there)

*sigh* And that's it. The end of the saga for me. I'm not sure if I'll replay the game because all I wanted was to just to watch the story (says the girl who complained about the long cutscenes at the beginning of the game :P) so we'll see if I feel like coming back to it after I finish the other games on my to-play list. I still wanna draw fanarts and type up the gameblogs for the events in the middle of the game, though (I noted down my reactions as reminder), so I'll be doing that bit by bit for awhile.

Urgh, I don't ever want to push in 30-hours of gaming within 3 days again so I'll probably take Persona 3 on a slower stroll once I start playing it...

Now I need to start doing my Japanese speech that has be handed up tomorrow. 8DDD Sorry that I keep making entries but not reply comments. OTL And I have a Coldplay concert to go to tomorrow tonight so I guess replies and emails will have to wait for awhile, sorry! @_@;


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